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79,- ~€)'~22~~ <br />MORTGAGE <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L Z3 , GO5 <br />IavawALLMENBVTHrsarRESENTS:Tt,at Mary Ann Kahrhoff and James C. Kahrhoff, her husband <br />Mortgagor, whether one or mute, in cottsfderation of the sum of <br />Sixty 7flouSand and No1100-------------------------------------------------------- rx}#.t.AARs <br />toaae3 to said ¢xott„~gor by Thr Egtutabk B:tiiding and Lusn Assxiativa of Grand Island, Nrbrasl:a, Morgagrr-.upon 6DD shams of stock of <br />tasd A~OCtATi~, Crr{ift~te No. L 23,SD5 , da #tcrrhy etant, roav-ey and tavrtgagt tmto the .aid ASSOCIATION the fotbwiag <br />desm'~ real ruare, situated in Half County, Nebraska: <br />LOT NINE {9), IN FLOCK FOUR {4) <br />A REPEAT OF RIVERSIDE ACRES, AN <br />ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND <br />ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEERASKA <br />ia¢ttbrt with a@ the irricrr!ertts, hrtrditamrnis and aFt+utirnanrzs thcrrunty txlenging, including attached flout txivetirtgs, aB wvedow srscena, <br />wiadvw shades, bhads, stotvt eindows, awnings, hratiteq, air vadnivrtiag, and p#umbiag a»d water equiptntnt and rYSa'u.ries thtreto, primps, staves, <br />refrgeraxors, znd ether fizrtacs bad rgttiparrat to w at hereaflrr aitarhrd to or ttrd in nnrctx n with said real tstale. <br />Aed s~tsrreas the slid tvoxtg~ear has betted bred dons hrtei!y acm- the axxtgagur stall and wi33 pay ill taxes bad assessments levied or <br />asses~d upon said px>°t~s and trpaa tins mefly~ and the srcrtttvl ~hrrebv before [he same sha73 hecoase delisgttent; to famish approa+ad <br />ietsWaaor up~~:t the htal3ioes vn said p:rm>s<s sitttatr.~in the sus ai S 6D ,DDD. OD payable tv said ASSOCIATION and to artiver to said <br />ASSOC'lA7?a'~ ihr pa3iaors for said insvranx; and not :.i oomtnit ar prtirtit any waste vn a: a'!out said preicia-s: <br />to asr u drdauh iL the prrtvrrnancx of any of tftr freers bad ctixtd#tiuns of ;his morttgge of tin b<,sx3 srcturd Hereby, the tnortptgee strati, <br />~ detrtamd, be ettiitlr>•? tv unmrdiate p'!ssrssan ot` the mortgaged premises bad tree mvn~ar hr;rb} atasas, transfers bad ~h over to the <br />+" ail the rents, rrvmtxs a~ ina!mc ev he derived from the mortgaged premises dtuiag sum time ss the rr„artgage indebtedoea shall remain <br />tseq~d; bad the mwtgage shsS Katie the pvari to ap{xi.>:wt any ttgrat u agertu a im}~ tt~r ft,- the purpasr of rtpairing, ztid premues and rcatirg <br />the same and txiSretioit iht rents, trvertics and intaaie, bad it may pay vat of said itttume all rxpettms of rcpairirta said aresndses and necessary <br />mttxts and exp^ase:s incurred itt rratine atci tttana~ireg ihr nurse nerd of culkeiirrg renta#s thaefzvm: the balatitx remaittiri6, if any, to be <br />atf!p6ed toward the disdtttcgr of said trioriga?r irsdebtt3riess; these rigitis of tlet murtgagtr rna} be rzrrciscd at any einte during the esistrna of sudt <br />defrroM, rrres~rct»e of uty xrmpzsr-ary a.ivrr of for sas-rx. <br />Thar Pirsrnts, hoa.^_ver, art upvr. life L'•xditian, T#tst if .