If under paragraph 18 hereof the Jrropert}' is sold or the Properq~ i> atitcrti-ise acquired irk- Lender, Lender
<br />shelf apply, no later ihsn innnediatch prier to Ehn sale. of the Yrol,err or its :tcquisitiou ht- Lender. ane hands
<br />held by Lcn<!er at the time of application as n credit against the rams securod hr chi. AIar[gage-
<br />3. Application of Payments. Ltnless i=pphcabk Ian' pro:'idcs others-tsc, all ps}'ments receired bt Leniler
<br />under the Rote and paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof small he alrphed be Len,{or first in paymem at amounts paysbie to
<br />Lender by Borrower under p:arsgraph 2 hereaf, then to interest 1>s~-ahlc on [Le Aoh• :utd on 1^u[ure 3~lv.nces• if
<br />any, srd then to t-he principal ei the Ao2z :tad to ti!e nrineipal of I•laturc, _'<drancr~, ii att~~.
<br />4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pa} ali iaxe_, assessutenr and other charge=. line<.and impositions attrih-
<br />utabJe to the I'roperte »•aieh mac attain c, },riori#~- veer this \iart~gage, and graurd rents, if ;nty, at. Lender's
<br />option in the ntaaner pracidev~ under paragraph 3 ^ettai or b~ Barnnrer ntakitt }:acment, when due. directly to
<br />the payee thereof. Barrotver shell nront}=th iur>.ti> :. , Lender all notice. of amomtu due under this paragraph,
<br />and in the Brent $orro»°er shsil make na} anent airs. =. h-. Borro:rrr =hxi': nrmt:pti}- iurrisl; !a Lender receipt< evi-
<br />dencing such px}'menu. $arm»'er stall pran:ptic r+.ischar,c :utt' list; tt hich has •~riorit}• veer this \tortgagc; pto-
<br />•~., - .; .
<br />-sided, that Barrawer s hail uc:z tae requtreci is dise::xrne s..: st:rlo ':ice sa fang as k3ornt=.'er shelf agree to writing to
<br />~ tkte payment of the obligation secured hy- such 7ie!t in :! ntxuner seeeptable to Tender, er al:sil in good frith can#est
<br />~ such Len by, or defend enforcement of suelt iien in, lzgai ~=raczedin,> tchich operate to prevent ti:e en#orcement of
<br />~' the Jien or farfeiturz of the Prapartc o n~- :,:u-t ti:crzai.
<br />5. Hazard Insurance. Borratrer al!ali seen the mt}~roccuents no•a extsnne ar i,erraitzr erected an the Prop-
<br />'^'"E crt~- insured sgaiast loss be tlrz, hazards inelttde;i »-ithin the tern: "zttended rocera~e". an,1 such other itazsrds ss
<br />Lender:rsy requtre and to sacs: smansts s.=.d tar suc•:::-iods a= Lenczr fns}' require; procirled, that Lander shall
<br />r '- •
<br />~ not rzquirz that the amount ar sttc%^. corarsge c~ccea ;.::.t autaun! as coverage required to pac the sums secured'hy
<br />The msvu•arce carrier nrocidin~ the irsurs:;r,• s ail be eitaszn b} Borrower suoiect to sppracsl by Lender:
<br />pmcide,i. t;tst such appmcsJ shell riot I=r urressonablc »'ithiteld. Aii premiuus on insurance poiicirs .hail be paid
<br />xt l.znder's aption in thz manner }-reciae~i :race- :,:t;~sgra;=i: '_' hereaf ar he Barrotcer nts'sing },a}•ntznt. »-hen due,
<br />directly to the insurance esrrizr.
<br />In the event ane policy is not renew ~ nn ar before fen days of its espiratian. the Lender, io protect
<br />its merest, that' procure insurance on the impreyemenfc pa}- the premiums and such sum chalk become
<br />immediately due and pa~•sble t<dth it=terest at the rate set iarth in said note untii paid and shall be
<br />sea°trreti key this 'ttortgsge. Failure by Bo.~rxxrz•r tx~ comply mac, at aption of Lender, canstitute a defaukt
<br />under the terms of this jIortgane.
