<br />STATE OF NEBRASSA, County of ....................................................:
<br />Flied for record on ................................. 19 ........ at ............................ o'~~lcek ........................'.i.
<br />and recorded in the Deed Record ................................. Page .......... _................
<br />....................._............................ H. .......... _...........,..............-....,..........................................
<br />Register of Deeds U-•i,ia=-= Rae;(>ter of 'deeds
<br />,f
<br />~~
<br />.--
<br />ALIt:R 63HLE, an tazretttaxri:ed widow ,herein called the gravior wheti;~r cre er mere.
<br />is consideration o= R~SRTY THOUSAND artd no,/100 DOLLARS (530,000.00)
<br />received from grantees, does grant, bargain, seL cevze}' and cor.?irm unto THEC?DORS _ DSBBERN
<br />and ~tSTANGF ~~. DSBBERN, Husband and Wife,
<br />s_s joint tenanis with rigLt of sttrsirorship, a:.d not ~u tznant: i:, t~:.::non, t`e follon-ie~; descrice:' a?
<br />property in .._ ..........................~._..................._ Cnt:ne}', \et~ras5s
<br />Lot Nina t9) and the West Bstlf {Ww) of Lat
<br />7k~n {20) in Blotdc "B", Pizst Addition to ~,~.~.~
<br />River, 3x11 c5otettF, tiehraa4tn. 1' ~(fAR1L
<br />?.ait:s~ ;v-,T ~i t ~.ti~`~~ ~1 ~ 119
<br />~~~
<br />To bare and W haid the above descrit•zd premises t,~~ztw°r ~r:t, ell tznements, hrr=~<titaiuents
<br />sad agparteaanees :.hereto belas~;'.ng unto the grantees and to their assigns..,r to the heir and ,siLys
<br />of the snrs~iror ~~f theme forerer-
<br />Aad granter gaze hez'ehr aocenant vrith the ersviecs and zs;t!a heir acst,~s and ~-ith the `:ei:s
<br />aad as~gas caf thz snrsi.or a# ti:erw thax granter ~ 3a4rfaa'sr ::e>3 of saiu pze_zszs: ti,at ;.- sre ~~~ t=o~
<br />eacmnbrasee
<br />tbst grartra has ~vd riEhx and lotcf'ul :ut;=o.^:tr ,,. _,a~rk .... .. a... tF,;~t ..._. -rr„z_ry ~ _,i _-_
<br />defend tl:e xit?~ to said przani,es against tl=z :sucful eisu:s c. _. , ... ,. ; i::~;.:~oeir.
<br />lL ii. the intention of ali partie_ h~rexe xhat to tl:~e errnt of t'r.e dzath z,f Tither of t3~e rsvta•s,
<br />ta? zaaire fer titlz x=~ .;;vin x•ea7 pr~~r:rrt} vteal rt~~~ n, * ,- _~~:.n ~ ~rsnxer
<br />Rated ,~dY'fn l~Fit ~ 1479, f ~
<br />3'TATE ~F _-..._--.__._.._ .................... t'•c~3Lar oT .____._B811.-......._...-............_....._:
<br />$,nt'ezr ma, a notary pnhlic ,~nsiified faz said count(. a,ersonais_,° cause
<br />za.vt~ f, are taz+c*~~+ed rzidaw,
<br />knows to tae tc+ be Lhe identisa) l~ersoa or persons mho signed the ft,rzgoivg instrument and aaknowlesged
<br />the ezecstioa titerawi` io be his, her or tha~ir valtwxr,~r-,yam art and deed.
<br />~tnms ID,9 hated and s61a2t81 seal en ....~ r~.{f..L~.~#L. ts. ... .................. 19. ~~.-........
<br />C.R. 9J1R;L ......_._..._....... ... _ ....................:. Notan• Publiz
<br />t~tifAAL NL7T;,t?±`
<br />&TATf t)F kEBHt;SKA Mi• eotnmis€cion eapiras ._.........._ .................................. llt...............
<br />#!!y {woe ~t l:et mod, ;
<br />Fotvx #2 Tod _ .- =liar ~a&Oeiaxlt?n >*.x~,: s wan a. i.;,,~mn, x:or.
<br />