<br />Addit;dnal Provisions
<br />Debtor Warrants and Covenants: (t) That except for the security rote: est granred hereby Debtor is, or to iP,a extent that Iris ay,eemdnt
<br />states that the Collateral is to 6e acquired after the date hereof, will be, tits bwret of the Collateral fro ~~ fran any adverse lien, secw~ity
<br />interest or encumbrance; and that Debtor will defend the Collateral aaains? all claims end demands of all persons at am; time: r,!aiming
<br />the same a: any interest therein. (2i That no financing statement coverieg the Collateral or any nrncreeds [hereof is an file in any public
<br />office am: that a2 the request of Seauad Party, Debra will join with Secm~zd Party u, ezeurtiag one or .mare financi np statements pursu-
<br />ant fo ttte Nebraska Unifann Cca:vmerciai Code in form satisfactory to Secured Party and w:!I pay the cost of fl:irg such financing state-
<br />ment, this security agreement and any continuation or tennmaticn ataientent, ir, all p:;blic offices w°:arevsr filing is dzemed by Secured
<br />Party fa De ne~evary or desirable; and if the Collaterar a ats~-~^.ed to real esiatz prier m the parfect,on of ihs serer. ty interest granted
<br />hereby or ;t the Collateral includes croon or oil, gas or miuer~a n> 6a extract!d or timber to be cut, Dehtur wit!, on demand of Seer. exf
<br />Parry', furnish Secured Patty with a discianner ar dis;;!aimers yr sutx rdinati a^ agreanart signed by ail persons having an inures; in ?fie
<br />.ea; mats, disclaiming ar sutx~rdinating any interest in the Co;!atera? w.,:ch :s c ~~r to the toreros? o! Secured Par^~. i3! Not to sell,
<br />transfe, ar di~ase of the Ceitatr. a3, rr<•r take t!=e same r.r attemttt t.+ take the s~Ee•=.o-^, tt:e ca..:nte• w.hzre kznt as aihrve statix!. ~r.ithuut
<br />the Dror wri Lien ccxtssnt ci the Secured Party. !4! 7o pay alt tax's anti assecGments of even; nature which may ha (zvizd or assessetl
<br />against the Ccitatera!. !5' Net to per.^it or ai!uw any adverss iidn, secanty interest or anctmbrance whatsoever u!mn the Cal!ateral, and
<br />not to pemit tnd sane m De aFtacned or repleyined, 161 That the Ca!iatera! is in gone' conditian, ar:<i that he will at iris own <:xpan_=e.
<br />?<°zp the s~+e m f ~rxiit,oe and fnnrtt t=me to time, forthwith, rep".ace and. repan a!1 such parts of the Cci!atera! as ;nay be :cke::,
<br />warn a;.2 ur daanaaaa without af:owing any l:zn to De created u}n:.t the Co!laterai on accwnt at such res>lacement or repairs, ann to at the
<br />$eCSrK1 Party may axarnine ax+ insnelt Fhe Cai}a2eral at arty time, wherever !ocatc~ty. ~, 7:: That he wit! ai his ow?? t`epense keep the C.~I-
<br />:ateB# insured in a c:a'rY]a!`y satistactery to Secured Parry sga;nst lass, as ap},rapr:ate. Dy theft, cot fisian. fird and exter.~red cna~rrat}e.
<br />with lass payab!d m Seared Party as as interest may appear, and will on demand dsl rce,r saitl palides of ntsurance or furnish proof ;,
<br />_uch ;^sur ante !. Sa.ursd Parh. fS'.?i its q-~tion Secure.'. Party may pracure such insurarca, discharge taxes, liens ur sc~uri ty ;nierecc:s
<br />ar ether enc,.~.+rara:ds ai any t,me !sy:ed or placa7 an :he Co!iaieraf aid n;a} :?a}. far the repair :,, at}~ damagd ix :-, a ?r fur !t c.
