<br />7g-.. ~1"~'Z~.`~ F:XTENSIt)N A(:RF:F:MF:N7'
<br />In aonaideratian of the exiensian of the time o! ;;aymcnt of the original promissory
<br />note hereinafter described, Che undersigned, MIDLAND BUILDERS, INC.
<br />_, her=•hy covenant and agree to pay to The Pirst National
<br />Bank of Grand Island, Crand Islar,~:, Lahraska, or ocdcr, [he principal sum of
<br />FORTV-STX THOTISAND AND NO~100-_------°_ __ __-- _-~- _-----°($ 4~ ~ nnn on } ,
<br />together vfth interest thereon at 13 ~>cr cent per annum frem the date hereof,
<br />such. sum to be payable an__APRIL 2~~-I~98Zr Interest shall be payable a£ maturity
<br />on APRIL 28, 1980
<br />The arigi.nal principal rate in the a.-„aunt of ~QRTY-SiX THOUSANB AND NOj100---- -
<br />{$ ~~} vas execute) and delivered by the undersigned under the date of -~
<br />anger ~S 'o~7q to The First Natiarai Bank of Grand Island, Grand Islauu,
<br />}iebraska, and vas due and payable a:c the 22 day nf_, OCTOBER, 197 together
<br />with Interest at 11 per cent per annul and secured by Real Esiate Diortgage
<br />za zhe First National Bank of errand Island, Gr;tnd Island, Nebraska, recorded ae
<br />Dfleutnent X79-00222 is the Mortgage Rc~-crds of HALL %ounty, NEBRASKA,
<br />The undersigned agrees [o pay such extended bal.-:nce of principal of FORTY-SIX
<br />~::ni~cnra~ a~~n n;n:~nn------~>_~{~QQQ pa, ta„ett~cr with interest Cherean at
<br />I~ per cent per annum, such l~rinclpal and interest Ca be payable in lawful
<br />money of the United Braces of ~ae:rica at Thu Fist `iatinnal Bank of Grand Island,
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br />All of the covenants and agreements in such ori~_inal note and the Aeai Estate Mortgage
<br />above-described. ozher than hcreinbefore modifi=.3, shall be and remain unchanged and
<br />in full fozce and efiact during such extended peril:?. If default be made 1n payment
<br />of any principal sure, the entire principal sue with interest thereon, shall become
<br />immediately due and payable at the election of the legal holder thereof.
<br />In further cons3deratian of such extension of time of payme:it of such indebtedaesa,
<br />1 hereby ratify and confirm Such ®ortgage recorci,•:i as_r~~U~NT ~79-002~22
<br />in }'+eai Estate 'iartgaae reco*ds of HALL County, ----N~~~ , as
<br />t}se first. mxortgabe lien upon the real property d_ti:rihed ther~:in, and the whole of
<br />Lhe title thereto as nav nested br me.
<br />Th^_ undersigned executes this Exzensian Agrat•mi•nt with reference to and o:: the faith
<br />ars.~. teed#t of ihefr prt.;,crty, .hlctt they nav c'~v., „r hati•e a;: i::t~reat in ar hereafter
<br />coy wCCtu#ze; the express intintia:: being to ri:.:r~• and to c:tntinue to charge any and
<br />all of such ;:ropcrzy vit}+ the pamenz of tl:e in:!~•htcdness, t're ~ay.e:;t of uhieh is
<br />ltrrein extended.
<br />Iii i:'TrrESS G~tER£[F, z},e un3ersil;ned ha'~j~ hereuat.r S,~t this hands this 31 day of
<br />rJCTfl$ER, 1979 MIDLAND BUILDERS, il1TC_
<br />THOMAS F . :ROOMS , SE . , T ~~~
<br />S:"ATE OF ATEgR33,-;KA )
<br />)S5.
<br />TI`,e Foregoing ii~s~_,~ent ~-.s ~kn~leuge~ before me this OCTOBER 31, 1979
<br />by TllO: "!' F.. GR MS ,~£a~': 'TREAS .
<br />ai MIB $ 1, i C. a Nebraska
<br />~rrpttrat~or~, t7ri: tiz a7 t2~E rporaticn.
<br />.,~'v
<br />}>t'11 Oflffi.i8'$14iS 2 '.4`~b' d ~'.~^ ~ J tl~ .'/ , •S'.,-r ~ }~ 1. ~ l L..
<br />[ I' Notary r lit
<br />- f ;
<br />Legal 7?iscriptiors: LOT SEVEN {7} $LOCK TI4O (2) IN COLONIAL ES`"ATES
<br />