<br />2.1 Revised 1978 Huffman and feiton 8 Woi(, Walton, Ne. 68661
<br />79..0 ~'7~~~" ~VARd2~IlITY REEF)
<br />Theodore Dibbern and Constance M. Dibbern, Husband & Wife, each in ::is
<br />and her own right and as spouse of each other
<br />............................................................. Grantor, whether one or more.
<br />......................
<br /><~ Cv0 OD `^hi.tr Tree thousand and ro~1L~~----------)
<br />in consideration of . t •.~ ~ .......:......1.~.:..:'..5,......,......,......::............... ...,,..............
<br />,,,,,,,,,,„ .......................................... receipt of ~•hich is hereby acknowledged, eont•eys to
<br />..H~.-'t.'~-,~?. ~:..5';yLT.nan~. ~ Sin~3° plat' ..................................................... Grantee,
<br />the followitg described real estate (as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. 5 76-201) in
<br />,.~.'~17 ,.......... Count~•, Nebraska:
<br />A tract of land lo`.at~ in ~.ne Salat::~,r~est ~ua~er of the kutrw2st quarter of Sactier,
<br />y, i~anshie li North, Hare l2 `r;et c:" t:?2 6th ~ri.,cipal Meridian, Hail County,
<br />N2brasica moz~ partic~zia:7~ describ~i ~~ ?'.Mows: the r'_ace of heg.r-liz~, be7ng
<br />tz?e S'33:t?li~St Ci12"i!er Cf JeCiiOii !', ?ow:YS:"up ?? 'i02'th, F3T~^e ~.~ WeSt; t.'2cnv'e northerly
<br />on ara3 aicng the west lime ^= t:^c ~.:t':west :quarter a distal:ce of 361. feet., thenee
<br />2cest£rlyY ~'^i-~TT'a3 ie3. itiit); tha S~ll~ia _~iine Ci said .wi;:i?'3heSt hU3T"ter a diS~i,u":. Of SE`i.rj
<br />1-2et; vf?etii2 sL tit*xer~' iaTiE'i k2 L.': she itiza~ ii-te CJi :,a:d ~:i1LRi+r Si ~'var=t,ci- a
<br />distance cLf' 361.5 feet to a pirt ar. t're mouth Sine of the Southwest ~aa2°t2r; trence
<br />westerly c~2 said south line a distance o~ ;61.5 feet to t:~ place of beginning.
<br />t`txttaini 3.DD acres, r,YCS°e or less, of m~i~ch 0.5~ acres, ^>Lr2 cr less, are
<br />>~^eser:tlv b?i.~ used for ^oad pl:. ~• ses .
<br />Grantor covenants (jointly anxt severally, ?f more than one) with the Grantee that Grantor:
<br />t lj is lawfully seised of such real esiaie atui that it is free from encumbrances .....................
<br />...__4'i5~f~:F..: ~h~;~Llr.~...T-,I~.~''..r:r,S~:i:=.r:~ =.~..c=.. ^~.~'?F'd ..............................................
<br />t B) has legal power and lawful authority to convey the same;
<br />{ ~) warratds ate will defend the title to the real estate against the lawful claatns` o! all persons.
<br />Faecutes3: ... „_.,....,"....,..s.,}.:.a_..:L ...~., 1:?..,.;.
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<br />QCT 31 X79
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<br />'SA~e fore~{[g ~ xa>~ acknvfrledged before me on .... Cetc~22:..3~',.,:,._197G .............
<br />_q~}~~~,~~~i~~~~.an~_.Cflnstance,M: Dibbern, Husband & Wife, each in
<br />'his and *les otan right and as spouse ~z~ each~~©then;.~1......~.....~..~~...........
<br />~---,..
<br />i~Y~~;BsLY'z "11M~
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