79- tN ~'~23;a
<br />To H:.vE nxD To Hot.n the same unto the 3lorigagee, as herein ptrovicled. il4ortgagar represents to,
<br />and covenants with, the Mortgatee, tiurt the ~im•tgagor has good right to sell and convey said premises;
<br />that they are free from encumbrance, eseept as hereinothertvise recited ;that the Mortgagor frill ~~°arraut
<br />and defend the same against the ]earful elaitns of all persons tch,~ nsoever. liortgagot hereby relinquishes
<br />all rights of homestead, all marital tights, either in fear or in cquit;:, and all other contingent interests of
<br />the \iortgagor in and to the above-des,'rib<<? premises.
<br />FROVtFSD Az.n-av'S, and these presents are esecuted and delivered upon the following conditions, to
<br />wit:
<br />.Mortgagor agrees to pay to the JIort~a,=a'e. or order. the ;aftu-esaid principal sum with interest from date
<br />at the rate of Eleven an3 One Half per ceniam (11, 5<) 1?er annum cn the unpaid balance until paid.
<br />The said princi]?ai and interest shall be ixacai,ie at the- otlire of ~Sortgage Plus Incorporated
<br />in Englewood, Colorado , or at such otter glare as the holder of the note rtay designate in
<br />writing delivered of maileri to the \Iortgakor, in za:nntlav uastallmi•nts of tour Hundred Fifty Eight and 83/10
<br />L~a]Iars ($ A58.83 ?. i•otnmznciug on t?ze tlrst da}- of December , 19 79 ,an3 wntinuuag on
<br />the . nt day of each month t;creaftar uzatil =ai~1 r, ,full} pain", except that, if not sooner paid, the (in:zl
<br />payment of prim•ia,al azid interest shall he due ar,:i 1>a> able oza the test dat• of November, 2009 ;all
<br />aceuz•ditig to the terms o a certaizt prt,mi;si„ _ ,:..r ,~' ~•~, ;: date lz.•r, avith executed by the said 14fortgagor.
<br />The 11lortgagor further agrees
<br />1. He avi]I pay the ind,~btc;iness- as hea•iz:b~ i.,~-r lu~,:ci:i.~:?. Privilege is reserved to prepay at any
<br />flax. n•iihaut prcaniunt c r fey, fife ; ntir<< :... . . ...... . .. . hart thereof not less than the amount of one.
<br />installmeni, cr one hundred dollars tS100.00i, n-hit•hevrr is less. Prepayment in full shall be credited on
<br />the date received. Partial prepayment, ether than. oz, .an installment due date, need z:ot he credited until
<br />flee aaext follea:ng installment. due date or thirty days after such prepayment, whichever is zanier.
<br />?. Tagether with, and in addition tu, th~> munthlr pa> meats of paancipal and interest payable under
<br />ipae terms oI The note Set-u rtvi hereb}, 11a+P ga~;,u sill l,av to V ~,rt};a}'t~.;zs truniC•c. (und,>r the iLrms of this
<br />trust a8 hereinafter siatedJ on the first day of each month until .aid note is fully paid:
<br />{cl ~ sum culuai tta *.]ze groun3 r~=nu, if and, n. ~t .?ue, pi:ts the prtmiunas that widt next tx>came due
<br />and piayabi,= „n ptdit•ire of iirt• and :nhtz iza::ard incur:uacr c+,v,~.•ing the mortgaged property,
<br />plus Lases ar:,i ;i:..:easmrnt_. z;ext ,-itt~• ,.n the nxi~rtg:tg,•,3 ,,ri.l::•rt~- t:z;l a. ~:tnaatcd bti• the Aiort-
<br />gagee,arda3i aa~nirhthe3iorti;`2gori,rot;e,•d# 1,•ss alt sums ahead} pain? therefor divided by
<br />the num~~=.- t~f m±mths t,~ elapse ]v~iore ,a:,_~ month prit;r t o ts.e Sate when such ground rents,
<br />pramiutus. taffies am: s~.i~.>;mc=nts ti:il' hzc~-,tn,> 13z•iinquent..~aih sums ta, be held bj' Mi~rtgagee
<br />in trui to paj said gr~ ..r~t ri-nts, nr~~n~iums, ta~~°; aztd speriai .;~s.•s:n:ezTts.
