<br />79°` t}~3'~1~.,'
<br />To Have avn To Horrn the same unto the &fartgagee, as {lerein prvyided. Mortgagor represents to,
<br />and col°enants n•ith, the IVlortgagee, that the 1ortgagor has good right to sell and convey said premises;
<br />that they are free from encumbrance, except' as hereinatherwise recited ;that the ;4Lortgagor teill tti-arrattt
<br />and defend the same against the la,yflil claims of all persons ,chom;oe,=er. 3lartgagor hereby relinquishes
<br />all rights of homestead, all marital rights, c>ither iu lair m- in equity, and all other contingent interests of
<br />the ;Slvrtgagor in and to the shove-described prenti.~es.
<br />Ptto4'rttEU at,lyars, and these presents are executed and delil•ered upon the following conditions, to
<br />-wit:
<br />Mortgagor agrees to pay tv the itlortgagez, or order, the aforesaid principal sutra lyith interest from date
<br />at. the rate of Eleven and one ha>i~' centum ~l . ~ ~ } per annum on the- unp:ud balance until ,aid.
<br />The said princi;~31 and interest steal] lac payable at the utI•ice of Mortgage Plus Incorporate
<br />in Erglet,•ood, Colorado , or at sucix oii?er place as thz holder of tixe note may designate ht
<br />writing deliyerecl ar nxailed iv tl:e `.iorigagor, in mot:titly ittstatln:ents of Faur Hundred Sixty and 82/100
<br />Lwllats t4 460.82 ?- cor.2mencing i>n the firs*. day of December , 1979 ,and continuing on
<br />the tia-st day of each month theteafttr until said Hate is fully paid, except that, if not sa~nzr paid, the tinal
<br />;aartnenr of principal rv,d interest shall tae due and payable on the first dac of riovember 2009 ;all
<br />actorditlg tv the terms of a certain promissorc note of even date herewith esecuttd by the said Mortgagor.
<br />Tlxe ;4iortgagzu• fur*_her agt~~s :
<br />1. He will pay- the intlebteciness. as hereinbefot -: prayideti. Fx•iyilege is resez'yed to pregay at any
<br />time, ,y;theut pzn-ntium or fr=o. tlae entire in~4eL=.edn~ _s or au}-part thzreoi not less than the amount of one
<br />ixstsilment, or one hundred dollars ($100.001, lvhichzver is ie;,. Prepaymzni in Putt shall be credited on
<br />tlxt date reczived. Partial prepayment, other than on an installment due date, need not bz i;x+edited until
<br />t.,'xe next folloA'iriY i,~tstallment. due date or thirty days after such prepayment, whichever is earlier.
<br />'w Together kith, and in addition to, the mouthh- payments of principal and interest payable under
<br />the terms of the nvte securc~l hers by. Mortgagor will iatay t,~ Mortgago4>, as trustee, (tinder the terms of this
<br />trtLCt as hereinafter stated) on the first day- of zach month until said not? is fully- paid:
<br />(a) a sum equal tv t':e g-trun3 ret?ts, i{any, nest due, plus the pet=miums that Kill next become due
<br />and payable <>n 1>,,lieies of fire and other hazard insurance cncex•ing the mortgaged property,
<br />plus tales srd asses~menis nzxt due oa; the mortgaged prapzx-ty tall as estimated by the Mort-
<br />gagee, and of ,ti hiclt the Mortgagor is nr~tir:,•:: ; less all sutxi, already paid therefor divided by
<br />the nnmk>t-r of n:<=ntl:s t., .•lausz t>E fv,rr a;:. t:,•.>nth prior to the datz tit-hen loth ground rents,
<br />prt.*nittnt., tayt>s avd aut_>~n=_.,ttts ici:l b~~:,r.:~ delanc;uent, such sums to be held by Mortgagee
<br />ir. Lntst to pa> ,.aid gn,urd rents, premiums, taxes and sptr:iai assessments.
<br />{b! The aggxt~ate ~,~ 'I.e an.i~unis payable pursuant to subparagraph (a) and those payable on the
<br />note secure>,I h,>reby. si?all ix= plaid itt at singte paynlznt each month. tv bz applied to the fvllow-
<br />ingitems in the order state
<br />l t i gruand rents, i_sc•,, as; ,~ minis, lire and other ha and insurancz premiums;
<br />(tt) :rater-st i,n the rat ~es~:ure>:l hereby; and
<br />ti13) amortization of the principal of said Hate.
