79-' ~E}'72~ ~
<br />n1~R•rGACf LOAN NO. L 23 ,607
<br />t~owALLME~.Rr'rtieserRfsexrs:Tnat ~;onte W. Barcus and Angela R. Barcus, each in his and
<br />her own right, and as sgouse of each oilier
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or tmre, in Sbrtsideratbn of the seem of
<br />.Twenty-eight Thousand Eighi Hundred and 'do1100-_-_---------------------- LypLyAxs
<br />baz..-d to sat mortgsgnr by Tt~ fquitahk Ruilding and t.uan Asaw.iaiion of Grand Islend, Nebradca, Mortgagrt, upon ~$~ shares of stork of
<br />sail: ASSE3t:.7ATfON, Ctrtii~ratt Na. L 23 t 6D7 , do hretby grant, romry and rttortgage unto ilia said ASSOCIATION dte following
<br />descattzed r_aI estate, situated in }ia3 County, Nebraska-
<br />tgyee[izer R3ib sll for irocarsts, herrdriamrttts an.3 appuilrrsa~rs ttterrur,;,, !Y'n*t>Feng., rrtc?tdittg attaz-3zed Haar Zzzrrittgs, aR wittdow seYrens,
<br />zvil,das shades, hlindz, sttva; wtrtdows, ac:,Irtgs_ txai:rtg, a:r „,•,dttzara~tg, aar,'. pSurnbirik and vatez tytuptrztnt ami acxxsn:ries thcralo, ptm~vs, i;ptei.
<br />reftiReralntt,-sed oxfKt fistturs sad equipazent aow a± he~rtafier satachtd t,• aI use:. in a,.^.rte<tw n wcah razd east tstate.
<br />Aud vtirrtas the aid troxrgagaz has agree arz daxx htxr{-y agrrc 'ha: ~rx m.>rt fagar sha13 and +•~Il pay aR taxer atsd asatstments kvied or
<br />att=aed upon aid prenst:s and tx,^><n this wo,-tg:ec ara, ck+r b~ri sr~-turi ?4xreb. bt*.-,r: ttsr same sttal! trttmrze delirquent; to fl~rtidt appmaed
<br />insfvantz upaa tlr. tr:dYdesas on aid prrtcises s:t trans :n Ihr sam of 4 2S , BDD. DD pay at+3r to ~ ASSOCUTION utd to ,ieliver to said
<br />A~SiyCiATIQa: i7ar pakicies fcr said itesurancr: and nu ro azmtmt :x pr: amt any waste na or about sand prrnusrs;
<br />to >~ ;zf default m the prrlozmnax ai any of fix tams aIx} roadttzurts ai tnts ;as,rtga€r ar the taa3 strnnv }xrtby, tIu mortyyee shag.
<br />ao 3raaand, Ize et+trt.#d to ittmrdiatr pas9essaan of the tmtrptged premssn and the ametgr>r hereby ass~etu. traadtrs atxi acts aver i. Q+e
<br />ranee a9 tfze reazs, rtve`IItrtS at+d itlot+me m he drtivt8 f:mm the ttzart{tged prcttzues duru^. sucit ur[u ss the mortgage mdtbirdrca shad trmam
<br />tmpied; and flit mrvia~r siaR !tare the pt~~rl to zppoins sm- sgrnr h :cents r, may arsar. for the p,u~ of rrpai!ir3g aid ptrennta and renting
<br />for ata and collerb+tsS ihr rents. Irvenuts and rtu~ame. and a tray pay out .,f saaf trtaaate a41 espenarz of :tpairzag said prentisrs and atteaary
<br />ass sed exprntrs encarred in rrnimr, a~ martagmg size erne attd of :atircKets tenants thtrefrsun: the tta}ance rtrauittitg, if any, to !x
<br />tppdisi rorard tare div-.trargr of sa+d aarigagr indrhtedtsrz:z: +ht~ r,taus ~,f tax c><.u~tYxxcrc !uav ZK rxrrrtard at any time uttritg the exisiena of atteb
<br />dtfardl, irrespt.-terr of a-} tt¢~txan~ r~aivrr at L'x amr
<br />Tbear PYraenxs, noziccvr:, are unary the C' rs:irts.,n.7'Fa: a t}u a~ ll.ztagag..r shaSi rr}vy sazd irar, xt ar yriurr alit matu[ity of aid rhares by
<br />psymerzt: pay m,azttiy to sazd A_~OC'fdTii.T\ w` air sva: spr~fznl +n tfrc R.md sc,-utxai hrre9y as znttcrst and pevuip~at ors scud bast, un or before
<br />tAe Tv t•.utietizday of ta:3 and :ac:;~ mzn;h.,rntt3 iaan xs iulh~ pad: pay sit sacra and asscsaztzratz'sez~,t agai.~t saa-1 prctnises attd ew itrit Mo=tgade
<br />aad raze &+rzd teaurd t.hrrrhy, tzelrxr dctt.°tyrny , zararstz appnwtd tnmrtarstr uwm rate M-iidsrgs IfXrUm m :Ix sum of 3 i?$ , BDD . OQ pay-abk
<br />li saa! ASSLYYATIOh: repay t:, azd ASSOCI.4TItl'. t>rn~n atmam: aft tnaney ?+y xt paw fus su.`7'.~ taxer, s.r«~...,P.,ts and insuraraa with uiterest as
<br />the Ittartir:»ttn : rate tircttasn f ~fias date ai pn ~zrnt aC:.ti yfi;:t !d.uigai.,e hereto ~ezsr:s t,: pay . pcrtzut ov wasre un said prrmtm: keep atd avr:tph.
