'~ 703B~SURVIYORBHIP WARRANTY DEED ~~~ 78 --- Huffman and Felton & Wolt, Walton. Ne 68461 }
<br />I
<br />i I3anny L. Selden and Kim M. Selden, Husband and Wife
<br />i ,herein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br />incansideratianof Forty-Eight ~IOUSand Fice Hu:,dred and OOj100 Dollars
<br />reeeiced from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell eoncey and confi.-m unto
<br />La.3rence R< Lewandolski. and Angela L. Lewandowski, Husband and Wife
<br />`as joint. tenants with right of survivorship, and not as tenants in common, the following described real property in
<br />Hall Connt~-, Nebraska
<br />~^^ i^""'•"~""""" 'Lhe Westerly Sixty one i61) Feet
<br />mm of Let Severn ;?), Block three i3),
<br />- Stewart Place S~.it,divvision, located
<br />3s Ei}~a~~ ~ 3m the No=LbYest Quarter of the Nozth-
<br />~,,~,,~ east ~aarter (NW~aNEYl of Sectigr. 'lwent_y--
<br />t-^^*-------'--
<br />iT ATTA~kc~ Nine {29), lbwnsnip Eleven {11) North, Range
<br />SiAiEh'sFA.
<br />Nire {9) West of the 6*~: P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Ta hate and w hold the above desubed premises together with all tenements, hereditaments and appnr-
<br />ieaiuces therrta belonging Into the grantees and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns o£ the surviror of
<br />them fot~ver_
<br />end grantcu does herebg covenant xith Ilse ;ransees and u-ith their asigrc~ and zriih the heirs and assigns
<br />of the survivor of them that grantor is lawfully seised of said premises: that then are free from enenmb:ancr
<br />Rxeept easements and restzictians of record.
<br />that grantor has good r_ght and lawful an2hori2y to eonvec the same; and that grantor warrants and wt71 defead
<br />the title to said p2emis~ against the lawfni claims of all persons uhomswver.
<br />It is the intention of all Ies hereto that in the event of the death of either of the
<br />Bart grantees, the entire
<br />fee sintple title to the r'ea3 estate shall vest i•• the surviving grantee.
<br />Dated actober _ . i9 _g
<br />~, ~
<br />/ ~.t +` ~,
<br />YliX~:~':~ :1.1.•7,! z~. ~: - .. , ;~.~;
<br />.~~c.3s, ...:~ ...s,~ s.L._,............ .
<br />STATE e~P .. _ Nebraska _ .. - ~ - - ..... ,County of .... Hai i ...................
<br />' ~,: ...19.~
<br />~ .r . .... ~,!.:,~
<br />1~Ye fut~goutg instrx2ment was ackrtawl before Inc .... _ ... , . %`
<br />L. Selsien arld KS:.^ M. Selden, Husband arsd idife
<br />by ..~~ ...................
<br />~~ ~ ~ ~
<br />~ ~ ~. I7,1'D8'L ~gttattt2r of person 3`aking Acknowledgment #
<br />r .~,,_
<br />Title t
<br />BTAT~ £SF.._...._... ...................j
<br />tbnstY .................................~sa.
<br />ilntcred an attaterieal indez sad filed far record is the Register of Deeds Office of said County the
<br />.:_.........dag a# ..................<.., 19.....,,at...,._.....o'elaek attd...........minntea ........... M,',
<br />a~ roaordea m Baak...< ................af....................atpage................. ';
<br />Reg. of Deeds
<br />By ... ...................................Deputy
<br />
<br />