<br />AlJ ircuranee }~aiirJes rnd rznewale tLerrt3f ,.._li h,~ in iorna srerptabir to 1: ~t;~icr :ux4 sisli include a standard
<br />tnorts,a~ riau~ ;a iarar of astd in font; :.rec~}nsl ~e ;a Lender'- Lend,^' shaP haa~c !hr n~ia t<• itaki the ;rolicie< :end
<br />r+enawa:s tazreoi, rnd Borr•aazr s}:xlJ ; +::trti~ ft:rt:ri: to bender ill renrwsJ nctisr, sniff all re.eiktta o5 nail pre-
<br />miurn;_ In tltz event ai lea, Barrawer s:=taii give ;,ti,mpt neu.r to the insurance carrier ;rnd Lender, rnd Lender
<br />tnay znal:e praof ni lass ii not made pmn,p:i}- i,~ horrntvzr.
<br />~nJess Lender and $orrower athcnri,e sky:-z ;n :criting, ir._ut`:rscr pnz~ee,is shsii be xpirl4e'd to restoration ar
<br />repair of .Jtz Yrerti, dants_e,:, nr,i;crd ,,... n^stor....... rr_ sir .. t:t?t:ort;.ail= .e:tsiblr :ar.,i the security o?
<br />this 3lartgage is not tlterzbti- intpsircd. I? .,.... rrstor::=io~~• ~ r rz}rs:- i_ r..at ~•con~ micxi't iexsihie ar if the security
<br />of this ~iargage u-ouJd be impaired, ti_e r;.surar.,r J,rocee,:s sl,ail i.e appiiz.i zt, ti:r suns szcurzd be this \lortgage.
<br />with tkre ertress, if snr, uaid to Bo-=tee:'. ti t i_e Pra:=ert~ :s sl>an,ienz~' i,I: $arr+~wrr o..i Borrower isils to reslrord
<br />w Lender xithitt 3U dacn sftzr notice nc Len.izr to Barn~wzr tJtat thi insurat:cr veer=.cr cheer to <rttlz s claim for
<br />insurance benzins. Lender i. suwariacii to iN;ec*. rnd spill+' tits insur.tnrz pro~ehis st k.zndzrs option either to
<br />restoration or repair cf t:,e Propzr[i or to r`rz sur_rs szcurzd in tl.i- tlannage-
<br />Bnless fender and Berra»-er athzr»tsr agrzr :n writiat;, as:~ s,ch applicatian of pmrezds to principal shall
<br />not Extend ar pflstlxute the duz date of the n:anthh- instalintents .refzrred to i^ paragraphs i rnd 3 hereof or change
<br />~e amount ai sac:, instalkment.s.
<br />Ii under msraaraph ii . ereai tltz i'rcpenc is sequ:r~ti by Lender. _,i: °~ht, ritiz xnd interest of Borrower in
<br />and to am irtsursnez pr~in~s rnd in sr,,i ro tt,e rrxt-zds then~tti ,ta ti:z r~tt~nt ~ i rite =um::tc•.!°<~d b~- this Jiort-
<br />gage imn;adiately }~riar :o _urt are or scqui _~ii=r,~ resttitiag iron ;lxn::t}^_ to *,hc Pritprrt~ : °-_* to the sake or
<br />a~uisition shalt ps:a to Lender.
<br />$, Preservatiaa aad Maiatenaace of Property: Leaseholds: Coadotniaiums Bo-m» er sheik keep zhe Prap-
<br />erty in goad repair eyed sash not },erti r. rcn:mit r. sate, im,airmznt, ar .iete:~a*_•stiar. of the Property and shall
<br />;ur„rF v si~* t-•e Iroc=_.or,svl ~~- ?Bas:..i'this \I.,rt~ge is r: v lea-zhol:~- Ii this \langsgz is an s eandaminium
<br />ttait,l3trrnnc~ sh~kk rrSfur~t>. ; Barrat,er' ~?:i:~a;ior:: , _, r. . < <,,:.3rs:.:r o. _onda+.nin=,at, v. master deed,
<br />tame `+y-lass sn~ rrs arenas of tt>r r •..ttan':zutu.:_ ;- .,;E.::..,,.... = irue.^,t daun:rn:;-
<br />7. Prake..-xiaa ai Lez+aer's Secnrsty_ Ii Bnrrrxer t'sila-to ,,er,'~,rt: the .•,n-enanL and xgrzz:uents cantained ir.
