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<br />(?VehraskaT <br />THIS INDENTIIRE, made this ~3th da}~ vi October It?Tq <br />hetu-ecn Loyd A. Loehr and 3uditll A. L•ueiar, Ir~laband and wife- - - - - - - - - - - - <br />the !:,2~zrtt}• ct 5811 ana Mate of Sehraska. }tarts of tl:r 5rst part, and <br />the 31ETROPOLIT-',\ 1-1 PE 1\~~'H-1St'I? Cit\IF:~\1'. a cur}wratior, of t}tr ~tatr of \e+v \'urk, +cith its <br />principal otjice lucatc~i at I \;adiam .A+-e[tnr. Ae+c A~orl.. A. 1 ., parts ui the >econd par[, <br />WITNESSETH: That the said parts ai the tie>t-part. in consid;ruuut of the sum ui - - - - - - - <br />_-_..-___---0~'HQ2aH~I?FI~TYFI'tfh'THOUS9IID~-.~-- _ _----.~-0ulltlrs <br />t$~55,~,~ i, it; hand paid, the re.eipt +chrrroi it hrrebc neknu+cird~rd, ;lue. herrln grant, har;;ain. <br />sell. rnnrer„i,d i.inhrnt to the said parts of the .-*conrl nar anti it. a«i~n:, the iuli.~+cin;;-dr,cribrd real r;t;~tr. <br />in the Counts cti AaIZ anti ~t:rtr .:f \ehraska, to u-it <br />I+ots ihse, Rtito, Three, Four sad Five Island, and the Alortheset Quarter of the <br />Bortheast Quarter of Section 17, and Lote Ttro, "z+hree and Four in the ?3arth <br />Half of Sgctiaa 16, and the Sort~lxest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of <br />Bastian Ib, 811 131 Tawaship y i+iorth, it8ng'e 99 'vies[ of zne Siarh ri-incipa.,. <br />?leridian, containing 335 acres, mare ar less, including irrigation yells, <br />pulps, equi,p®ent and 811 acoessories thereto, ezaepting therefrote, however, <br />[base portions thereof described in the &e~rt of Appraisers, recorded is <br />°,ook ^ at page 2?~j of Miscellaneaua Eecozda in the Office of the Register <br />of Deeds oS Hall C-0unty, ~ehraska, and szcegting tharsflrom all that part of <br />Lat Five, Islatxl, i3t Section -IT, Srownahip 9 North, g~+8's 11 Sieat of the <br />Sizth Prinaipa7. ?4eridian, lv~~ west of th? Public ??oad crossing said Lot <br />Pig. <br />4'hia 24ortgage is gives to secure a Deferred Purchase Mosey Kota, arhic3t <br />represents funds advanced by I+sortgsgee to pa; for the balance of the <br />pa3rehate prise paid to the grantor for said land 83~ is 'ta be deemed <br />given for t21e purchase price and the contimlation of the original vendor's <br />liem ca said premises. <br />'~ gatx seen.-^sd hg ibis Hortgage is fY1r#31er secured by s Finazlciisg Statastent <br />atul Securitg A:greemeat of even date herewith, eoveri3tg personal properr~ as <br />dese-gibed is said Financing Str~temant and Seanritg Agreement. <br />Zt is aatsad t3:st ill i.rrigstica pusgvs, electric metars, saginesr pfpas, <br />alsxs sad ill a#ber irsi~tL~ st~ipssat retail therewith sow ar <br />~ placed ar i~tsiltd em ati3 grsaises togsther vitdl all water tad <br />tiitsxing x9g3tts of svasy titd std deaeriptioa shill be eol3itraed as afYizsd <br />to led a part cf t5e xwl sststs hrreinibcve deerarfbad atttl aub3ect to all of <br />t~s p3eFisicros ut this 2lortgags. <br />TO HAVE AND Ti7 HtlLt~ :hr .ante, +:s}t tlsr . , ,..,... r. .~.r:<t;, !tt?,.,trp n .:r itr :ti!v;;: c a}~}~rr- <br />'_ <br />~..,.t ..,_ a.., .t , ..: r..:c, .rug :[.a.; c,ca, ., ... _'`: ..... ..:. ~hc ..:. rt; ;hr <br />i .a_-:aR,:- ', 2` eie-:.. ~ e- , .r.-i .a .i,_ ., .. .... .i, +a::i '+rrti:?~C'° <br />Anl1 Litt :3:i1 }:art; i::hr rr>i }r3r, ten-',; i„errs[, t}:at t..~ , ::n i:cv.i;:_: ihr .~ai,l pn•:tti,rn arnl <br />?saxrl;.vs;.- n~ka .. ~.,,. c; the .a~.r; ih:.. .,.r r .~.., .! --.r.. ...:~ .-+ :.i .au: .. ~.r". 'hat <br />tht+ ut31 ..4rrani wn.S dr_rr~ il:r s:.r, to :t,; ,_....,. .~...,. .... ;tt. ~.- ,,.;_,r••-e tc+rr <br />PA4VII3ED, Ii©W£VER, 7ltat _. the <atd i;ar•,, .,: t%:r t... iar; •f:m;! ta:, , . tau-r t. hr },ai ;.._ tl:e <br />y7V pa71r DT Inr Sr:'Uatl }1'atT, UT 1t5 avit,il ~. ...,. -.31t: tai .• ~• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~• - <br />~...~.~-~__- ~-~..--pgg1FZF'i'YFIFETROfTSANB------- L)ollar,. <br />in instalnx7sts, the fntai in_:taitireat due-._.._.3?~7'..~,... ~~~.. .. . <br />~it``f ixtterest it~rc~, in IaK1ni truuxte}' of xhe :_`nire*3 '~iatt-3_ tiiith e~rthnatgt= ryt t}sr Cirr „i .~r++ Turk, +chicl~t <br />snaill3r 3ebal tender iar Yh>A pa~mrtit ar all $21tis an.; ,9tte>. }.nit}ic anzl }tn;arr. at the tin;c +,i tta)tnent. acrordink <br />to $+e ttntrr an$ et3'eet ai t.4r I'romis>,r~n \tatr rt:rcutzd t3v the s.tic3 part+ of tht• [ir3[ }.art, hearing even dau <br />besev+rth, att$ shall pertittt»a all and sirtg+~ar the etwerauts herein cuntainrr}; them the estate hrreL. granted s3tall <br />erase, atul ihi± ~lart~nge .,hall hcet~nie null anu +~id, attd I.e rr'rasrt} at rite e.+p;::,c t:i [he ,aid }striv ui the <br />first Par[. <br />