<br />vitlt ~ t3a apartneals end aruzd 7ivu c.a t#te $.mC. f.ar 5 ?~ a~~i~. t'~ el:h .saz gtvrr.. k !hr mad 5{~vt_aaxor as said A~SOCiATION: attd wr~q~fy
<br />raafm aB lbe rttrtmrntx czf ttre C.~,ns:I[~t±ac~n and R} ;.ea; a{ as! AS4Cy(~IA710\, tan =.h=sc xtaects sba7i brc>ame n~ and zctid, tztisetwiat they
<br />drab retassm b fnl! ftxs std rs~y t+r farrr+:zt~: at tltt uptr.nn t5i t}rc sand AS1tJC`L4Ti0A xftrr failure {o: three +nonths xu make am' of tad
<br />paysae:nts to br tltrrr nxanths m znrars m txvlrog said mc~ttdy paynzrata, .r€ :,, [rep and :.~mpFy air_h tau agrnmenes and vndttiarts of said Bond:
<br />aal'tlmi~sa w tzazr a reertvrr a}Z{tcunta: farlhxet:h s! mad: iixzn-3i»arr prwrrrf;rrg>
<br />4r thefe a tmy na ~-oravhsp at t#¢ rcx? ta~atr mt.n tgagrs} k~rrzn, t+r sak at uttrrrrtsr, tizen for rntue tauyuudr~ ;:,drbtednes lsetehy
<br />scaaai sha@, d ibe rquian czf ^'be fgtutahk $xiidmg art,! txurt Amt'satwue .d t:tatd island. ~vr!zra~a, tre vnte unmedutehy due attd payitrk teithou2
<br />forayer mazer. nail itu asuotasl trtrtazarrag due untita sazd hand, nail any ux3zr+ tkznrf for ar~r addttrwui advan:tu made thereunder, shall, Itrxn the
<br />tstwr rd ratstafe of ad raptxzn, bear itxtrrrm at 22[t ttsarnttttun ~ ntr, aszd thzs =axt~ may then br lort,:}ased to satisfy the amount date on said
<br />btzad,asd aa»• aibex trtrmd frzr addtli:xnai ydi°an.~. tr~ctlrr ta~th aL sa^.m patd bt tatd T}it r..~uttateir 8uifdseea :nil Loan Asoeiation of Grand Isbnd,
<br />hlaLtaaka for itzR+rantx, rases and Yra~a6nle.tts and absv^a:-irnX eszcnsia= target, atN snurest ihe+ean, from dart of paymtat at the rtnzimum
<br />~.
<br />As pst+si~a sb rite Boni sc~trt;t Iurel+y, za'tt>~ }Ius nzvtctrgt trm:oi ut rfirn the uwxtgrgtr array txteatlel adraMZ adrtizinrnl stuns to the
<br />Mess ~ and B:zad, rtreir ac~zs sa ssuaxmrn m a+trtrsi , v, ssanz s'a<I? hr vai[trin the sec+uily ut alias ttxztigatst the same az xhe funds origszilty
<br />wed x'~elr€, ~ fatal aa,.ww d }s~m,:fpsi deist r u xo txreed u an4 tinx the or>[attal arnouni of thss nwriga~c.
<br />~ lSt r't No~eiifber A.IS., s4 7g
<br />~~
<br />d ii. BarCiiS
<br />37XZti C3F itFltgxlSFti
<br />C+fYUlWty t~ yiALE ~ a ~ ~ 1st day ref tiovember iv 79 = ~f~ ~,
<br />tl,e umia~s>sord, a Notary Putriic in and far acid Cormry, persuttaRy taupe
<br />Hti~r Id. Barcus anti Ange]ar~, tack in his and her own right and as s~ou~sel ~m oath
<br />are r to
<br />ree to be the itinrgGtl I' 5 '' 4-~ ~ ~~ 31'f ~ afftzr~d to the abate iastrtt>}zenx as mtsti~agar s atzd they sezera(IY
<br />adt'oxlodgzd the raid itstmrttt:tt»t to tap = ~" ,~ ~il' volns4vy sat srtd deed.
<br />XI7N£SSt~yhsadihadNptawi8r,ati~~.i~res~~a£orrsaid. ff~/j'J~ ~,,[/ ~v~//
<br />MY!4zaffiat¢an espwd9es ~,~ -'~' ~7' _ ~ _.~ _...L.LSC-~Le~~ --
<br />- - -- - Notary Public
<br />ta3aas u - ... -
<br />