~ satd hfurrgagvr ri+=n tepas a`rrd lean as or brfare ttt: tratttrity of aid shoes b} <br />pa}mra~; gas txiaatxidy to said AS.CPt:iATta!v of z3ir stsa! spratKd m the t3arid secured herb} as tnrcxrst bad fxtaupa' vn said loan, on or before <br />the ;vvesitirt#t da}• rff radt bad rvYr} acxuh, tmtr# slid ivan ~ fusty paid: pay aU taxes bad assesatteats levied sgaub-t said }!teniaes axtd rm this hiariytg« <br />tebd tar &md sevauad thrreb}, ixfcvr drrtqurncy; frattxs#t apps.~d iuutaare upcw the bttddin~s thernun to the sw*n oCS 6D , OOD. ~ payatrk <br />to said A,~'1A37i?N: rrpa}• tr+ sa;d ASSL'Y'LaTlC1N rg+tm demand ai# rm~y h} tt paid fu: surh tarts, ~~=*,+eats aid ittsauanet with mterai at <br />t#r °-_ ~- xatr thrt~. front d.-tr ;ri payment al# of wit!tf, }.}a:rt¢aatr hrreb} ag*re s u. pa}'~ pcrtrut rn> wa_tt art said premise-; tsep atd comply <br />wtxh bit the agrtrmtztts nerd condxturas u3 t;c Snag fur S {y(j~ Dom. {j~ tttis :lay gti!ea E} tits sand Ma!1ga$vt to svid ASCOCIATION, and smplY <br />~# tit the tx~rasxmatts of ti>; t,:nsiitutivn and B}-iaaa ai sand !StiOi'lAT#a\: rhea !7u~ prestru sha- beeottre nttFi sad wid, vihersise thty <br />shaF trsxair iE fidi fxrrtx and m3< #x fv;rckrsrd at L''tc apitvn uI t~ r:id AS.SOi`I.47ION after fai#ure fx,t ihrrr amnths to matt any of said <br />paymeeyts ~ }!r Burt r[w~rtti=s to s-ara*s to rss~;ag said maa;#} pai~;n:uts., x iv tzrp srri cctap#ti with the agctrrnrats and araditioas of said Bond; <br />and Alanga~a aFnxs iv tour a rr.; ~ rr apCrvirud vsrthvrt:: n! s=.o-ch f..sr_i,sner <br />if time at asy m v+vnnshxp of tine real blare nrartgegal irrrxn, t!v~ sale :; v!hrrwzar, thrn t}te nttirt renaiairi5 iadebtedxiess hereby <br />shad, u xise c!Irtiio of 7 hr F;Ivi_aL!k Su'Mbag amt :,san Assaciatrcvt vi t;raend Islmd, Nebraska, Ittvomr imtrcdtatefy clue bad pryab4 withwu <br />ittihn etaiae, bad fix amnn>;=. cx•r.+a,;_!.~tg clue ~idri sxrd tr:.im3. and uy vtlic+ ~rui fur any additivna! advances made thereunder. ~aB, from the <br />dent of =^_~ of aid opsi:s,-t, brat tntttest ai the snaetmttm legal rate. bad tha ~tG~ maY ti+rxr M fvrc.~d to attsfy the aoixxmt clue m said <br />brata#, anti boy atiara bond far add:`~svssa# sx3s^tn._:~,, t.!pctbrr s~th ell svrm pa!d by said 'l-fte Egttit.a%k Stuldiag and Lean Assoa7afion of Grand lstased, <br />Netsarira for ineatanar, ~azesan3 aaesn'!en[s..uii ai+at:actmg curtxsran.:Itagrs, with nttsreu itxreon, irom date of paymrot at the maxiaaum <br />ta~- <br />As ~ ~ ;3x Sc!sd ~+rrri #x~tt!}, r-hstr at.irt~ee irtrtasns at rfier.r the inirttgagu tnay tirrrafter advance additional sums io the <br />maters of saat tiorsd. rhea ;:; tasextssers ut srtere~. x#eit?; surm shall t!t wstbtw the security of this axsngage ifx same as for fiords ortgittaIty <br />s , ihr fatal am."v-mi cst Fa;xs~~} dtbt ra3t tv rxm; st u} flare :#tr utegtaal arzuaunt of tieis martgagr. <br />f~dthia 31st. trayaf O~ieber a.a.#s 79 <br />14a~y Aim Kah4i',r~s~F ` <br />.-• ~, r <br />-~ Kahrhoff <br />sTATE~ of HA13. ~ ~" an this <br />31st ~Yat October I9 79 ,bef~~, <br />Fury Ann Kahrhflff and James C, Kahrhtaff, her hU5Da~C1d ~ a'!!ntaryPubiecinandforssidConnxy,prisoa,By.~!me <br />wtw art perwnatty knotva to <br />a9t xo be x6r ette~tiol !>~ 5 v}nae narrse s dr2 afi'tzrd to the abtrve iristrttmmt ss mcvrtgagor 5 bad they severatiy <br />adcr>aw3edpd the aid msirumene to be tF#ei r vattmtary ac! and den.. ~" .. <br />Ns!'f4dFSS fay #tasd ~ Notaial Seal ttx dart aforeaid.. 't_, ~ ~- ~~.'i ~(/ <br />iiy catamiaian rxpkes I F `' <br />nnasm if+_- ..-.._....._~-__~ Notary b~ <br />