<br />presen.ac~~ a~a malntenanCe et the Ge2ia2eral, Debra agrees to reimburse Sc torrid?arty on dernand f4 any Fay:rwn4 ur aapensa i^,CUrre,.d
<br />Dy Se^ arty p;;suant is L'ld foregoing authurixatsar. lint! Su.-h re,mbursetren,, the amtini of env such paymdnt, ~-: ih inZErest 3t *."*,,
<br />rate ='1`^ }ter an: tar irar:~ date of psyrvent unit! reimtr.,rsz+nznt, shall br added to the indeb;~7ness axed •uy Debtor and span bct sFi::ureci
<br />tn• t?`,s nett ~Te?t. ;9? T':at ne x+!1 not use ;tie Calla2erad is o±atinn of 3~•Y aFC!icabie statute, reguta*.ian ar ordinance a;xt if any ar ihv~
<br />~eti3te~i ds r;k t~ +'eA1iC!25 the 3~8 wit, not be rd2t°..1'i, isra7 +n rental son-:rn .°,ar +:- as}- spend ar ertdirrance certest, f iv? Debra m°,i!
<br />pay ~en;rFd .PaT;y 3~y anC 3!I ,..JS?S ark? e>c en5ea inCOr: e.'. =n r2:.OVern9 Fx ssBSS.on of t'1~ Col!atara! 9~d :n, .,r: ed in enferc ine th,S
<br />Sti,'.>tr; tx~ 3.s'Yi'?EY*1Pr':t, anit t#`e Same Sha.l De seated D+- F`.l:c se`CUr'T1' agt °c'mer'.
<br />Uruii Q4taWft Debtor may ha+•e ik sees>,er: of *.ha Lel!ater3! and use :t ,.n an}' lawful manner trot :nCoa?5,sient w,th this ajrstvnsnt Anil not
<br />,nto.•isiS?Coi N'Fh an} pai,cy of in>lffanfd Mdretln, a'hj tr:\an BetaUl2 Jc CUrBd ?arty Sna!! fiaVe' the ,:nmEX7 t3te right tL` thC' Fk>ti=f`5>::.`n : f
<br />p.bt~ SAa}} ge in Dafau}x under this agrea+rent upon the nappen:ng of any ai the following events or candiiiuns: I t a default in the pa+-
<br />tr,er•.t c-r aeri;,rmance of 3.^v a~!igati~;n, covenarz ar !:ab,lity roniarned c: retert~i to heszin ar in any note zv,:se:tc,ng the sans: V=' ar,y
<br />a-afr$"2 rc~rs~-c~sisi3' er i aiflmsri naaGe or ;,;:s^,>i?~i ;. SeG::xed ?am~ Dv or on D~tait p# Det`tor proves to have t1r°er. '. else in anv ma-
<br />t~ia: r~pta.:2 n!x5-: mav'e cr fum:shed; ;3; ar•.y e.-ant witicn reS:+lis i,. the acceleration ufi *he maturity of t#is irrdsbtadness eF DeDtar tc
<br />at~rs „ndc'e a-:v :-v~r:~ture. agreement or u: ienai.~-,g: fA! toss. inefit, .".amage. +iestructian salt or encumbrance to rr o' any of tna C~.!-
<br />!aterai. ar L,e ~-:~g of any ,e.ti. se~zure ,x atts~•mert inc teat ur ISSreen; ;5! death, tlissa!utiar., tdnninat!nn cf existence. --~rau'+-encr.
<br />Dus,nass 'e=: ore. appc•: ntment Df a re.^.0 fiver cf any :'XL of t#ie fxcpdrz. oi, as5igm,drrt far the bdnef <! cf creditors h}, r t'~<' ~a:,mt.,~~ti
<br />maul of a••*o~ ~:k-eetl„nS ,,;kxs any !:3nkrv:+tcv ar :nsah^enry taws Dy ar against ~Dtcr or any guarzn:ar or s.,reT.~ '. r Debt.-.
