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79--7 +Q(37'1~1 <br />if thz party of the sezand }><1rt \a}untarily or i;?tr ~tuttari}t becomes ur i. v?a:lr pant to :ut_:.uit or prueze<}- <br />ings re}ating to the premises er to t}tis mortgage nr said note wherrbc the maturity of .aid vote at~~}3 mortgage <br />are acrederated then said party of the second part sdtall he ltttid acceirratrd interest at the rate of DQ ;i per <br />annunt, providing, hanrver, ii the ntantriec of .aid ne::c~ .-end mortgage are not accelerated in :aid snit ur prcxerd- <br />ings #hen the part}- of the first part ..hat} reiotburse for tc:rt_\ of the sea+ud part Eor it, C~~ ~onal~lr attarnc•rs' fee. <br />and torts, and such c:cprnses shall }rr innnrdiately ciuc anti .i:ail Lear interest at 'I~`-b per annum, and <br />sheii br se:uretl bt This mona ge. "Phis cotenant shadd rsterd t., condemnatiart anti Iv~nkntptcy prncerdins as <br />u-elf as other actions. <br />The taking of ant additianal securitt, esrrution of }r::rtial rrdrax• of the sr,nrity, or ant extension o[ the <br />..tste of paytttent of the indehtednzs> er rrtte\\al *.hrre:?i .::al? rot clintivislt thi• torte. eftrct or hen uE *.his instnt- <br />rxcett and shah not aiiect ur impair the liahilit}~ of ant nta rr..urrtt or e•ndorsrr for the l><temenf of aic} indzht- <br />:cirtess; that the }writ of the secand part shah hair the right to re}ra.r triih r+r ttithant ttmsideration or crrclit <br />' ozt the ittdetxrtinecc herrbr secured, ant psrz of the pn+}+c•rtt }lrr\-ia dr>rrihc~i hr adequate }z,;al instrument <br />m~itltout regard to the e~iste;xe of any ?tmiar encatnthr.-cncr and \trthout the eon>rrt uE sorb junior enatnil+rancer. <br />atxl stxh re}ease sly}i hate no fart}ter eti vet ugxn? the rata, lien nr e>tatr aw tey eel herebt ar agetittst the }mrh• <br />of rite second part that: *.: therein expressed. <br />in t}tr errttt t°aat the ntartgag~ prrtnisr>- yr ant }tirti.e? thrrrui or ant interest therein, br sold or ~vtrcc~ci <br />~. :rttzvne subirtt t+. an agree:?te:ti tc sr)1 ur rc~r\~r\~ prior t.~ the time the inciebtrdne~s srcttml hereby shalt <br />hate 't+cet: paid in fall. ihrt the entire indebtedness sn-urrcl by this <br />mttigagc sltaid at the o}~tiun ui dtt e?x~rtgagee hecuntr .!ur atta }+.-trcth3e. <br />Ii ati ar ang Dart e:i the nx~rt~a~cv{ i,r„},rr?t 1•r rotar:rc::a~rtl s;r t:.E,rn t3;r•,u~;h c~ntutrttt dutt:tiat ~vt~-rrt}itz <br />alt ar sorb }a'irt of am auar:a ur pr,:xrrcis tlxmui as the st;c~rlgagre itt it.. udr discrrtiut? tna\ drtrnninr iu <br />a~•iitttng, art ltrrehx assigned and shat} he ;,aid to the nu~rtgai;c•c• aped a}>{+licd t+, i}u. } ~~-.Went c,f t'nr n?ort};aKr <br />irtz3rl+redaess. <br />123 WI'I`N£$S WHEREOF, the aid nr.t taartt hate }trrrxtnu, set the2S ltaod t3 t}:e <br />~- atn; t~ter first a%+ovr +\rittrtt_ . <br />~~, <br />>~ ~ <br />.- <br />--.. .., .< ~... .. ~~F it <br />t~ `1 <br />iA~r <br />~at~l ~. ~i1QI9_^ <br /> <br />_ (.~ ~! ; <br />,~'t <br />i.Mt tlsis ~f day' of ~ - -*'t- 1`a ~9 . !.riorr zt?e, a notsr~~ pubdic <br />is and said cnuftTz'. persYVLad3a appeared Ioyt3 A. 5a~ehi 8IId Jada'th A. Lnrhi, htt$ttand atld trite- - <br />tr+ ate per'v~alip Tamar. to br nc~ idc9ttirl Ferscat8 dexri}red in and .thu ececuttd the foregoing tn.tna- <br />meat, ns Grantors , atad arl'rmerledgecd tits e~rcution dtereaf to be ~ toiuntarv act and deed. <br />_~~`~ <br />4'otas3 Yvhl+; is avd f~ mid ('ux«: <br />liy «xittai ,/~~~%~IIA~l~1t~ ' d~ ~ <br />rdstr~:+. <br />~,LfiRfld~ <br />i~ssttw4fs•+M~ <br />Wi~a m} hand and arTirial seal tlae• day atttl tear last ai+a\•e tcri rn <br />i <br />_ _.._._.-.__..____. _._.~. c.. <br />