STATE OF NEBRASKA, County of ........................_..............................:
<br />Filed for record and catered in Numerical Index
<br />on ..............................................._........... at................ o'clock ................ ~1.,
<br />and recorded in Deed Reeard ............................. Page ............................
<br />............................................................ By ......................................,.,...................
<br />Counts Clerk or Deputy County Clerk or NEBRAS~ RDOP FAXEN7ARY.
<br />Register of Deeds Deputy Register of Deeds
<br />CORRECTIVE IVOV ' ~ ~~~9
<br />~~_-• ~,~~, QUITCLAIM DEED ~ 8
<br />
<br />C. REX PARKS and MERLE D. P?~RKS, hushara and wife,
<br />herein called the grantor vehether one or more,
<br />is ecasideratioa of ONE DOLL,'1R f 51.40j and other valuable car_sideration
<br />rereiced from grantee, does qni#:laim, grant, bargain, sell, concep and confirm unto
<br />THO.~fAS L. iCASPAR, JR.
<br />i .i _ ~e ~i,.e:3,~ :ham f.~l?.. a ~a .ri}hu.3 ,.nnl n naefr
<br />$escin Eais~z c-u ~aa°ui c ..ucw~a vue v. ,.. .....,,~.. -., ....n.,...... e r ~.
<br />..... --.-...$x31 ..................._..............., Geuaty, \ebraska:
<br />Lot eight ;Sj, in Black One Hundred (100j,
<br />in Railroad Addition to the City of Grand
<br />Island, Nebraska.
<br />NOTE: 37ue to a tygograghical error in a prior Warranty Deed dated and
<br />acknowledged on July 23, 1979, filed on September 18, 1979, and
<br />reccsrded as Document Nc. 79-046115 in the Offices of the Register of
<br />Deeds, Ha31 County, Nebraska, the middle initial of the grantee was
<br />shotm as 'J', t+hereas it should have been correctly shown as "L", and
<br />this deed is given to corms:. said error.
<br />To l=ace and te+ bald the abore dearrih,d premises tagether niih all tenement=, hereditaments
<br />and appunznanees thereta t>elaaging Hate the grantee and to grantee's eeirs and assigns forever.
<br />Dated October :~ is 3~ 79. E'er
<br />,~/ ,
<br />C, Rex Parks ~
<br />.'
<br />l
<br />-~- - 2+lerle D. Parks
<br />RA23SAS
<br />S3'ATE C+F t;a,twtr of ..Stet3~ai,~k.-....- ......................_,...
<br />Before me, a eaters public ;lualified.for aai.i county, personally cams
<br />C, Rey: Pa~cs and l~srlc D. °crks, hus~sanc? and wife,
<br />kaoavu to me to be the ideniiral ~xaat persans scha signed the
<br />taregain~ instrument and aeimowledged the eaeention thereof to be !~
<br />~` ~seir volnmtarJ act aad deed.
<br />i'Pitness my esad/ and notarial s~~ea//l on _.....©ctolles.,......~.!1.........L4.7.9._...
<br />.1.1.:S.a_.,~:~~S.t...x ~-1.~..,~?.l'114.~4_... Notary Pnhlic
<br />. %~ ~- ~
<br />~T eommtaa~an eapu'ea ..-....... ......1 ................. 19...~.~~..
<br />Ferro 1.2 Apprnved h7' Nebraata $tats Sac Association raw" a wdr oy. z~we. x=w.
<br />