21. Futura Advances. Upon request of Borrower, Lender, at Lender's option, prior to release of this
<br />Mortgage, msy make Future Advances to Borrower. Such Future Advances, with interest thereon, shall
<br />be secured by this Mortgage when evidenced by promissory notes stating that slid notes are secured hereby
<br />except that the interest rate on the entire unpaid balance and the term of the original loan, to the extent
<br />per:xtitted by law, may be adjusted as the parties hereto may agree. At no time shall the principal amount
<br />of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage, not including sums advanced in accordance herewith to pro-
<br />tect the security of this Mortgage, exceed the original amount of ±he Note plus US 5.---.-2-,z00.OD...._....
<br />PRt?4'IDED, HOWEVER, that. prepayments of principal, as provided for in paragraph 22 that follows are
<br />returned to Borrower or are made absotute non-a-ithdrawable principal prepayments prior to advancing
<br />sums as permitted »ithin this paragraph.
<br />Zb. Savings Fuad. Borrower may mske prepayments of principal on any installment due date or
<br />immediateIv preceding said date io be effective on the due date following and prepayment shall be applied
<br />to installments last to became due under this mortgage. Upon request of the undersigned or either of
<br />them, provided a default does not exist and they or one of them are the owners of the mortgaged property,
<br />the lender agrees to furnish to the undersigned or either of them One Hundred (100) percent of such prill-
<br />cipat prepayments and shall pay said amount requested by either party to the party making such request
<br />for said principal prega5znents, unless advancement is prohibited by the regulations of chartering and super-
<br />visory authorities then in effect or unles_e one of the undersigned hoe requested, in writing, that said #unds
<br />not be disbursed, in which case it will require bath signatures of the undersigned before a disbursement
<br />cad be made or until othernise advised in writing by the party making the request for nondisbursement
<br />of said funds. Ail such advancement shall be secured by this mortgage in the same manner and effect as
<br />if ao prepaymen±s had been ttlade.
<br />2?. Release. Upon payment of ail sums ~eured by this 11lortgage, Lender shall dischan,e this
<br />Mortgage, u~thout charge to Harrower. Bozrower shall pay ail costs of recordation,~f aa}•.~., ~
<br />C~ cn ~ m
<br />-~. .». _ ~ ~ - - ~ Q
<br />~ 1 ~~ T
<br />~ cn _ J 3
<br />' ^~ i `~ N T
<br />o
<br />c.T ~..~ ~
<br />L: R lrl.-s W HEEE~F, the $arrower has ezecuted this \Sortgage. ~ '~ uN'' ~ o
<br />c
<br />}''
<br />}"
<br />C~
<br />r
<br />Cti
<br />--44~~ __...
<br />Li da ~. Fader. -Borrower ~;_~
<br />----
<br />~"~
<br />-Borro,tie~
<br />Property Addmss .- - -- - .. .. - G21. iasL bt:h, GLan3 -Island, .Tiebrasl:a .. c3301 - _...- .....
<br />~rAT€ OF ?~ESBrL~FA -.__._.}3.d;1-_-_.__-._.-___-__.--.___COSinty C5:
<br />fla this {~_~ . . -clay c+f ..-~ ~~ 1 -~..--.-. -, 19~~, before me. the undersigned, a '.~otar}.
<br />Public in and fcr mid Caanty. personally came -_Lnda-H.--Faden,..a- singles- gerson.._ ... . ......... ..----.-
<br />per~rsall}- knowm to me to be the idezrticaf persons whose names are sdtzed to the above and foregoing
<br />irrurrezit, as ~,rig'a~.-rte, and ~~ ar~oavl- ~g~ i ;aid instt-um_rt #o be F>is or her vol- ° ~t and died.
<br />4Pirne~ me hand and i and...--' r-aslca --- _ the 6~ las# ve w "-ten.
<br />,~ ~ ~~~~ .
<br />My Commicsian ez;>ilr_5' ikOAa£m. . .. -.,y ~~'`~C.-'st". _... -..- .. - -
<br />~`Not• Pub i)~c„--°.-
<br />5'TA' i)F
<br />County - .. _
<br />1
<br />~ a.S
<br />Lniesiaci an numerical ir+dez and filed #or record in the Register of Deeds OSice of said County the
<br />---- _._-._.... day of .------.-.__.----__ --.----- .-, 18..___, at .. o'clock and - - minute, ._... -. -'vi-,
<br />a~ reesirdebd in Book _ _-..-.._-- of hiartgag€s ai page -__._ . _ _ -_- , as InstrumentTdo.. -. -
<br />Reg< of Deed;
<br />Hv .._ _ ....-...-_...._ ... _. _ - -.....- .._ __ __ Deputy
<br />When rw.rorded tp be retumc-tl to the
<br />>~+en Add*wes Maifi„~ Atltl.e:s Phone
<br />135 !b. t:otr+ec 8hd., t.i.trcxfin P.O. 8oz 5209. t.in~ln, Nt. 68505 475-0521
<br />1] 2303 Sa 42nd St, Omaha PlD. Boa 6273, Omaha, he. 68106 554-8000
<br />~l 1833 West 2nd ~., Cgand island 1813 West 2nd St., brand lsGand, Ne. 68801 384-4433
<br />