<br />this Mortgage, s7r ii an attron ar }~rarzeainz ;s iontnte:_iea tti:ici, n:atersiit sifa•cts Lrt;,ier's interest in the Prap-
<br />exty, including, nut : ,, Jintited ta, zattnzrt do._rai.:. t:_-oil'c•!:rl'. , rniart'emcnt, or xrrangcments ar procezd-
<br />tr~ incuding a bsniu°art ar dcK'~znt. *.ien Lender s: 1rr,-der _: a}-ri ;:. a}:ar a:~ticr to Barrawer, ma}' make such
<br />anpearan~. distiur~ -uc=. snrt> and *sske wci~ xetiat, .~ .s vere_ arc to ;~ri,=.tvt Letvier'a interea. including, but
<br />ntn Jtn:t~d to, d;sbur`eat-rn; a: raasanat+li~ attarazy'> zr= xrti entrn arc!, thz l'raperry to :Hake repairs. Ant-
<br />aaaotrnta rizs:nrtsrz t;y l.~adzr ;=:.rr;tar=e to ?his ;aaragr:s}~l; :. »-itt interest thereat:. s hall became additional indehL-
<br />~dt;fBartose.~>~•~ ray t~,„ ti a llorrgagr- Unless Borrauzr- rnd 1 _•nder agree to otkter tern;; of paymeni, such
<br />amasrnta :ltakl 'ere pa}-ahkz upan noti_^e from Ler:dr, to Barra»'es requesting, pry=.nent thereof. and shall bear inter-
<br />est ittrai the irate c? dt,ursam~n: - the rstz _astcd m i e 13te • nip yst•mrr:t of nc.rest st =uch rate would be
<br />ronirarv to applicablz ia» . in whicJ: even=. >ucJ: srtta;m:= sk;sii hear interest st thz highz_i't rate petmi.9sibte be
<br />a~Diicaule fax. \otiting contsina; in tf.is _.aragrsni, =li:si', rerJtair~• i.Frtder =.o ;acur an}' esr~nse or do any act
<br />$~retian. Lender tnsy rnakevr cause to 1>t- made reasorshlc rtrriz, upan reef inspections of the Prop-
<br />erty, proviaic-rl *hst Limier -iaail ei3-e $o_fiourr aat;,•i~ 1=rtt7r !i, sri -u~ t: in-}rctio:; -}~ iti^ing rnssonahle r-sure
<br />thzreiorralstad t3 Ladars it?tu~-t in the P,-;,pe-y.
<br />9. Catian The pxndxrds oI sm~ swan? ar s faint far ,iamages, direct or consequential, in connection
<br />xitli srdr ct~szd~:nation or trt}ter taking ai t=,z Prvi~r2=,vr }+srt t.:~ r~~,:. ar tar re}n~ryan=^r in lire: of ec,ndzmns-
<br />t,~u, axe }rexetry saegutxi and shall be ;.mid to Lencier-
<br />Iu t3~ event of a rota'- taking of thz 1'ropeny_ ti,t• l~rareed, ahail 1>e xhpiied fir the suu~ aerumj by this ~Ion-
<br />gage, with t3te etct•ESS, if ane. paid to Borro»er. In tJrr event iri a }>srtial taking ai the Prapert}•, unless Bar•rower
<br />rnd 3tmder at}dex~ise agree in sriting, their sJtsJi be aplthe+I to the sums seeum+# bti• ttun \lartgage .such propor-
<br />t~ of t}ta prueee+is afr iz ~jual to that pmportiou xhick rite amouat of the snm: >ecured !ry this \iortgage imme-
<br />diat~k; ;Liar Lrs tkrE date of taitimg treara tz~ flee fair mark€t :•aJue of tk:e Propetxy immediatrJy prior to the date of
<br />taking, vriLhthe balance o,t the procteds paid to BotTOwer.
<br />Ii the J'ronetty is abandoned by l'.orrower ar if ;after natiee b}- Lender to Borrower that rite condemnor offers
<br />to make sn arcatd or aortic a clean far dama~, Borras'cr isi1- to re>pand to Ixader within 3U drys of the date
<br />~ Bch na~iere+, i,ender'is au#horised tt: ~eollect and apple th-r }rmrred; at Lender'; option ettht•r to restoration ar
<br />regain of t.}:e Property ar to the stuns secured be tJtis ~Iongage.
<br />Cinless Lender and Borrower otltertsise agree in ~.vriting, any race application of proceeds w },rincipal sbafl
<br />