<br />Uri7FOxta Covexnxrs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />I. Payment of Principal sod lntesest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and imerest on the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and tare charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mongage.
<br />2. Elands for Taxes tud Irisarauet. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver b}' Lender, Bottower shall pay
<br />[o Leader on ?he day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Noce, until the Nate is paid in full.
<br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yeari~~ taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Mortgage, and gmund rents on the Pmpeny, if nay, plus one-ttveifth of yearl}' premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any, all as rzasonably estimated initially and from
<br />~z*t to tune by Leader on the basis of assessments and bails and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />`_"he Funds shall be held in an institution the deports or accounts of which are insu?rd or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />slate agency fincluditig Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shah apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessmens,
<br />ituutaace ptemituns and ground rents. Linder may oat charge tar so holding and applying the Funds, anal}'zing said account,
<br />or verifying and compiling said asstssmens and bills, unless Lender pats Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits I,eruier w make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Mor+~~ that torten[ on [he Funds shall he paid to Battawer, and unless such agreement is made or applicable taw
<br />requira such interat to be paid, Lender shall not be required M pay Harrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Linder
<br />shall gir-z to Bormwe;, wiiisaut chargt, an annual atceunting of thz Funds spewing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purport far which each debit to tht Funds was made. 'ibe Funds are pledged es addi»onat security far the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage.
<br />If tht amount of the Finds held by Lender, togethzr with the futu;z manthh' installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dates of taxtx, assessmeau, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall txcted the amount required to pay said tarts,
<br />assessmtng, insurance premiutns as>d gmund yens as the} fall due, such excess shall br, at Borrow'er's agtion, either
<br />pram}sdy regsid to Borrower or credited to Bormwer on monthly installments of Funds. If the amaunt of the Funds
<br />held by Lender shall oat he sufficient to Pay [arts, assessmems, insurance premiums and gmund rents as they fa31 due,
<br />liorrawer shall pay to Linder an}' amount necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 da}'s tram the date notice is mailed
<br />by Ltxider to Bormwrr regixsiing payment thereat.
<br />Upon gayr~nt in full of aB coats secured be this Mongage, Linder shall promptly refund to Harrower any Funds
<br />held by Lender. If under patsgt'aph IR hermf tht Prapen}' is seid or the Prafnn}' is otMnvise acquired by Linder, Lender
<br />shag ap~y, tto iattr than iinntidiateh' priar to the sale of the Propeny ar its acquisition b}' Lender, any Funds htld b}'
<br />r R tin ~ at a....t~.:.~ a__s a ,-_-~;t snare-na zhz sums secured b} this MangaSr.
<br />3. Atplicatioa at Pa3'mests. Units applicable law provides otherwise.. alt pa}'mtn[s receivid by Lerdu under the
<br />Rote and paragraphs t atsd 2 lxrtaf shall bi applied Dy Ltndrr first in payment of amounts payahlt is Lender b}' Sormw'er
<br />under paragraph ~ hereof, xtxti la ioittrst payable on the Note, thin to thi principal of thi Note. and thin is interest and
<br />Iaitszipal an any Future Advaaas.
<br />1. t'Lta~es; I3tas.. Barrnwtr shall gay all taxt.~ a_.sessmens and other charges, fines and impositions attribuiabie to
<br />the Pxupetty which may attain a ptiatiry over this Mortgage, and ieasthold ga}mens or ground rents, if any, in the ttianner
<br />provided under paragraph ,'. hereof' or, i# not paid in steep manner, by Barrower making payment, whin due, directly to the
<br />payee thtteaf. Borrawu shall pr%~ptiy iumish to Ltndrr a31 naticts of :imauau dtu urtder this paragraph, and in tht evtmt
<br />P,ccrewts shall make pa}'ntrnt dire.°th. Bartewer shall pmmpih iumish to Linder receips evidencing such payments.
<br />Bcvrawee dull prompdy d~chargt any lien which has gnonty over this Mortg~eee; pmsided, that Borrower shall not be
<br />tti dis~arge any such lien so }ang as $a_rmwrr shat] agree in writing to the payment of the obliga7ion secured by
<br />such lien is a [nantstr axeptatak m Leadtr, ar shat3 ifl goad faith contest such lien h}', ar defend enfareement of sui}i lien in,
<br />legal proceedings which operate w pte• v9tit the tnforcetrieri of thz hen er 2oRtiturr of the Prapert}' or any pan thereat.
<br />5. $atear3 lit~aet. Borrower shall kxg the improvements nou txistina ar hereafter et~ctad on the Pmptrty ensured
<br />against Lass by Sue, hazard; included within tht term "exttndtd ix,verage", and such other hazsrds as Lendtr cone requitt
<br />and m stilt amounts sad far such ptriods as Lender :nay rcquitt; pros•ideJ, that Lender shalt oat rtquitc that the amaunt of
<br />Stich tavzrage excxed that attwimi of rovtragt required n, gat' the sums sicuted be this Mongage.
<br />Ibe insurance cattier providing tht insuraar shat! be chastrt by Som,wrr subjut to apgraval by Linder, provial=d.
