<br />~__ --
<br />~A A-RE¢J., ~TAT~tfk10RTGAGE-(With Tax Clause) Rev. S8 Huffman and ielton & Wolf. Walton, Ne. 65461 i
<br />• r - - - ---
<br />- ~ KhOW ALL N.EN BY THESE PRESEh^I'S: Tha>Gerald H. Moeller aril MiC}-~e1e S. Moeller, ~' -~
<br />t
<br />each in his and her own right a d as ~he spouse of each other.
<br />~ Hall County, gird State of ~}e bras a in mnc_ideratien ctf the sum of ~!.:
<br />~Swent four thousand & no/100 --- - -- (524,000.00)--------- DOLLARS
<br />y° Wayne A Kimball & Lula A. Kimball, as 3t. tan.
<br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and cativEY unto as to 1/2 of the amount of this mortgage; rid
<br />~Eisie Niemoth Hendrickson as to the other 1/2 of the amount of this mort~a e:.
<br />t of HaIL Counh~, State <:. NebraSkd the following descrilxd gremises situa
<br />t in Hall county. and start ~•t Nebraska . to-wit:
<br />tract of land described as a part of the NWT of Section 13, Township 12, }
<br />j~orth, Range 9, krest of the 5th P.M. and more particularly described as
<br />follows: &eginning at the NE earner of said NWT and running thence South
<br />Mang and upon the East line of said NWT a distance of 323 ~t.; running then e
<br />Nest and parallel to the north line of said NiJ~ a distance of 951.1 ft; run itlg
<br />thence north and parallel to the east line of said NW's a distance of 323 ftL
<br />to the north line cf said NWT and running thence East along and upon the north
<br />dine of said NWT a distance of 950.7 ft. to the point of beginning subject
<br />tc the 4fl foot read right-of-way along the north side of said above des-
<br />gibed tract.
<br />- ~ The intenticut being to com ey beech:: an ah4,:u:., title in ft• si mtile. in:?udina all the rights of hom++tead and dovti•er. ~ -
<br />- '1'O H9VE 9KD TD RC)LD rite psr;nt_:rs atx„r ds: nha-~i7. ,cith atl the apPUrtrnances thereunto belonging, unto the sa9d r
<br />- - - - - __ __ - - - __ ~i - utua .~ - _ :t,e __ -.
<br />.,, i
<br />condition iitat if the said ntartgagorist lta~ h.=r~.+r their heirs. exz'<vtuzs, adutinist tarots ~* .. ~Yi ~.;. shalt pay}or cerise to be ~.
<br />paid tzr the said ruangager(>?, his, her or their ttrirs, e•xan~utc^rs, adntinistratars or ~ ihns, the ;tr:n. ipal sum of $ 2Lf , flflQ. flfl
<br />- ~~ payalie as fal3oxa to wil: {
<br />$4,8fl0.OQ principal plus interest computed from this date
<br />and payable November I, 1980;
<br />,8i1fl.00 principal plus interest an November I, 1481,
<br />$4,$t?O.fl0 principal plus i:.;serest en November 1, 1982;
<br />$!+,$fl0.Ot? principal plus interest on November I, 1983;
<br />$:~,8t3{3.D0 principal plus interest cn NOvemler 1, 198u.
<br />vrith iairrest am>rding t~n the trnar a=~,i eBa<::,f the tna,r.~ag. rs wrizies pnzmis-,orr to+k ixaring even date with three Ptv~nta
<br />and c6a?S paF~ ail tomes. anc asu,~-t>,-nL. tr,~tr<i uix.n mid rril estate, atul al: atfrer t.^urs, iei ies and a3;e~a~:menti levSrd upon This
<br />mrrt,Sagr ztr the anti -rhih thts r_:.,r.LZra is ~i+~e^zt t.t se~tun^. tx=tore t3sr .a~rtr }wx~.znrs delinquent. and weep ihr bui7dizsgs an
<br />' said prfmi"z.: insumi f;u ~t-x :-um ..3 9, rasa, if any. it~syahte to the ~ zaurtgagrr. theft these pz•~zenm
<br />Eo tae .wd, wthrrn~i~• z.. t a~ s rrrna;n i*; ±u:i f{.rnr.
<br />- T#` $S F'z'RTHE.R AGREEJ t.t Tiai v< the >vd mart~a n^nr sisa3 fail a ~' retch taxes or pr c~°r- wclz izzstrram~, We
<br />' said rstrrt;eai:a~ era}' pay -~..°1x tnxe.~= and F~.-:~1re suc~tt insu ra~-s: r: and the w-n ~, odes.-ttd, sath irtere=: at '~~ jj f` per
<br />rnnt. s~aEi t+r- rspaid b~ ;a;d .-..--:,rra~ :r. and th;s zno^.gage ..Ball .lata-i as wrarit. f:tr t!>z ;rime. t-'1 That a fadure't3 pay an3'
<br />' of said incvsey, eit2>FS ;>nnra75a7 er tatrrrsi, ahr-:z ihE~ .ant [arrt~e. due, or a failure in cortr}ai whit any of tkte foregoinE;
<br />a~zs, rim?': ca~ie xlte ao..,ie gum c3 tna._e.• hcrrirt s:~^urrd to t~..n.r due and v:lcrtittlr at 4utEr s! the r,Rlion of the
<br />tarct~~e~r~ ,~f yy
<br />_ Sued tkus f ~ day of f1,+`d~fiiftt~~{_,., iS 79
<br />R ~i 1 ,'_
<br />in pr.sra< o€ ,:_*-: T~.t~R '_i t ~:{~ --
<br />Gerald }i. ~iaeller
<br />S3'ATE t}F ..... -l3ebr-as~ca.. . G~aunic of ..Hai 1.... ...
<br />f
<br />'Y93e fitre~cZittg itt`st_*xt.m.ent Qcss a: kriox 3 Y'dl~ ~t~sre me +KL.. >~~?`f'?~'1..Lf"" ..19.7.9 -
<br />i
<br />lsf ~.- .^:erald .}¢_.23oe11.er and h!ichele S.Moeller, each in his and her awn
<br />j-igilt and as tl~ie spcuse of eaah other, ~,_.~.,. --_-
<br />'- ~~--
<br />1 ~-_ ~ ~~y/~..YE'~ S~,t38tt;Ir of Pe3`si3I5 Tak~itig AL~~Ed~tI:int
<br />~~~~a,'ttaD Natazt,<..Pvblic.....
<br />3 Title
<br />St'A'i~ OF.._-..._..._.~..-~.__._~..~_ _.._.,.-.---- ; Entered nn ntuaericai izidex ar,d filed for tecr+rd
<br />- _--- ' sa. in the Register of IIaeda f)Licr of aaaf County the
<br />.__~___.._..tisp ai._._„---.__'-----__.-....__-..--.. 19.-"..-... at_----.----.....__-o'clac{c and.......__..-......__.... -minutes .._..._.....-._._M..
<br />~ rersrded ~ $onk..-.-_ .~--"f---°--------.----.-------.at pegr_..._._---_._...._.._...._._....._...
<br />---------------------_..--------.._ ................._..... -Reg. of Deeds
<br />BY-.-_.._...._.___._---- ...............__...-___....___._......._.Deputy j
<br />,___.
<br />