f-e eo[-c¢ ad '
<br />7 Oi3724U
<br />M~liTIGAGE
<br />7~'HIS MORTG9GE is made this .......... .. .12#h .. .....day of .....October............... .
<br />1J.... ,between the Mortgagor, IRA J... ! EE..ANil. I:DJ2A . J ..LEE , .husband. anal .w i te_ ........... . .
<br />................................. _ {herein '"Borrower"l, and the Mortgagee. Home Federal
<br />Savings and Loan Assoesatxin, a corporation organised end existing unde_* the laws of The United States of
<br />America, whose addretsa is 221 South Locust SLreet, Graad Island, Nebraska therein "Lender").
<br />W , Borrower u indebted to Lender in the principal sum of. T~tNT,Y.e t CIT, Ttji}~Ij~u'IR .r.CVE.NIINL~.RED
<br />~D PdQ 100'---""-"""""-'.::'"'-"-Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's note
<br />..................................
<br />~~.. , f)c#ober. ,12„ ,1,97. , . , , , (herein "Note"), providing far monthly installments of principal and interest,
<br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, dte and payable on..... Navercbe c. I ,. 20DFs - • • • • •
<br />To Stctate to Lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness zvidznezd by the Note, with interest thereon, the
<br />payment of all other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance hzrewtith to protect the security of this
<br />Mortgage, and the pedormartce of the covenant and agreements of Borrower heroin contained, and tb) the repayment
<br />of anv future advances. with intern-st thereon. made [o Borrower by Lender pu[suant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein
<br />"Future Advattoes"), Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the fallowing described property
<br />located in the County of ... . ..... . . .....HALL............ _ - ......... State of Nebraska:
<br />31F C3Y IFil 3AS Sdi:ff`1S 11A;F Li136ifSQC i"2 Tt-:is^-TY fiinl tU uf1L'Atit ni~ln w~crlCi~ Iln,-,~T~1A1 T:1
<br />TF?E CIT:' t3F =e'~~18 ISLAND, HALL (~lJh~', NEBRASKA.
<br />To r~-r'~ord rtL,r-tt~a~e t~rrec#ing #y~raphicai error on ;~venan#s #21 Fu#ure Advances
<br />incarre~ly shown as g-1,250D.OD ins'~sa~~# 57,250. D0.
<br />thstdrettddrasad....,..... ~l'~.N~S#..1~33c1es ....................vcand..ls4and..._...-...,
<br />Ysr~r1 [cs+y3
<br />. Nob raslta OBi3ill ... _ (5ene's1 `Propcrt}' Address"'),
<br />tShrre see F+V ~s
<br />'~trGET6$!, aAth iF~ ~ ~ Haar ar hereafter erected on the property, and all eaaerr~nts, right.
<br />r~s, roP rttinsrat, orl sad gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stock, and aU
<br />ttitlal+ra taaw m herr.~ ~ io the property, a9 ~ which. ittclutling rrments arui add'stiarts thereto, shall be
<br />dt~od to be sad tc~[ a put d ~ pm~rty syrvered by this Mortgage; and a[I of the foregoing, together with said
<br />Pt'ap~Y (ar t;se mold sdp~e ~ this ~ iR tm a kssehold) sre harem referred to as the "Property".
<br />~v that. ;~ is ~ seised of the essat hetc~ry conveyed ark has the right to mortgage,
<br />8~ ;~ Y #{~¢ P'Y, thsa dc: property is ttnenntmbered, and that Borrower will warrant and defend
<br />tie r8te tq the Property age ad .:aim and demands, subjeRt to any deelaratior[s, easements or restrictions
<br />llstcd ~ a c{ m cavsrage in arty title insurance policy insuring Lender's interest in the Property.
<br />-,l #e 4 Faritb-b175--ENIU!#1UIC lI~M1 ~7/~Ik11F
<br />