52•A-REAL ESTATE N10RTCRGE-?With T:,a Uauce) (Reviaul 19L'1) 'n.•• tb~m,,.,,, r„.,,,,,,1 tiurrly 14wm, !.uuo1n, Nvbe. I
<br />~
<br />QU7i6~ ~
<br />xNOw nl.l. MP:N uY '17u~.tiJ4 rw;,r:N•t:a •iln,t EARLS L1. K.'1Hi .E sand VSOLA A. KARLE, ',
<br />husband and wife, Mortgagors,
<br />at Hall L'aunty, mn! Fslate of Nebraska , in ronvidrra U.,n r,t tl,e eum of
<br />TWENTY THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED {$20,800.00)- - - - - - - - - - - - Bi)i.1.ARS
<br />n luuuJ twirl, d.. herrhy SI31.t, uod Ct)NVi•:Y unl„ HELEN C'. IJPTON and L•'DWARU J. UPTON,
<br />wife and husband, as joint tenants and not as tenants in cotttmon, Mortyagees,
<br />ar Washington County, Statr a( Oregon the totlnwinB da:w'rilml preminea ailunled
<br />in Hall (.aunty, land State ~t Nebraska . to•wit.
<br />The East Haif of the Southeast Quarter of the
<br />Southwest Quarter {E~ SE's swk) of Section
<br />Fifteen (15), in Township Eleven {11) North,
<br />Range Ten {10}, West of the 6th P.bi. in Hall
<br />County, Nebraska.
<br />~'~~~~'~
<br />~C ~~k~ Z E~~`~
<br />ai•• e OA Et,
<br />^cO~ ~ ~ P~\S~L~~~~a
<br />~~~a ~` J~~ JOE
<br />~_
<br />T'hr iatrntiaa tarirt~ to tonvcy hcrehy an ahrolule talc to ter si ml,Ir, ur,?oxi,nt; all the rigJLLa of iaomcslend and dower.
<br />Tl) iiAYE: AND 1'O HOLD thr J,ravritaes aMwe dna•ribral, with :xli tlo• :ti,l,u rlrnsuuv.r tftr reuntu helunx;ing, unto the acid
<br />xsnuiz~rr(a) and !o hit, bet tar iheYr hcin and sa.i;;na tarrva•r, l,n,t ui,.J :d..:ry., oral tl +r tarrvrnts arc u(x,n ttu exPrctn
<br />r.w.hliuo that ii the said rrWrib'ab'orta), hia, )rcr ur iltrir hrira, ea,a-u1,.n. :uinonntratora ur acrit;ua atanll Juty ur came to be
<br />)aid to tix cad ttrortgagce{s3. )ais, ia•r ar their hrira, rsarutnn, admuu.t+:tt.,r. e.r ^..iKnr, thr prim•iiaat aum ul S 20 r $00. C)Q
<br />t~Y~ sa k+1~>~. u+4it: $2, 500.00 et~ual arnur.l installments of principal for eight
<br />(8j years, with the first payment commencing on March 1, 1980, and on
<br />Hatch 1 of each year thereafter until the final payment is due and payable
<br />on 23arch 3, 1987, with interest at the rate of 7~ percent per annum payable
<br />with each anaual instal3.a~nt of principal, Mortgagors reserving the right
<br />to prepay a21 or any part of the unpaid balance of principal on any annaal
<br />insta3lment payment date,
<br />%7i7C7}f#XKassd+rdanE to tie trnar arad rriicaY c3 t;a mart~a>;arta wntn•n 7.nunxic++ry Holt Jr•arinl; turn .Joie with ttae.e ptearab
