~s~la'r>; ur~ tvrtsttaeha, Uounty of ........_ ..............................................: NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY.
<br />Filed for record and entered in Nttmerieal Index STAMP TAX
<br />on ..._ ...................................................... at ................ o'clock ................ iwi.. `a 7
<br />~~Y ~ ~ ~l~
<br />and recorded in Deed Record ............................. Page ............................
<br />..............'T.......................................... By ............................................................ ~
<br />Cov_tc Clerk or Deputy Cornty Clerlt or ~~y _~t~Y
<br />Register of Deeds Deput.}- Register of Deeds
<br />~~~ ~}~~~i STATEMEN"i ATT+4t'~=D
<br />Wayne A. Kimball and Lula A. Kimball each in his and her own right
<br />and as spouse of each other, and Elsie Niemoth Hendrickson and
<br />Robert A. Hendrickson, her husband ,
<br />herein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br />in consideration of Thirty Thousand Three Hundred Sixty ($30,360.00) Dollars
<br />r~eitied from grantees, does grant, bargain. ;ell, convey and confirm unto
<br />Gerald H. ^laeller and :Michele S. D3oeller,
<br />a. joint tenants and not a_4 tenants itt camn;en, the follan-iug described real property in
<br />.__....__...~~~~_. ....... County, tiebrasks: A Tract of land described as apart of
<br />the Northwest Quarter (N~xl~-) of Section Thirteen {13), in Township Twelve (12)
<br />North, Range Nine (9), West of the 5th P.M. and mare particularly described as
<br />1..SI 4rr~ .. !-IT_~ ~aYthn~ct runs s• t,~ Said ~vrthv,tlct ~tu7YtY~ (~.1;'~ Sld
<br />iJilu`Y:J: .oval?uiiixg at c i ca.~< <...,~ , ~ „ . ..~..~ .~ u,. ~. ~_ ..
<br />running thence South along and upon the~~East line of said Narthwest~Quarcer4(NW~)
<br />a distance ai Three Hundred Twenty-Three (323') feet; running Chence West and
<br />parallel tc the North line of said Northwest Quarter (NWT) a distance of Nine
<br />Hundred Flfty-©ne and tine Tenth Feet {957..1') running thence North parallel to
<br />the. £ast line of said Northwest Quarter {NSJ~-} a distance of Three Hundred Twenty
<br />three Feet {323',1 to the 2:orth line of slid 'titorthwest Quarter (NWT-}; and running
<br />thence £asL along and upon the-North Iine of said Northwest Quarter {NW's) a dis-
<br />tance of Nine Hundred Fifty an3 Seven Tenths Feet {950.7') to the point of begin-
<br />ning, subject tc the Fort, Foot {iztlx) road right-af-way clang the North side
<br />of said above described tract.
<br />To hale acs t~, hold t„f abn~r ;t.~rribrd premise, tngetlter xxith all trtenxents, bereditamenta
<br />and ~:l urtenaners t':rrec~, 2>elonginc ~.._.., the rra±,tres as joint tensors.
<br />and granted :loss hrre:~y rt:renart xx itlt the .;raatae. that grartar is ]sw iuli~ seised of said
<br />i~remi.,rs: thsi they are free from eneumt+mner:
<br />that grsntor has goad rigt,t an,? laxfi:.' anthcrtr to ranxry t,c san;e: and that. graator erarranis cad will
<br />defend Ltts <+Le tc sa±.'. prernise- exalt * the ?=wf,1 r1ai~=s c=f all l.e,~.=~ wbatnsaere*.
<br />/;~ s I~
<br />,~ Daitd tlctal>er ~ lg i'4 ~ v r
<br />.~ 'r _ ~' _ _ ~' _ r ..,._ -~~~ Waves ne ~~im a i
<br />p 5 '
<br />~ E1si 1•i~taoth He r1 c~i2San
<br />..._ .. ..Z..._.. .. ....- - -. ~ -
<br />' f.. ~......
<br />,. ;
<br />Lula A. Kimball
<br />.a rt A. Hen rickson
<br />?~TE F)F NEPR~~A.~_ {'u;r:_t+ r=f _Hall
<br />Iiefatr me, a notate g:tblie qualified for said county, pet~anaLy came
<br />iJa;t*ta2 fx. 1:itabai and Tula A. Kitnbail,each in his and her own right and as
<br />Spouse o€ each other, and Elsie Niemoth Hendrickson and Robert A. Hendrickson,
<br />her husbattt~.
<br />knox~cn tc me to tre the identical person ar persoua who signed the
<br />forgoing ina;tran,ent and aeknotx•]edge the execution thereof to be his,
<br />her or their roiutttarr act and deed.
<br />Witness mg bead and notarial seal on ...Dc her.......?........._...
<br />iHtgr-ass++
<br />~G.iti-~9! .•7d~~.~'•-./~s-'`.c:i~~:. .'......t/.G-~:.~tary Public
<br />~IFOraml3F+.1.~D ~ yf~- ," LJ. GG
<br />'~fc commission eapires ...,~~ ....,_...../ .................... 29.f?..~%...
<br />Form 4_,§ Approred by Nebraska State Bar ~nariatinn Fdlaa k wdf Rti, tiemn, Nebr.
<br />