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7~+ ~3~2~v EXPANDABLE MORTGAGE Loantva_ 822354-3 <br />ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS --_ <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Dennis W. Thede and Vir Jeanne R, Thede, husband and wife. <br />Fi Three thousand five hundred and fift dollars snndcNo~100 ortgagors) in censide ation of the su f <br />fty Y -0ottars (S *r~53,550,00'~~) <br />`paned to Martgagers, do hereby grant, bargain, se!! and Canvey unto COMMERCIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION of Omaha. <br />Nebraska, {hereinafiter called "commercial"), its successors and assigns. the following described real estate, situated in the County of. <br />State of Nebraska. to-wit: <br />Lot Two (2T in Block Thirty-one (31) in Charles Wasmer's Addition to the City of <br />brand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.--- <br />TD HAVE ANU TD HOLD THE SATE. with ih2 a~rur?~nznces t'!e;e;:nte b2lcngrng, unto Cemnerc;a!. r!s successors and assigns. forever. <br />Said }S.rt~,gers hereby' cov~ant w!m paid in-m£rc:a?. as s~'tcessors ar.d assigns hat tdortgagars are (awNl(y seized of sartl premises, that <br />;*!~y art fry `:~r? eicrr^brancts, a..; !`at *htv w+`i i?r~w, ;:a::a,.t a..~ date^.d the t;t!.2 to said pr2n;sts agzinst the iaw'ful chins of alI persons <br />a~?ta~sxvPr. <br />?rov~dP, rtve,i:,eies3. these r2synts are ury_n ~t iailea':r~, rone:ticns: <br />That r.•her2as it~e sartl ~rigagors as manors of Co~2rcial ha» this d3$2 executed a nett ev!denrirgsuch loan and agreeing to repay said <br />sum of arena,'- with ,merest, in payments as set forth in card n t£ antl have agreed t, ahtue ty the !erns of said Here and Charter and By-Laws o* <br />C~~;rm£rc;ai- <br />That a~;ereas this nnrtga~ s;=_?i sttire any adC;tianai advances. rs:Gn interest wh;ch nay. at fire option of Cemr::trcia!. b2 made by Cam- <br />??rear to ~y r.5~eut~ed 0.,`~art~~ rs a; them s;;~ctssors ,n true f?? asy purpase, at _'<y ur'£ befer£ iht release and tancellahon of this nortgage, <br />Lt F~?'s9-Fc'.. HDtFEbER, at n, trine mat? t*e a~r2gat£ ~ „r;pzi a•?oun, s£cweC by (h:s reorioage, i>Fing the aTeunt tlue at any time on said <br />;;igrna! nat£ antl, an;' add;t:cna; advanrts made. yxcted a:~ a-punt equal t, iii pyrce;,t of dry amour! of the or;ginal Hate. but in no e1Kii shall <br />sa?d Hatt exceed t<a sax,m'r amp ~?t :err;itt?d M law. and PRuVIJi:"u H0~'EV*_R. ~a'•. not~~n~ here;n :,na:ne^ shall ~ cons?dared as Irrniirog <br />..r ar.!<?:z:t th.:t shat; be secure: htraM' w??en ;_._.._.... ..~, the s.c_r,'r ~:, in w;"h covenants centa;r.£d in dte mortgage. <br />tics. ,f ure sartl }~rtgagars shah ~y rr cause t? ?a'- ;a:a thy S:1u" i:r^s :ni m?nee r'htn due, as se+, forth m sa!d nee, and any offer note to <br />a~+hstsl atlx~:c2s meat uat,l sartl dart is fc~?y ;u,d w~;h interest ;'.en `2se ,.:25ynts snail to void: e±hyra'~st-. to h2 and r2rsain rn lull forte antl <br />Lti#'Ct~ ~;? :' i~£t'.krl S?ta~-fG ?1e fir3df: <br />._ in any a ~ a~rrmtfs dcy pn sartl na?t. a.