<br />ik 4bittYti fiT .7i:Me't~lT u prssa+;ts:: io s iil4:~s utficar t;,.• 4Ns csu>•,uane ro tFn _ _
<br />___ _ _ _ ~ U:::: a,m C¢mn~e~cia' Coda.
<br />~4. WbtWtd First trams tired aeui aca4easie,i ~ 2. 3ecu~-ew Parry{yam,! and aaAsassle;s! 1 For Fi?-±•.; iltfu;s; l4au Time Aur~?.r' a: a:ic?
<br />Knuth, Howard S. Mate Federal Savings & Loan ; ~i:i~:a;;u-°.~{
<br />tfinuth, Donna A. 000 S. 27th t
<br />Route ik~ ~incoln, Nb. 68502 ~ 79® ~•h; I
<br />Grand Island, Nb. 68801 f
<br />t
<br />i __._ _. -~ -- - -----~
<br />~ca'.:«:{PTss7h L1F ~t ,:dTC~-*:t.
<br />39i' Atlantic, 24x60, serial '±4;i-294-2426
<br />Part of the S.E. of the NEL-L of Sec. 10, Township 12, North, Range 9, Nest of the 6th P.M.,
<br />mare particularly described as follows: Beginning at a paint on the E, line of said SE'-~
<br />of the NE~y, said point being 13,•.07 ft. North of the East Quarter corner of said section 10,
<br />thence continuing northerly along E. line of said S.E.'t-taf the NF35, a distance of 270.p feet,
<br />thence deflecting .eft 90°00' and running westerly a distance of 183.0 feet; thence deflecting
<br />90°08' and running Southerly and parallel to the E. line of said S.E. of the N.E. a distance
<br />o€ 27fl.0 feet; t^h*en~ce ~d~ef7letctiantg~ 90°00' and rpun~n~ing Easterly 183.0 fefit to the paint of
<br />~.~F~ffLXra'-Mi~pe!rer7~z~:rasQ~ffB ~tr~~i°~sd duos Sro esd~>er s: Fo ue 3![i:: c~ct La- '.G€5::tt.Sa ,Yii arx'1at
<br />As described above.
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<br />+utMr++ly to iaFi nay pcrii0a JL'{t! LGt,-.tira,,
<br />.__! {;r Wo~..ar s+-a :Jaeer:cd.! ~.::: .-,rc~;~m.' of eRS w:e.-tar.i sts w: ,w~wr~.
<br />0,_y7°Jn:,~:REc~ ~~".4:,..".St{ti~~~l:Jsi:::~,S~i'. t- - -
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<br />cti8t]T.is i day of,_.-~_~-~~__. _.- .: ~__l_~ - _ __
<br />._• z t . , _``, ~ -,~ ~-' As V . P _ yus . fps. ' -~
<br />j S.. ~...?..-< ~~ Sv:.xra6 ?'attY S+iF„c.. ro M Oa: i-_~_.
<br />"-_ `p Fit~:Atllt:iitu STATEMENT
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