<br />{i.1 The :ag*regat_ ,.-,i ti;r amounts 1~.-t~abl,> pitrsucaaii to ;:.bpar~graph t:.) :*.ad *.h ~e pa~•able on the
<br />nafe serur:,i laerrb}, shall lx paid itt a single l~aynx-nt t•aeh month, io !x applied to the follow-
<br />ingitems in the order stated:
<br />ttl grc,und rents, faces, aacessments, Lire and „thee ]Lazard insuratme pt•emiutna;
<br />tH) inizresf on the note. ~:nred heri•b> ;and
<br />{Itt] amartiaatian t,f the principal of said note.
<br />:~nr deticiencr in the antouni ~,f aa;y such ag~regat~ manthir pa~-ment shall, unless made good
<br />by the \1,a•tgagot ]n-i.,r t.. t3ae due :irate of the next such par•ment, ea,nstitute a.a event of default
<br />under this mertg-age- ~t ?tIm-tY; gee's ontian. ~Iartgagor wlil it-~v a "]ate charge„ eat exceed-
<br />inir ft,ur ,._ z- ~ ez.tum t 1!; 1 of an}- it:stall n:ent aciteta paid matt than fifteen { 15) days a€ter the
<br />;lz.e watt ;I.iva~,f t:, ci~ver flee extra rxI'n~use involred in faandlingdelinquent payments, butsueh
<br />"left el.arg~" shall not L=e parable cut of the pzvcf.3s of any sale made to satisfy the indehted-
<br />rie~ s<-cured here-1, , uztiess Guth pn,ea•.is are sated. ni to discharge the entire indebtedness aad
<br />al3 pri,}kr tuts :and expenses st-~ure.i therrb~-.
<br />3. if the fate] of Ltae pa}-meats made by the 1liortgagnr ender ta} of paragraph 3 preceding shall
<br />exceed the amaunt of pa~~nts actually made by the \'fortgagee, ae trustee. for ground rent4, taxes and
<br />~canmemnnig or insurance premiums, as the case may be, such excess shall be credited by khe Mortgagee
<br />on subsequent payments to be made by the Martgagor for such items or, at'.Kortgagee's option, as trustee,
<br />shall b= refunded i,a :slorigxgi,r. If, hoverer, such monihiv pa}-meats shall not he su3Ticient to pay such
<br />items ahea the carne shall beev;ue due and payable, then the \ii,rtgagor siaall pay tea the 34ortgagee, as
<br />trustee, any atnaunt necessari- to make up t}se tieficiencv .within thirty {:iii) liars after :mitten notice from
<br />the Diottgagee staling the amount of the defkiene~°, which nutioe may be given 6y mail. If at any time
<br />the I~irr-rt66agor sltsll ter~rr to the 'lfortgagce, in airy:r<lane~~ ;rith t}:e provisions of t3ie note secured
<br />hereb}•, fuD pa_rment of tAe entire indebtedness represented iherehr, the 1Nortgagee, as trustee, shall,
<br />in imputing t2te amount of such indebtedness, credit to the accc:unt of the lliorigagar any credit balance
<br />t5muiatrc'I under the proz3sians of {tt) of paragraph ?here-of. If Lhere shall be a default under any
<br />of tam previsions of this mtarigage r+eszilting in a public sale of the premises covered hereby, or if the
<br />Jgortgagee acquires the property atharwi_~ after defanlt, the l7orig-agee, as trustee, shall apply, at the
<br />time of the tammenrxment of such proceedings, or at Lhe time the property is othern•ise acquired, the
<br />aax>unt Then remaining to credit the Rfartgagor under tal of paragraph 2 preceding, as a credit on the
<br />iater,est scorned sad unpaid and the balam~ to the ptlncipal then remaining unpaid on said Hate.
<br />~. The Tien of this instr•,tment shall remain in full forte and effect during any postponement or exten-
<br />sion of the time of payment of ilte indebtedness or any part thereof secured hereby.
<br />5. lie a=ili par all ground rents, taxes, as~.~ents, water rates, and other governmental or munici-
<br />pal chargos, ftsas, ar impositions, 1$vied upon said premises and that he n•il] pa>~ al] taxes levied upon this
<br />mprtgage, or the debt secured ihereay, together with any other taxes or assessments which may be levied
<br />undertlte lava of Nebraslta against the Mortgagee, or the legal holder of said principal note, on account of
<br />this indebtedness, except when payment for all such items has theretofore been made under {a) of para-
<br />graph 2 hereof, and he will promptly deliver the official receipts therefor to the Mortgagee. In default
<br />thereof ttie Mortgagee tnay pay the same-
<br />