~ any ?mt; n,^a~ ;e; aed~!;pna! aor~n,2s madY. es L`tei27!i ageea to De made tar lint months. ar <br />'>,n kt~rnf Lhe :mprovem~is or. s.;d prer,sts : nturea aga;ost .ass by ;easrn at inc. ~:;htnmg, any+-o!h£r haaards rn_lud2d sn ezhndzd <br />coverage ;>=sutance in as amaunt n?t less than :ht urine+fl talar.ce of ,are mortgage Ivan. m a rampant' er corpames acceptable to Gon- <br />rotrr:a? :t;t arix?rai of sucn ~,?rry ?r ;a:!rr.2s t, ix t,eiG t?. C, ... c a!. antl w'~~ a nnitgagy clause attichtd to said policy or p~?f;res. <br />:n faxes of Cxam2rc,a); <br />k the ga}mrmt cf taxes and asstssr?t:;ts itv+!'< u~ ; >a~d pr£-.;ses. _ ~, +,h~s m?r'gag2. btfo;e dtty are -del;nquertt; o; <br />d: >t ~rert;s any change in m=_ awnt,shtp of the r: a, tsW r n?:ig, _ herein. !w s;e ert"e: ,,,;:tr; t cr Dy lane crrtract ur t+y assign;aent of <br />any intertsi mtrean nr oihy:rtst: <br />3ttE'i;, 1r, any of the a©cve set-forL+ tveots. fie wh_~e ,nee*?eontss ne-;, zcu:!~ shat- at the apt;,n t~; Ga°msrcrar, rr,;me9;ately i~re,~e Hue ane <br />pa}~uP withaut frrrtitr Holier. and ttre a>rncri tlue u~ - sap mte ane aRy nine note fs• atlG t~~na' adv noes °adt Cna{ f?on. me date c; Mt extrctsy <br />of sa!d tptipn, treat interest ai ihy maximt.'m it;a: rate per ans;:r,. arc th;s ^artgagt a> then to to?2cies£,: ;o sar~sf} int a;ncun? due p. sartl Hate. aae <br />any ntirtr ~W tar arn+iti~a! advance,, figetfia w:Ln a'~! sr'1s ~r ar Cnnrcntrr:ar for ;nZ:a;r£ nxts as~siments and a~Lr3ct ext£nsron cftarges- <br />rri~n 1FtPSeSf fierean from d?e iiat2 of dynes? at me max;^u^'. age'::a.2 <br />PFtD~-f- mat :n nn tVaP.t, diner h2ferc' or a. =r o2fa;,ir s;.a . tot :^ =rest 9.r2 u.~~x. SaiG nett antl ;his r:o:igag2 and any ether nett for a.>- <br />drt,nna! advances wady exceed tt:e m~ximu~ :ax`tL' ner2s? :are <br />f=RD1`l3ED, ':*~er m3? :n the tyro*. ':rot at s .. r tn_ ,aR: Gt *.s ye ?; sa,c ,. and r. an; purer a, ~ far add,tru.a: <br />a*i'3nr~s, .._ ^xr?:a agreed t: x rnaa2. ~r_e r, c~~,a, s ~ ns :,,' as ax,_ .~:.v -.,~' a .2 _~Lt a ._a.. :rz paym:~!i of ?ne ~xts <br />--3SSPSStr~ ..LS i_e':.« a*tp* Z':t ~;;?-.;S.S eh, t4 ..£.l._'_*`k. ? _7:fi ^.:c _rt~- ~--~- '?Ftr t ''~ ._w ~_-sr~__ h !t <br />ie ~. ..°' .C-- ~a . ;x qtr tstd <br />iL' t4r `mnt4iia*? ;lnSSPSS, an Of Tc' p?T ~St> a`J~YE ,.. _~,:Ie~ :-.Y.'!2° ~ . a,- 'x`?_ p:: yeCS _ .. .>.:7tS 3 S ~ :' ;'1£ ., trnlS?S. a"1~ ",at <br />n ~ 3+S. r2t13^ r~52 tot ren'3 Y: rer a5 ,', Jet."": .: _S'. '_~^4 ^• .,,CF .• dig F eA 'S ..t ~_ _-::i_~ 3 _'_? ^t ,w~-:et'.l bi ;95vCar';:? <br />~1'tYl:tllm-j, s'd425 Hitt 35StSSm~JrLS llpJr, SUS :,tMr: ~c 3'.v ?~ ^ >.Ca"c 2r~@:SSeS rnc~"2- Nrl:ng a.'' p`t2:52S 3;~7 rv~!crtang ?2>9t ma,~fr3'r, and <br />t awry Saint cwt Sard Hite err: art) i:_~5 24'fG~_~:b t„?;r2 ab ifan:e5 +lt'eu ~Jr .ifti ~: '.tie -rd2bt2•Jn£Sa S..{;;red > il'!)' F3~d, 3rv, tot aL"Cn y3irrj752-`. <br />foe i~?g 6:rES 'k ~jby SEi' 35S?