79- 00'~2~#~
<br />MOKTGAGE __
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23,bD4
<br />a~`°~ALt-MENSVTtIesEpxes€NTS:Thnt Eldon L. Baker and Elizabeth J. Baker, each in his and
<br />her omt right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, whether Dyer or awxe, in considtration of the stem of
<br />~enteen ThQUSand Five Hundred and No/100--__--------------------------------=tmLLAas
<br />laamd t,, said rnattgagor by The €~tilzabk ltutldirrg and Lean .4ssaciatian or Crand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon I T 5 shares of stock of
<br />smd ASSOCIATION, Certifccate No. L 23,604 , do hereby grant, conve}• and rttortgage veto the said ASSOCIATION the fottovirg
<br />dtsarbed rest estate, situated in Fiat! Cauri}•, Nelraska:
<br />tagerhu wHir ;~ the teacmtnxs, htrtditamatts and appunenaatts thcretvsta bttenging, irrc3uding attacixd fbrr anerittys, s£i srisrdasv s<nens,
<br />window sinades, tatitxls, siatm wiadaw•s, avrrruges, txatitrg, nu coaditiaeing, and phvnbivg and water tgtuptmni and accessories thereto, Pumps, sttaaa,
<br />atii~atoes, seat other fiv*tues sad egniptrnt new- as txreaftar at^,ata'aed to ar used in a}nnttiiort with said rpt estate.
<br />And srberra ttx said inortgaPar tau agtr_a and lots hereby ~" tha: t'te ;:rartgafiv~ shag seed wilt Pay aL tuts sad astrammts 3evad or
<br />asecned tgtom saw premises a~ upon this mortgage arr; tree toad round tht;rby btfart the sarnt shall become drlinqutet; to furnish approved
<br />iamvasot typos the bmldezSgs an aid premises stunted in ifre svrzr of S ] ] j0O OO ps}atilt to saut ASSOCIATION and to dtt:+er to said
<br />ASSCY1AIiON the palicies for said irrsa.~rtix; and oat :a ,ammo or perm-srt'~t:y wysit oa iv shawl said prertrista;
<br />Io cart of oefalt ~ the perfomsaax. of sn} of tk~ terms seed tntsditiars of this mortgage ar the fiartd set-urcd hereby, lhr toor'tpgee shag,
<br />as dt~d, be ratiibd to iimaediate pc>~ssats of the mortgaged promises seed the trrvtgagor hereby assists, tratrs[ers avd seta oxr to rte
<br />~ the reffis, reveotres sad mmmr to Se cksavtvi lrtun the tnortg~ed premises dtvug stub time as the mrutgtgc iadehxedttess shag ttsuitt
<br />aatpaid; ana fir tsturtga~ shall have the pswtr to appasnt soy (gent or agents it may dtsate tar the ptQpar of repaititg said pattaasa and rratia6
<br />the same sod ~ffiS the rests, revraves sad mmme, atsd a may pay rest of said insvr~ alt rxpeases of repairitg slid pteteixs end neam[y
<br />o~ivm sad nq,trsars i~-wrtd in renting asxl ;saasgiag tM mne sere! of colkriiag rrntals therefmm: the tutaoce retmFniog, if arty, to 6t
<br />toward tax aisdur[ge of said axvtgage stdehttdrress: terse rights of the trwngagx may be txerased at any tstx daring the existaece of sndt
<br />sresperine ~' my ttmtavtan •arver of the sari.
