<br />BY
<br />~ :V3:.BT'.rlSK,k Dc~Ci ^+`~E?S7.ARY S
<br />sr;~~~G ray
<br />~C?' 32 ~~79
<br />~ ,,
<br />~' t
<br />THIS DEEDiam:debY ....................................................................au
<br />Passsrnat Rep~aexxEOtire of the Fatale of ... Beatty. F.. D©uthit .......................................... .
<br />Dom, Grantax hvhathsr otxo ~ morel, to .. Helen. LeAOrt'. 8eutlroger, . aa. andivided .1 j3.3aterest • . to . Pr~cilia
<br />,~ ~ or maro~; Joan 1{allick also imatrn as Priscilla Joan Hallick an undivided 1/3 in-
<br />esest; and Charles Adrian Douthit, an undivided lj~ interest
<br />Beatty F. Douthit,,,,,,,,,,. „ ._,_,••,•„..,,.•,..,.D~~
<br />MYlifREAS, the fut W~ of ............ . . . •' .
<br />...
<br />~ daEy askxxitaod m {farm!} Caxfatxaat! p ~ tM Ctxssnty tiourt of .........Hall ............... Catx>m'. Ma4n~sa;
<br />tIrNEREAS, Granter era datY appoixNOd ptrnuui RePxawttatiao of asht auto and Hoar gisalifiid and actirsg in acid rapacity;
<br />and
<br />YMFtEREAS, tlxr Gnsxtees determined to be Uxt Poxso++ entitled m ttiatributksn of the Mreinaftar-dac+ihad xpl pro4arh, and
<br />Geantor ie aadxosixa~d to the erne m Grantas:
<br />iVQY, THEREFORE, Grasamt oonwsyr, +~ trarnfiara, and nsNwa to Granter the foHoarinpdesui4od red property:
<br />Aa u~ivided ane-third (lj3rd} interest to each grantee is and to:
<br />The Southerly Eighty-Eight feet (S88'} of Lot Five (S) in Block One Rundred
<br />Seven (107), Railroad Addition to the City of Grand Islaad, Rs12 County, Ae.
<br />and;
<br />Lot ltrelve (12) and the East Sixty-0ne Feet (E 61'} of Lot Eleven (11) in
<br />Block Sin (6) in Harm's Third Addition to the City of Grand Islmtd, Hall
<br />Catmty, Nebraska
<br />iLagal Crueriptian)
<br />noptAsr aaith ail teeeaaaesta, frre6rtsxsanta ans.' appartanaxres tfxento balanginp, but wbjact ro easemanb axrf tatris:tiona ~f Heard
<br />Exosaebd.... - _ - • • October, 31 x ....., t9 ??.... '
<br />~,...
<br />S+tM+an++e of P~nan-± Rapra~w++bn~e at the ~ ~ \
<br />Eetata ~ , . , , .Beatty _ F, . Douthit
<br />.......... . ... Draaaaed
<br />STATE aFF... ..............}
<br />Hall i SS.
<br />€te +lEra.. 3ist ~, at .. 4ct.obes . _ ., 38 J9... , ~ ~, ~ ~~, a !!off-{ P~ec. r`.•`Y ~-s8ssss s~
<br />Iar and tasxdwo ix xa~ awrxir and atae, pesaoxgNy appeased ... GStarle~, i1tlTian. Donthit _ . .
<br />lfaee~yaoi Aapoaaurdaiae ad the Eetaos at .............. .Seat t9. F. , Donihit, .. _ ..... , .. Dscrased, to me knoxm m
<br />L tir iAaAacd Person nbo exsarasnxd tir fr~oin~ Deed ai Diatr+tsution and sdcn.,uriadpc+d tlxe acme to ba..... ,his ......... .
<br />set axd dead
<br />$ati d» day field yw last atioac fJ
<br />a L ~
<br />-~ t\`\ hbtan Puhdic
<br />*.r~~ ~~. wi, .;s
<br />wed i-t~~: rw.ye,~ t<. 3a~ fir.. c.F:,.-.~..q ~.~ ~_,:.,,:,~. ;~,-.o.~.vc PAta E 1 ttf t ~':atiE
<br />
<br />
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