<br />Upon Sa>`fi Defau;t aP,v at any tame tnere.after, ca if ,2 deems aself insure, Szcared Partk r^ay xd are alt Ob!:gav cros Secvrc~ 2ra~
<br />,px~,azdiy~-due end paydlbtd aa,d ~,t hti^r me remaY;es of a seam part' unxr the Nebreska Unifar-n Cz,?nxrrciat Curia Saa:urexd
<br />Party ~ ay ;aqu,re De."rtc+' ~- assemD{e t#od Ca!!aterai a~ dal-+vsr er m,3ks it ayai!able to SCi.urad Party at a pinta to be dds,gnatzd by
<br />jp.-C3!2~ P'.Ktt- 4N?tCP, r> r235D+ta634 COnI~`id:2 tLa DDit', ymtli?5- tin.2S5 Ih2 C."Iltater3' :5 (eat', Shab!2 Jr Shrd3IEn5 t. di'v!i':z 5:~`LY7, 11' :"
<br />aai;re l' ,5 of a h'{..e :a,Si'rr3r,.'4 sr.:a 3n a tex-;.~-i~ea"1 m3iket, Secured Pam,' W+!! G=~:d Debtor rd a56nat=(r niilt° i?f ifie iim? a: Kt }'•: an=d Of
<br />an} yob :: Sa%C 1."le`2Ot Or J1 the ti^te 3itef wni:T ar`} priV3Ie 5312 or a"ti ther ,nTendad d+5,'h'b,t,.`~". the B .' Cse ,re"fCk.. T ? dVt >='
<br />kTie!3i;v PT F2dk.r,aD~e r`..`t C2 sr;a!i DE meI +t ~.wh nu't+:C [s rn3 ,Ed., .h:5 '~ ~ep3,C, Y, the ad,'NCaS Of L2~...br 5! '•:'. 32 tn:' Da a'- n- .g ';;f
<br />M!s 3g•?'!'~`~'C ~t 3I !23>. flvc 6ay5 D2TaPE 2h2 F:m2 4f t112 S?I2 ~; tl~><Oti,t:•~n.
<br />Nb warvet r.,~ Saturn. Fern cf any defsuit shad operate as a aa; vet of any atnar '.af a/It a z# Lee sa ;e Jai a;:!t Y; s #;,rse ;x:cassun.
<br />Tra talc ir:y t?f Mrs sa_-rr,tt~ ~rec'a~.ru~t shay! nrst w;3ive .r .'itp3=r a^; ~•L'tar >eCilr,n sa:.7 ~ewr2ci ?at-t~~ may ha+e ar hzsea: ter a~qu:ra for
<br />.AC paytaent ai 2h2 aDevs -rr:~t;adnass, nor sna}i t3re tSi:i»~ i-,- - - .: - ' =i X,::r ci' - r n .~" -,ty a s:'.nent;
<br />ix ^. S3;o jbC,.rrtj Part} na} r25rn? 2^vrty seC:criF4 ai r'Saf t+.aY2 ::. i'oe Xdtr ;, ..,3t' aE+afl ;,r~+}A'r, arti rrotwitt _.F3r~:is3 s.y r.fl3F- t Secw-
<br />s+'.y, Ser.:rratl ?arty- sha+i rcta~r. ,n r:g~r .^.# sztcff against DeDtur-
<br />:+li r>ghs ::t Sena=sd PartV nzr'0u-~ i;ha; i ip~re is me teat ? c. a5 succ~ssa> a7d as'stgnst and a!! promilea artd du:=es r?i Debtor
<br />a#'r:1!1 7irKi n<s #+z,TS. ex 4CiTr15 ar adm rn,54 at`~r5 iv n_S ~M ~t5 cuC, a55vJr5 ai 3>Sign>. if tfler2 t,e mGTC the+; J~+e ~+zDt,'a, Ihc:r ':: at),irt,e5
<br />ftsrCUresier a"`n'rll +JE tCSnt and sA+'~Mai.
<br />Th;s 3~r00rna"+I S';a!I D@CA',rne ErtT2Ct. a•2 n'hat: ii +S S:y7nBC :^e -C:s7:.'.
<br />
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