<br />Thewe I4eseniz, sxsreser, are upon Lht t'orcditiaw.7liat sf the sad Mc~ertgagor shad repay said rum an at befase rat mstarity of said shares by
<br />pnarau: }my ~ttlr#y to sad ASSOC`IA~ON of the rxm aacafrai s rlx t3ossd staved heal y as interns: amt prtmspal un said loan, an or befo:t
<br />the 'ri~ti~h d:y of each and rsrry rtxmth_ smut saui toes is fogy paid: pay all cues and as3essrncnrs ttvrxl agaissi said peertaties sad an [1is Martgagt
<br />acrd the Road scarred thereby, hel~xt drtiagacw.y; fsvnah appnned insnraace vptrn the buildings thereuas ~ the son or S I ] ,500. Qa payable
<br />ro said ASSQf7.ATIf3N; repay to ,and .ASSc"1LIATtON tgwm damasad aD ratatry b}' rt paid far srardr taxes, anesamrats and inttvaats with i:rtdext >t
<br />the ' 3rgal rate t#rtean from date c~ pay-racttt at7 of rt~ha-h Mort~gcv htrob. agt~s cops} ; trrnut ru, wYar ~ said prestmrs:k~.p and qty
<br />with ~ t§e eta ~a -^~~~.s ca{:h< scs~; :.n s I ~ , sOO.OO tam day gives by rhr~ snhi Aturtg~rr to $;d ASStk°3ArioN, sna a~pty
<br />+rrth atI the rrgau-_arsits of tM t:smsirtutrna a~ 8y-i.aax of sari RSSft('L~-TtOA: t2m zhest presrnz: shall btca.~rse nu9 sad void, athewae they
<br />s4a13 rema~ ra fag i.~rx and may bt frtreck,sed at the option of tht sad .e,SSOCtATtON afar fxileue lu thm tttcmtta ta nakt atry of raid
<br />pryer a be t~ ni.:rilhy vs arstars m a>sleng sax9 maathty- pa_vtataes, is w keep seat eumpt}- with the agrtv:ttunts aatl cooditioas of ad @aad;
<br />sad Ktwagtyoe agrees tc hasx• a :garage aryroirtud f~xthswah m sss3r fart3txwe prq~teaiRgs
<br />If these is soy e3u~e is ow~rrsbip tvf the real esiaxr mcvlgageA herein. by ask or atharwiar, tfsen the eati. c reanmittg iadebtedtra hereby
<br />aetse<e~d ~, n ibe upsirxs La Tfx E~ssitab)t liuitdi*rg amt lean Assta.satrm of f rasa Island, Ntlrtss-a, btnstr nsmraliaisly Qste and payable ritiroat
<br />ftitaea notice, and the aaawoa rcaaiatseg arse wader saxt Dotsd. an3 any arhrr bowl far any additional aetaarsxr made iheaeandrr, shag, Cana the
<br />dace of rxaiaae of said npie,e, bra mtertst a the mt®svn kgeI rate, aoa the rtwetgagr raa_. rhea bt tore3uaed so satisfy 11r antouot the oa slid
<br />be+aid,aasl avy other bQSd for additional aavancrs 1cyetlrt= with all svstu paid ly said The Eyrstaltx t'Iteildtag a;aa l.aen Asra°utaun of Grated Istusd,
<br />lrtehrs~a frss itrs>gaaee, txxrs aas3 aasrsauxnts, a*J ahsuan.ing txitsxinee u"~argrs, rich inurtst ttxswn, Pram date of pa}'srre'ot at the natximWn
<br />~~-
<br />As psavided m the Hoed srcvrsx3 hereby, rvhilt this tavtgagt rcrosins m effect the mortgages trosy hereafter adraarr a~itiotsal >,stos to the
<br />aa~ws at said $aod, theh ssagrs cu su:rrsnus in metros, w3t,e3, stvos shad be rilhm the tresuiry of this ttrYtpge the sum as the fitrrds origimlly
<br />aecaed thramby, tht foist amorost of debt sees to cstxxal rv auy tint the orrginat asrratnt of thn rraotrgagr.
<br />day of Octater A_ J., l't 7g
<br />~,,
<br />£7 ~ zataeih J . Bayley
<br />STw7'81]F M~RAtslit, ~ On this 31st day of
<br />CSOt7Ti1't` UiF IIA.I.l October 19] g , heroes me,
<br />r the tmae:~aigmd, a biatary Public in aced for sad Gurney. persottngy game
<br />Eldon L, Baker and Eliza#eth J. Baker, each in fits and ;ter Dan rigw~ a;,d as set oknnwnta
<br />e~ '~~' are
<br />10C t° ~ ~ ~natiiat ia~ 3 ~ '.a:5 aTusd to ter above inunmtrat as tnattgagor S seed they severalty
<br />the acid let bey~ti '~' •• and dexd_
<br />itT~ my lead a~'`.',~Ir>ffi~ std the drts afWpdid_
<br />saa~aa an Notary Public
<br />