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<br />ORDINANCE N0. 6509
<br />11n ordinance creating Street Improvement District No. 944; defining the boundaries
<br />of the district; providing for the improvement of streets within thn district by paving,
<br />guttering and all incidental work in connection therewith; and to provide for an
<br />effective date of this ordinance.
<br />_ SECTION 2. Street Improvement District No. 944 in the City of Grand Island,
<br />Eebraska, is hereby created.
<br />SECTION 2_ 2be boundaries of the district shall be as follows:
<br />__ Eeginning at a point on the South line of Former Park Road, said
<br />point being the Northwest corner of Lot 1, O'Neill Subdivision;
<br />hence running west nn the South tine of Former Park Road far a
<br />distance of 60 feet, or 18.28:1 meters, co the Northeast corner
<br />Of Lot 1, O'Neill Second Subdivision; thence running south an
<br />the East line of O'Neill Second Subdivision for a distance of
<br />62.545 feet, or 19.05+. meters; thence running nest on a line
<br />ppaarallel to and 52.545 fees, or 19.054 meters, South of the South
<br />line of Fonaer Park Raad, for a distance of 230.41 feet, more or
<br />less, oz 70_229 meters, more ar less; thence running South on a
<br />line parallel to and 230.43 feet, maze or less, or 70.229 meters,
<br />gaze or less, Vest of the vest line of Svivan Street for a
<br />distance of 343 feet, more ar less, ar 4~.SSb meters, more or
<br />less; thence r~ning ir;eest as a line parallel to and 205.545 feet,
<br />Gore ar less, or S2.5S0 meters, more or less. South of the South
<br />line of r'onnez Park Raad for a distance of 90.29 feat, maze or
<br />less, or 2T_5'=0 meters, gaze or less, to the 1Jest line of O'Neill
<br />Second $ubdivisian; thence running North nn the Pest line of
<br />O~ffieill Seed Subdivision and the North prolongation of the
<br />t~test liar of said subdivision for a distance of 58S.S4S feet,
<br />(lore oz less, ar 178.37E meters, mare or Tess; thence running
<br />East em a line parallel to and 340 feet, ar 103.632 meters, North
<br />of the North lice of Fanarz Park Road for a distance of 320.7 feet,
<br />or 97.749 meters; thence running South as a line parallel to
<br />sAd 124.7 feet, or 93.739 meters, East of the North prolongation
<br />a# Lhc Ltest Sine of 0"Neill Second Subdivision for a distance of
<br />~0 feet, or 91.440 meters: thence running East an a line
<br />para12x1 to and 40 feet, ar 12.392 meters, North of the Barth
<br />lice of Fonaer Park Road for a distance of 50 feet, or :8.288
<br />alters; theme zvnning South on the Nazih praiaaRation of the
<br />East line of Spivan Street far a distance of 80 feet, nr 23.38+
<br />wetera, to the Nartlnxst earner of Lot 3, O'Nei13 Subdivision,
<br />beiarg t~ ~a~t ^f ~ginni_^.g. '11 as shwa! n^ the plat ~zked
<br />Estsihit "d' at-cached hereto sad iacarparated herein by reference.
<br />SECSIDg 3. Abe #oilaving aaeets in the district shall he improved by paving,
<br />entDiag, gntteriag, and all incidental wrk is connection therewith:
<br />Foaaoer Park 3sad fraas the cast line of $yivan Streit vest 380.7 feat.
<br />laid iaipraa~aamta shah be made is accordance with plans and apecifiutiona prepared
<br />~ tie &giosez fax the City and approved by the lsayor aed Countil_
<br />SEt.3TO14 i_ Ibe ispzovca~ents ahaii be atde at public cost, bat the cost thereof,
<br />a0elndiag interscctims, s3uli be assassxd upon the cats and lands in the district
<br />spsrisl~ bane#iLad tbeztb7, a: pznvidad by l.av.
<br />3_ Ibis ordia:ae; shall be is forte sad take affect from sad after
<br />its pasaaEs, apgssrrai, and pobiitaeioa, viebaut Lbe pint. as provided by
<br />2 S 1973
<br />I.EfAi. tJEPARTME
<br />