<br />... _.
<br />,_. - -
<br />- 103-B-SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEED (Revised 7961) Tne H~.timnn Oeaer¢1 8uFP~9 Honee, i~ncoh,, tietr.
<br />KNOW 9LL h~iEN BY TZiESE PRESENTS, That We, Dallas 7. Glaze and Camille G. Glaze,
<br />i each in his and her orm right and as spouse of each other,
<br />herein called the grantor whether cne or more,
<br />inc;7nsiderationaf 2~tenLy-one Thousand nine Hundred r£ noy`IOf?t.hs Dollars {*y21,~.t14}
<br />reeaired from grantees, does grant, bargsiu, sell conrey and confirm unto Eldon L. Hakes' and
<br />Elizabeth J. Baker, ~sband and k3fe,
<br />as faint tenants with right of surcirorship, and not as tenants in common, the following described zeal property ire
<br />Ham], Cbantr, Nebraska
<br />~ Lat Seren (7}, and the Sat:th Half of Lot Five {5), in Block Txenty-four (2G.),
<br />in College Addition to hest Laxtt, i^. the City of Grated Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska
<br />~P~~;~~ NE9RASK ~OCU~MENT,4RY.
<br />3 4.~``~ fV~11I ` i t~ly
<br />~ ~, 4~ '7
<br />1
<br />Ta hate and to hold the abare described premises together with sll tenemeniit, hereditameats sad appur-
<br />tenanr~c thereto belonging unto the grantees sad to their assigns, ar io the heirs and assigns of Lha surriror of
<br />them fomres.
<br />t ~rsd grantor does hetYby covenant frith the grantees and frith their ssssgn_c and with the heirs and a>3igns
<br />of the surcirt>r of them that grantor :s iriirfully seised of said premises; that #hey are free from encumbrance
<br />eseapt easements and restrictlena of record
<br />that grantor has good right and lawful authuritr to eanrey the same; and that grantor warrant, and will defend
<br />) the Yitle to said premises against the latrful claims of all persons trhomsoerer,
<br />~ 3t is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of .ha death of either of the granteas, tha entire
<br />fee simpk title to the real estate .hall rest in the sa~rciring grantee.
<br />_.
<br />-, _a; `,
<br />{ t< -,
<br />s ---Dallas ~. Glaze
<br />1 t~ ~ ~~f~ -fE°. .
<br />_ .............._............. ,. Camille G..~-~'s'r.f!''~..!-'.~.
<br />3
<br />i
<br />~ 3Y'1tTK t?F-. ..It#t~'aska.. ......., i:,antc ~+f.. $al.l . ... ........ ..:
<br />j $eirne tae, s notary puDlie +lnalifiad for said coautr, personally tame Dallas D. Glaze and
<br />j Cadlle G. Glese, Bath in his and her atat right and as spouse o3 each other,
<br />t kao~cn to ran to ha the idrntsral person or ge*sins who sinned the fozegoing instrument and aeknowladged the
<br />eaeeation thereof to be his, her or their rtrlnntary art and deed-
<br />s -
<br />_.-,. - -
<br />Witaaaa ~ hand sacs smtxral sesi an. _ .. -:.:. ......... . 19.:.....
<br />. ,>,.,
<br />~ ; _: ,
<br />_. # 1R-3trtadtcat7!-. - i_~'.-~/,r..-ei v~ ...~-::'
<br />3 COt.I£FN Stt~3T1 ...... ` .... . ................................... Notatq 1'uhlie
<br />Ma tomsriaaion eapirea ..l.~~;,,.i<t:;i _ ....... .. 191:=... .
<br />~ntesad on nauaaerinal indez and fi}ed for ncard itt the Register of Deeds Office of said County the ',
<br />`- _- I
<br />,,,,.
<br />'... _._..._.-.-.Flap oY-.;~ ..................19......,st...........o'elo;k and.....-.... minutes ...........3d.,,
<br />ats$ t~eeor+ded its Book ................ ...of..,..................at page,................ j
<br />Bzg. of Deeds
<br />By .................. ....... .. .............7eput}~"s
<br />,~.
<br />