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STATE OF NEBRASKA. Gounty af .........................................._...........: <br />Filed for record and entered in ATUmerical Index <br />on ...--•--• .................. at................ c'elock ._ ;lq„ NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY. <br />................................ ............. STAMP TAX <br />and recorded in Peed Record ............................. Yage ............................ <br />~~V ' 1 1~~7 <br />° ................_........................................ Bc ........._.................................................. <br />County Glerk ar Deput}- County Clerk or :'~r~ <br />Register o£ Deeds Dzput~- Fegis#er of Deeds • 1>~ B~' lr <br />e ~~' t~l'72~;~ QUITCLAIIVi DEED STATEa.!ENT ATTACHED <br />rieith v, :~; l~.iams and Cindy _~.. 4,'i 31ia~^s, eac:^_ ir_ his ar;d her o;v?; right a.^.d <br />as the spouse of each other, <br />1° ~' <br />.~ consideration of wutaa' e_~cha^3e of _ rover ~ ar_d to ei.ew ti tle <br />re.^eit•ed from grantee, door gnitclaivn. grsr_t- ~ areain, ;ell, con~-ec and confirm onto <br />T~~ di?^ X3.1"^o T.g_•L~ ^u.'?3 _.'_-i_ 2 ___?~~ P.2 ~ . ~, 3S ~: B."Fl--^. t5 lYi C 01„•`2,Jn <br />s <br />herein relied the grantee whether one or mare, tine fol;o~sinc described real property in <br />~wl~ <br />;_........._ .........._ .__ . _ __..___..__._. ~ ntc ., sb <br />Lr$C} of ~~__^,u 1. ?. 4hE =~Or ~?:-KES,. ~,llci_^~@!' Or :'?P. '.~O^ini::a5t uU3rtZ: ~.." Ci <br />SaCt3L*r. .~iV, '_'014?3S1'i;3 ll _':0r'vr, 13^='"° i_ ;:`P.St Cf ~..^.e btli ~.i:., ^.^ore mart <br />icy? arty 3escri e~a ~.r ~^i? ors - ~„-i.. ~ r.- at r~~int ott the :rest line <br />o'i Ski '3' _'ti6rtL83St ff:2:~T'T_t''3 33i3 ^41??~ ei^f• ^~~.'v feet SOUt~? 4f ti:e P.7rth~. <br />1PESt CL?_''L°2r Oi S3i Cr ~`:'J_^~?7Sa.'_T a~L'a_^~c."~ t.'?2i'Cc SOi: ~'-^_nrlY 3~C_l~ t?38 !Y P.S~ <br />i.ine Ql' S"~2 t7 -TOit~2a8`C >- ter I'^" ~18fia'_'.CB O G.~'.b. ii ~@?~a ~f?2?iCQ (~'P.- <br />flec - ,a ,. 34~` f"`°";-~:~nd run^____ ^ortheaster2 for a ListaPCe of <br />~.~{nfeetSTL??2rCe ~tK'?SLe_'ly a:.d~~37`311ei ti1 the .^4rt?i 7_inp 7I" -_._~ <br />?'iartheast quarter for _ d_s~arce ~= _.., fete to the t*3-ace o `:egirni~^g <br />3y.~. CO_^,:31_1.~g .mil?"i sc_^8S 2:G?'e o^ less <br />'1`0 ?~asz and to hold t9z above descrbed premise= together with all tenements, Leraditausanta <br />and a;>purtcnan~s thereto belonging ut;io the grantee and to grantze's hzit~ and assigas forever. <br />Dated <br />d` + <br />r, ° i , <br />~3 ~" <br />~t' i' a . f~, ~ <br />STAT£ GAF `~EBRAti6A, l';~- of ... ... . _.~:..,. <br />herein called the grantor wLetlter one or more, <br />.~ - <br />nj.,~ ~~ ...,~.~ .tiS.; iy.,~va ~..... <br />Itr=:.~• 'ar. a v.~tart~ pui;lir. qualified-tor azeid eaunn-. personall}- came <br />ei t_. _ .~3.1'+_13.2flS aZ; tl G1:?i3 _L' ~. i'illldf:IS, P.aCh 1i? <br />_^°? 5 >.,^u•;?e:" 44N?~ rl~'~t a1'Yd aS the SpollS?. Cf each <br />katat:a to tse to ve the identical peruon or l;er4ons srl;n signed the <br />tosegoing instrument and acknovcledg+;d tie a=ecution thereof tc he Lis, <br />her or their voluntary act end deed., <br />~itrtras my h~tct and aotareai seal oa ....s~.l..~n.JF ~^¢.1... <br />a ~ ~~ <br />-ie~rR~ _~.~.'~..~...~~i'tX~/j.~::L:~..3:'a7.tC..~4'+..1.:.... NotarS Pnblie <br />~i <br />~' , <br />~4aU1.~,~M.,11AK £ 1 <br />M,v eommieeioa eapiree ...df.1~'~.1~ ...................... 19.5/...... <br />Form 3.Z .BFFro~ by Nebraeke Sta#e $ar ~~nriatior, rnn k wdr r .. un~a, :~=t,~. <br />