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<br />MORTGAGE __ _ _ <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23,6D6 <br />KNOwALLMENBYTHESEPRt~SEN1'S:That ~dnet A. 6reenwalt, d single person <br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in consideration oC Lhe stun of <br />7aent,+~--six Thousand Eiaht Hundred and No%100=-_-=_------------------------------- aoLLARs <br />taavc.3 to said mortgagor by Thr Pquitable Building and Loan Asstxiation of Grand Island, Nttrraska, Mertgagtt, upon 26~ shares of story of <br />said ASSOCIATItHr', Ctrtificate No. L 23,b(S5 , do trercby grant, contey and mortgage unto the said tSSOC1ATION the toBowing <br />descvtbed teat estate, stunted in Hall Cauoty, Ncbttrska: <br />THE WEST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTH ONE-HALF {W'~N'-~) <br />OF LOT TEPt {10y, IN UANTINE'S SUBDIVISION, <br />LOCATED ON A PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NWi;) <br />OF SECTION TWENTY-TWO {22), IN TOWNSHIP ELEVEN <br />{11), NORTH, RANGE NINE {9), WEST OF THE SIXTH <br />(oTH) PRINCIPAL MEP.IDIAN, HALL COUNTY, <br />NEBRASi<A. <br />together with all tlse trnctrcnts, trertditarntets and apnurteruerxs thertuntu bchnesrtg, including atta:hr3 fkxx cotermgs, all window screens, <br />vvindor sbadet~ blinds, siarm wsrniauz, srniltgs, hraiutg, au mndrtianing,and ptumbattg and water tyuipmeat and arcetvuries thertto,ptunps, stoves, <br />rrfrigeraiors, and oilier fxtutcs seed tquiprrenT rx~• nr turesfttr atta:h~I to or us-d in mnrrectian wdh said real rstate_ <br />AtEd vrhereas tl~ said mortgagor tress agrr:3 arni Sots t~reby agrce °'~ai the mrmeaeas shall and will pay all taxes attd as><msents {cried or <br />asae~ed t~roa said premses and npan this mortgacr and the band srcvrrd tttrreby txfarr tlx same shat) became delitarlluent; 4o Furnish approved <br />insmmtt T~ the bto3datg an said prtmists sTUaacd in the sum of 5 ZD ,SDD. DD tom}°abk to said ASSC?CIATION card to 3eliver to said <br />A590CIA72tk: the ¢.~ies for said inntranx; and :rr?t try commit or prr:nit any waste on u. about card premises: <br />!n case of default in the performsace of tn,y ~sf tbt terms s,:d ronditions of this rnortgrge or itte t+orsd accrued heEtby, the mortgtBee duo, <br />m demaed, be eattitled w iamrediaie possrss:otr of iht martgaetd premises and the mortgagor hrrtby assgos. transfers and seta ova M the <br />mortg~ee a@ the tcau, eesentcY and income to be derived From itte mortgaged pemises duritg sthit time as tht n,ortgags iadrhttdnen shag mtmi® <br />ueput: and the martgagre s}taB hart tlse P?y'cr to appaint any agent ar agents it may desire far tix purpose of re}nQir.~, taixl ATSn~+ a~ reatitg <br />tltt same and ai8ec:tise the reau, rtvesratts and tnmmr, and rt arsy pay out of said im,ontte nit expetrsts of tep:irng said premises and nnotsary <br />m~wva and uses irrcrsnrui in renl.itsg and maiming ilx same and ni collecting rtntah Iherefrt~s: ttrt balance retitainirtg, if arty, to be <br />applied tovvatd the disr2urge of said Trasrigag erdtt+tedTress:: ttstae rEghts ut the Tttortgar~rr :tray bt ezttcised at any tithe dttting the existence of such <br />defat~, irssxperiiae of any t<mpa~an' ralYeT of Litt rant. <br />Ttstsr Prtstnts, traveve:, are ulvon t}st Catuiitian, Thsi TC the saxi M~rigagar shall repay saki roan an x ~ tte tit ttutttriiy of said shuns S} <br />paynsrai; pay rnastbiy to saai Assf?CiATiON of the ~m sptul'itd