<br />any ~-IeRt~itnr? in il;e amount c+i am such aggreg~tr manthic payment shall, unless atade goad
<br />br thz 31at-tg",agor pric=r tv the due date of ihz next such payment, toxtstituta an event of default
<br />uadt?• ±I?is n:c+:-tgage- ~# Jlort~,.ag~~e a c,c:ti„t:, llc.rtgag:~r u-i}l pay a "late charge., not exroed-
<br />ing four per rentum {~1~ l of ~~' installment ,rhLn paid mere than fifteen (15) days after the
<br />due aatz '.herYTif to eatier the e ilea e~pc'?1 sr i?)ti al. rd in iaa?:dling delinQUent paylritnl3, but S1tClx
<br />"late Charge" stiaL not k~• pay able nut of tl?e prtx~ ds c,i any. sale. made to satisfy the indebtzd-
<br />ness se'. it red haref>y, unless stch pr;,l~~>,is are surlicient to dischargz tltz entit+e incleb#ednesa and
<br />all prrpzr Masts and expt>tlscs ~iure•3 titereUy.
<br />3, If the total of the payments made by the Sfor*.gagor utsdzr (a) of paragraph '?, preceding shall
<br />exceed t2rn amount of payments actually made by toe 9farrgagte, as irustc*e, for ground rents, tents and
<br />assCSStnents or insurance premiums, as the ~ mar lit, such ecczss steal] be tmlited by the Mortgagee
<br />on subsequent pactnents Uo he made by the Mortgagor for such items vr, az Mortgage'e's option, as trustee,
<br />shall be mfunded to Mortgagor, lf, ho+-ever, such me>nthly payments shall not Ut suffic•ient to pay such
<br />items vrhea the same shall became due and payable, rhea the \Iortga,gvr stiall ply tv the Mortgagee, as
<br />tr•tlste~. eras axraxunt net:tssarl• to melee up the detciency lrithin thirty t30} days after a-ritten notice i:Yrm
<br />ttse ?4far#gag+ee stating the amount of the deficiency. which notice may ~ given by mail. If at any time
<br />the Mor~gagor shall tesrdzr tc, the Mortgagee, in aeean3ance with the provisions of the Holz secured
<br />hey, fall pa}°mznt of tl-a entire indehiediteas rprtsrnttd thereby, the 3icrtgag~-~, as trustee. shall,
<br />in eompnting t3te atnottnt of such indebtedness, credit to the amount of the Mortgagee any credit balance
<br />a~mmulatrsi under the provisiatss of frt3 of paragraph ? hereof. if them shall be a default under any
<br />of [Ste provisions of this ruo-rtgage resulting in a public sale of the premises covered hereby, or if the
<br />Martgttgete acqu%res the prroperty other•°svise after default, the 3lorigagee, as trustee, shall apply, at the
<br />tines of the cncement of stlcll pmr~eedings, or at the time the property is otherwise acquired, the
<br />amiwtat tlien refnaia;ng tit credit the Mortgagor under ia) of paragraph 2 ptstceding, as a Credit on Lhe
<br />iaberest accrued and unpaid and the balance to the principal then remaining unpaid on said note.
<br />L 3~e lien of this instrument shall remain ih fall force and effect during any postponement or axten-
<br />sian of the tune of payment of the indebtedness or any art thereof secured htrebp.
<br />5, $e will pay all grciurad rants, taxes, assessments, crater rates, and ether governmental or munici-
<br />pal charges, fines, or impositions, levied upon said premises and that he evill pay all taxes levied upon this
<br />mortgage, or the debt steurnd thereby, together with any other tales or assessments which may be levied
<br />under the laws of Nebraskasgainstthe Mortgagee, or the legal holder of said principal note, on account of
<br />t3ra indebtedness, txrept when payment for all such items has t};eretofore been made under (a) of para-
<br />graph ? Iltreof, and he hill promptly deliver thz vtTitiai receipts therefor to the Mv? tgagez. In default
<br />t#xereof the Mortgagee may pay the same.
<br />