<br />tliu sins approval shaII irae lit unreasonably w•iihhcid. All grea[iums on insurance paiicies shaiS be paid .n the manrtcr
<br />pravitiai under paritgrap2i 2 heteui or, if nai paid in stop mariner, b}' Borinwu making pa}'mtt?t. when due, :litectly to the
<br />carriv.
<br />~' All itssttranzr poli:.ies avid retuwals thrttaf shad bt in farm acccptabk to Ltndrr and snail include a uandani mortgage
<br />ctatwe m taunt of sad in #ixm accsPu~e to Lender. Lender shalt have tlit right to fi:sld the paiicits and rcritwak thtre~i[.
<br />and Bcemwu shall premipdy #tu>:isli to isnder all retxwal naticts and all rrxipts of paid premiums. In the tutor of kiss.
<br />Saeraw~' sitsll gut proinpr >x~itt to tht itssuranei carrier aril Ltndrr. Lender may makt pr~,f of kvs i2 net made promptly
<br />by Hants~er_
<br />U~eas Leader and Btarrawtt othtrvvsst agrrz in writing, insutnnx pracetds shalt ile apptitd to restoration ar repair of
<br />die Paoptaty damaged, pmstidal such t+esaotati.,n ar rcp-,ut is mcnamicath' tensible and the security ,f this Mongage is
<br />ticH :}' impaired. if sucie tmaraiinn ar repazr is oat rcawvnicali} feasititi or it the stcurt} at ibis Mongage would
<br />bt imtpairsd, the itssrta~e ptocrads shall lx appfied to the sums snored by this Marigage, wuh the excess, if any, paid
<br />to $~rawcr. i; [hc Pmpute a stuuidaned ny Bomswrr..;r tt Benawtx Sails to respond u, Lrndir within 30 days from the
<br />date noiite is mailui b}' Lmiet to Barmwer that the imttrathY carrier ntli[s to sense a claim for insurance benefits, Linder
<br />is asrtlrestimd la ~illoct amt appl} the insurance pracatds at lrndei s option e:thtr to restoration or repair of the Prapcrty
<br />at to the areas sicuted by this Mortgage.
<br />Unkass Ir-itiGr and Barrawtr ttitierwtse agm rn w•r:tattg. ant such apgiicatxvn of pracmds to pnnctpaf shalt not intend
<br />or ap4pane the dirt dart of the tnanthit' iristatiraeats referrtei to is gatagraghs 1 ar~d ~ hcrcat ar change thi amount of
<br />std ins3aBmtnls. if :inch paragraph Ifl hercnf the Proptn} is acyiirrrd h, Ltitdtr, all nght, title slid interest o! Borrower
<br />ai seal m any ~*~*s'H-~"r pollens and in and to the Ixcx~tafs thtrtof resuuag from damage to tht Pmgrm priar to the sale
<br />or arqusi~ saaI1 pass io Ltadet io the lutist of the sums secured b} thu '.fongage imnudiauly prier n~ such sale or
<br />a."",
<br />6 !!tee ad Mamsenact of Piopert;; l.eamrAoids; Caudomialaax P'laaned Uaut Deveiapmeats. Borrawtr
<br />shall keep the Property in goad repair and tdtaB not commit waste ar prrini? imgaumen: or deterioration of the Praptrty
<br />and scull mss' with tht provisions of any lease if zlus Mt~rtgagr ,s an a teaxha[d. If this Mongage is on a unit in a
<br />capdoairriu[ti tx' a planned tacit devttopmetit, Bar .,wtr sfiat§ ptrfarm all a; Barmwer's obhgatiens under thz deelatation
<br />nt wveeaeot t:teacing w governuyt tht eandcn~iinium or glannai w:it dtvtlapascnt, tf>r by-laws and regulaxiens of ihz
<br />taednminaren or plaeaal itch devrlcipnitnt, slut u,~iturnt dacumrnts. If a condominium or planned unit detelapment
<br />rider is > h~ ~ a~ ~ws~~ tr~tntr wit:`, this .;t ~tga6°t, rapt covenants atxi agrrimtau a[ such rider
<br />efirdl ate ~ into and shalt amend atsd suppkrrient ilia tovenants sad agretznints of this Mongage as if the rider
<br />weft a part -
<br />T. Ilsrlettica >t Lseids SeaMty. if Baartower fails io perform the covenants and agreements contained in this
<br />- a ~ any actin ca procaeding is commenced which martriaily affects Lender's interest in thi Propene.
<br />indtid®g, but ata 3imitsd to, eminent deimain, irtsoltrncy, code enforrtmtnt, ar arnngemens ur proceedings involving a
<br />itaakrunt oa AectdeQt, thm Lender at Leader's option, upon notice to Borrawrr, may matte stun appearances, disburse such
<br />s»s and tiler tam ar~ion as is »ry -a protect Letideis tnttrest. including. but not limited to, disbursement of
<br />zeasnwb3e attorney's foes and ustry upaa the Ptuptrt} to rtxake repairs. if Lender ru{uired mongage insurance as a
<br />sxmdition of >~ tl;e load secured b}' this Mortgage, Bottower shall pay the premiums required to maintain such
<br />itrtsartect in etfxi until ssxh time as tax riquitxrttn[ for such insurance terminates in acrordanre with Borrower's and
<br />