in ittr Bond secured ixreby u snlersss and prin>,pat rxr said ban, on ar before <br />tht Y-xemtiesh day of t~,'°fi aal :sir} axsath_ :urtd said lean u fult}° paid: py all tarts and aszs•.mttnts kvit+i against saint ptcmisss arm ~ t}us MortgTr¢ <br />sod the Bond senuai tlxrrb: , br'.,re ariitttysm ~ : i uztish appuves3 uu:aenx upon tht tsnudsstgs @urwn b tree soar of S 2J ,$©(a'. Q~ payable <br />to said As5C1CI AT7$lq, '; repay to saui Ati'SOC:A:it)ti uF*'rr drnand ati mcmey h} n pax! f.,T such taxes, assesranen# astd :,,~*,~r..a-.r with mtersst at <br />the tauzinu:m ltga: rare tiruccur {taco dart of pa.-rstrnt atf of wh,cn 1lrstgagxu hereby agrees to pay; termit rto vrruie ns said pemi~s:keep and txmr,tly <br />vvh}t a8 the ~eearflu and nwsdrtmns of ibc $rnni for 3 ~~+ $fl0 ~ this day glarn b_y the sax? Martgtarv to said ASSOCIATION, nerd eamtty <br />ri~ aB she ~gttar~reats ~~ the C.axststuracsa and B} Mgrs tf'sair~AS.'1O['LlT1Ctti, tttrsT ituse pssatnis sites!{ become nuH and add, otherwise they <br />sluII tee®b fal; fats aES3 may be fi-secSctsrd a2 ttrt optroo ai t}u ssxs ASSQ"tATi~N after fai3uxt f~ thra rtxvtths to make arty of said <br />}+•ysera.ES ~ Ix three aoattu m arrrarz is coaling said ttwntbly paymentz, ~or a, keep and .z»np1} vricb the +gretinents and conditions of sail Band; <br />and Blerrtgagoe ages to wave s restir_t apparottti t.wahwsdr cr srrcb fc>rrtrkmur prtw'satatgz <br />tf tttae is nay change o avnerdsip of tree rea3 tnau i>r~stgtpped berets. b• sale to atlscr,s-rat. that the tntue remaining isdetrtedaess 6aeby <br />aatvrod dub. at toe .yaiun of'itrt EalurtaMt t3uiidtrtE and Yiaas Asaocnsxvr of Gtasd tstand, tirbraska. txutmc inuncdiatdy due and pryatsle without <br />fsrthn shirr, sail the aanrunt rrmumtttt due uncle: sand barn:, and ant other t.atd tar any additwnal advances made tttetrsnda, shat!, Cann the <br />dau of taerr3ae of said apww, bees: motto n the **~-•rr~:.. trpr rant, amt this trwrt(.tlpe may tlxn be fortch,>rd to satisfy the amotmt due tin said <br />'snn~d,aai any aches band ftu addnitmat adanrs, tr,gcthrr wttts all sane paid by rated Tlse £.trutabk Btul3itTg and !.eras Aaaocutiar. of Grand [stand, <br />NtbcaaFa fxv isuvaact, rasa and astesucnts. and a1.eEi:tine txitnsxn clovers, wr4r IrttTtsT itrertan, from daft of payment at tkx rasxvtnsnn <br />~~ <br />As paavidcd b tbx Band ~ hertby, wtritc ttus nvrxg>•pr remauts m r3ir.-r the rnnrtgagec tiny hereafter advance additiorrat stints to the <br />makers of sbd &,atd, rite assggts cv sucsssres sr intrrtso , wrack sturss strall be rrtcu^ Tfu ttunity of thzs nnutgsgr The same as the funds origiueily <br />thy, llae Etatat attayrast <,{ pfsrsctpat dtl*T Lus4 t,, taxed ai ant time ttK aT>Rirul annn~srnt . f It1iE ini3tT~fa~e. <br />L4aed tress lit ~.~ of NOVeltti~r .4. B . tv 79 <br />s<A~ ~'~"' ~ >Q t?•n tbiia 1st day of November t4 79 , txtort me, <br />C[XJM'Y ~ Itat t <br />the eueierajgrstd, a Notary Public in atsd for mid County, persnnauy a~ <br />Janet A. 6reetawalt, a single person r}to is paeorutlyltnawnto <br />soe tst 6s toe i putrm wtsasc same i s afTixod to the a9ove inwrtrae~i ss Ttsortpgor and she <br />attaorSadged tic sod ~etrmneet to be her tr<3tmtary net and dead': s ~ ,. ' - <br />t-7TNPS5 try ham! and NotsritI Sol the clot afaretsirt. ~ -"~/~ ~'4 " ~ <br />idy Com»taornt etcpvts % ~ ~ i'" ~ t.~~i-rT' <br />uEans u ~ ' _ >'-_ -~ t ~'- testy Pubisc <br />~ __ ~._,I5:9~ <br />