<br />atoll at+ntl vary alt 4aaa aa,d aaar~.,:tarrt tr tro~»a3 uJ,an uxt nv! r-. loft, ura! :all :,IJr•r tiara, trrv'NY~ owl nrvn,•n~ h~a i.at a;><aa l)tn
<br />swrrtlt.Vr ar the able -vrfair)t thn trlr,tiG~e it liven t,r reea.urr, !r•t,ur• tit- ..,a~• harvne. drJitrtu.•nt, wrri iaw~, the iuriklin=s an
<br />+.ad trrmisra in vr,d fw thr sum .d 3~uro`.~1C vait~ }tom it an,•. t.~ryai,d.• to dte s icl tnurtF:akar, than flows prexatta
<br />ir, i,.- aaad, r>rJu•n.tiwr ft. !ae and rt•ta+rin in full to+nw-
<br />ii );i ii~iiirii•:ii fliait.TFi) ii) ~luq it liar cart rtturiFUrar aiulJ t,,,J l.. t.,t .emu'!: Iaa,. ,K ),n.~,n~ ~uaL intiatrant'e, lita
<br />~.ovJ tnr„rrFarFra' naaY lull sua'h loan and 3ua,rure aur-h itawrsna~r; aax? tl.,~ ..,u «.:.,h;.ra'+.t, w~ttlt titeL rv•at at per
<br />+s•nt, ajraii t,e rayrid 19Y said ~'tXacaar. arpl ihnr martGarr alwrli ataxxl :a+ .,a ,.r,xv l,.r iha• anna•_ J'.J That a tnilum to pay atfty
<br />.d ~aai a.,arry. rittwr )aeirui;ui ur irala•rr+[. v3arn tlaa• runu• t.eramrr r]u,• „ t.uiurr to re,mt,iv with any ad the (ura;aitt~
<br />.aFr.rwrnta. ahaii .^aur the wtndr wm ad rau,nry he'ro' uv vn~d is Iv.,~,.u,l,.,~ ruJ ttilhrldd.- nt ,HKr• ,rt tlu• ol,tiun at efie
<br />=r..ae~• upon sixty ifi0} days' notice in writing to Mortgagors.
<br />sl'i'd thin ~ ~ anY rd October 1, 79
<br />In prrae•nax td
<br />
<br />tEarie H~ Katie)
<br />{Viola A. Karle} ......
<br />!'Til31r (?F'-_ .:.. ...•-~-- _--.- _ --__ . C-cwnty at Hall
<br />~ mr. a >~ J+c + iar told cur. ia•nxvwJly r>rn„• Earle H. Katie and Viola F_.
<br />Itarle, husband and wife, l~rtgagors,
<br />Lwava kt ace ~ he tle idanticri pt!txat ar persowa tr6a tilEna-d the larre.,in~ instrument atoll ackrrawl~dgrd the e:etvtim
<br />tt:teat b he isiie. iaar er Heir vtaluetary ac4 aaad Berri
<br />°-.
<br />Wataatns my Attsd ad tr~arwd aeai oa..... _..__j,~',ri:.ti~-?--. 1 ., 19.-~.~ .
<br />Aty neawtaroa ~-~-~l~Y-iarr ~ ~ ~"`?~"~"'-' Notary Pu6diC.
<br />_ -
<br />St'AT'lr O;P' ~._,_..__....._._-._.__...__._._._._~ ~i4t iintrred ran numr•r&al rode: sod filed lar record
<br />ts.
<br />~+$~3 ----•-- ............._.._...._....,....__...._.-- _,___._.. in tt,r Rrgisirr u[ Deedr Offtce of Maid County tha
<br />_....._.._~.__...dq eQ_. __-....,.__.__ .... 19_.._. _-.. at...__-._..... n'rlrrclt and.... _._-.._ ........_minutea _.__.........__...M.,
<br />and rewrdad is Souh_~~....._..._.--.-°•---.....oL.._._.-..__..,__.....~_-.at i,nsr . _.. -......_ _ _._._..
<br />......... .. ................ .. Red. of Dada
<br />t3y. ......_ ....._ _ .......Deputy
<br />__ -_ .
<br />