~!` SPI t:wr 3nu >t3~5'c` :i^... ~3T:°s?'C ~ 3 .~', c~.:tl !d9t5 pf~C£~e;ii and ;., ]i'.e5 int!u31nc' airy '.and Ct41E:aEt <br />pa_ymen',s Gut irl~;t~E2 nM7er5 Jr art' Ld12r 'n.},n£c :' 'a^„ ?l+,- s.e?5?ve ^. ~!< rrt_?T a? LS' an -~, nn rya n~rac 3~ry ~_S.-s~6 r,,,,,t «,~ <br />~HA1fRL:2t ShHii:n TfG 0552 to '-,5b:2 fv. t'12 fa?''-. U'2 .~ pi,r~~R tf'na .o r~ :C _,: :a'ti5 u' 1. prpS2aa£ a~.,,nS .: ;y_?Ve' G SStSCrJ? ,?f Sa?£ .-2:~rS2i <br />?A2 iAa+t~gsrs i;rrdre? aC'r'k^•,*I C:urnr2rcrai ci Dmana 4=.brasla me ! arm n2} .^ fact. 2:s:flg sa:a attnrrey ;apes ; :ate ably £;tn2: „^ :s _,a= <br />Helot br tADrt~gOrS nafiei tp t8#2 's: rrtCt>Sar}- St2pS ?.' :~'Jrcer~ng5 !i. ~_~rt 1. 6tnerw'S£ tc C3.;S2 Said pi2n'.r525 t0 ~ :SCatP= i_ ;,!:2C1 roar Sr'S <br />or o9rer ;n„nmes ~. ane whim ,;scant tr •et=? tae same tr ~~axe ~ ;:Hier t .a:rs a;,a :3, ;axe, o~, .? >a:o ~ -s .._? is _~?, a-r ;~ . ~n,= ;r <br />mc~rPS antl t,, ~ ail St:N± things ermer Dy :~s awr ofs c_•s cr by .7.,f;a:t.:s a;.'p a;.tn. e, arrJ ane?:;?tea y .t as its agtc save p,;•?„s_ arc <br />t ciraage m gay a rezs~btt ie= tv? such s£rwc£s a'~, of Ge a3er tr x m:rt at such *,.m2s an: ~r--. svcc rrann2r ane ss n•rn ter;~s as tc'a£:, said <br />atS:uney !Hal secrn est. w+m lull A2~t of s~~i&tutron- <br />TAt t~~g<>~ irPtetry agrtt trai ii C~an~arias e,u',et .,:~r,?a,:',r :..:nr'::unL~+ y ire_o,-~ec : _ *,adt i~'"t 'i. asy s,..? ur } :.£edag r~!a,:ng <br />'; ~e irceelnaettre r~,abez real estak. ~• t .. s m;rtg=~::, s~ ~~ ~.- .•te, .. _. ,.._.- a :: _ ,-+st, ~a ..~'~£rcra' ~,^gagsrs . r <br />~?iC•.~lSi> -~-m+ri~aea~3i i+±r s11 iruc~anW _.. L "._....,C f; r.~.'.`... _..... - .,v _ ... -.: t..~_f.-_:,.5 T^: rw ~ a~~,-5 . .. :.- <br />~s:'?i>>~ raH! estate or any Tort then?oi tr2 a~rJe•5-!t'± ano2 ~ ,,r,_- c ., ~::? ~ :e r _ ~fi..u s£ era tin r a au use- *t ., arcs <br />9ra!'e~s fa +.~ fr?t.:rg. ~;. for ~ ra~ ~-_::~: _ .; a..q _~>::m, , ,.xte~~ iht ~ ,,rt c? "?t'err~a r i.rb Ja;~arG ~ndeb,e~. <br />mess scared by this mar, tin. and ~y ]rertbg are. ~~s,gn2 - lia^+~r~ a: 5r:~ sna : ae pa d tat w -n ,o L;,a~merc~a >f be ap[rhte sn a ,= a+ <br />;#te :ast r~ iHStafimenis cf min rn~tedntss <br />DHa~ ~ 31st Gay of Octodrer r75 <br />ai rS~E Cif: <br />c.~~~~- <br />'~ - <br />enuxis H, ?lade <br />_ i ~ .~~, <br />°,V7.~~aaruse R. Thede ., <br />!~` 1 - f`~ ~ f'' <br />SLATE flf fiEBt?ASfCA <br />D6tlNT1OFih-Lt, y - _ <br />~ 31,it ~ of ~~_._ , I9 79 . b£f¢re tyre- 3 rotary pabire ra ane for sartl County. perscra?iy came <br />Dennis O, Tbsda and vii Jeaaae R, Thede, husDaad and wife. <br />4n me rail ttcawn ~ be ~}e itlert+~9 person m parscnrs wnase name is ar name. a~2 affiz£^ to dst above morte532 as granter pt gr=_nters and th°y ire <br />nr fie, sevasffy ac+mawi~ge ttre mid tns#surtreni _ ^~ ,, Lary act acrd c~eo- <br />1WTNESS n5 trend arrd Notarial Seal tbrs arM year "~ i£13.1l~ <br />N-~!arr YuNir <br />>ay (:nfimlSSlnn eMplrei nil alE~ d3}' 0t_ !7 ~,~ frt~jt! <br />