<br />Uxmotut COVExANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />I. Psyttteot of Prladpal grid Interest Borrower shalt promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />ind„-b;afneu evidenced by the Notz, pregayment and late charges as provided in the Nore, and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advance secured by this Mortgage.
<br />Z. Feuds far Testa tend Instuarece. Subject to applicable law ar to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to Leader on the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full,
<br />a star {herein "Fitads") equal to one-twelfth of the yzarh` gazes an3 assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Mortgage, and ground renu on the Property. if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments fo: hazard insurance,
<br />pits one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasanably estimated initially and from
<br />Mme to time by Lwder on the basil of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />The Futsds shall be Itcltl in an institution the depnsiLS ar accY~uns of which are insured ar guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state agencp {including Lender if Lander is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />insurance premiutts a~ ground renu. Lender mac not charge for so holding and appl}•ing the Funds, analyzing said account,
<br />or verffvtiag and compiling said assessmenu and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interet on the Funds and applicable taw
<br />permiu Lender to make such acharge- Botrawer and Lender ma) agrzz in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />h.'atYgage :hat iatere<_t on the Fiords sha[IM_ paid to Burrower, and unless such agreement h made or applicable law
<br />t+equites suit interest to be paid, Lender shall net be requited to oay Barmwer any interest or earnings an the Funds. Lender
<br />shag give to Borrower, without t3targe, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debiu to the Funds and the
<br />pterpose for which each debit to the Funds was madz. The Funds are plzdged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage.
<br />$ the; ati30Uni of the Funds held by Lender, tagether with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prier to
<br />the due darts of taxes, assessmenu, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to gay said taxes,
<br />amts, iruttranx ptunittttis and ground rents as the! iatl due, such e~-es shalt be, at Borrowzr's option, either
<br />prwaptly repaid m Borrower or credired to Borrower as monthly installments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />hdd bF Leader shalt net be suf'ficsat to pay taxes, assesstttents, insurantt premiums and ground rents as they Ertl due,
<br />Bturower shall pay to Ixader any amount necessary to makz up the deficiency withir. 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Letder m Borrower requesting payment thereof.
<br />Uptrn p¢y-meat is fuB of alt sums secured by [hk Mangagt, Lender shall promptly rzfund to Borrower any Funds
<br />bra 1±. tinder 1# under paragraph 18 boreal the Pmpzriv is said ar the Pn'+pcrn~ is athetwise acquired by Lender, Lender
<br />v na lattr than immtdiatcly Prier to the sale of the Pta riy or its ac uisition b)° Lrad~,, any Fu,:~ 1'»'d by
<br />slsall tppl.:, tx q
<br />Lttadcr nt ~ time of aoplicatiaa as a credit against thz sums secured by this 'tiongage.
<br />3.. App6rasjw of Psi. Unless applicable taw provide ahetuise. all pa}mints rzctived by Lender under the
<br />13og and paragraphs 3 and 2 htinaf shat! be applied by Lender first in payment of antounts payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />under par~taph 2 herta#, then to interest pa_r-abte on ibc Note, thin to the principal of the Nate, and then to interest and
<br />ptintapal on any Future Advance.
<br />j3as, $orrorver shall pay aB taxes, assessmenu and other charges, fitter and impositians attributable to
<br />fIr Property ivlti.b troy aua®a griorlt}' aver this Mortgage• gild leasehold pavmeau or grotmd rents, if am•. in the manner
<br />pavsxdtd ter pat'agra}.:a 2 hereof er, if not paid in such manrtc- by Borrower making Payment, when due, tGtectly to the
<br />pays Ihctsctf. Borrower shall Prompay furnish to Lender all not;ces of amaunu due uts~r this paragraph, and in the event
<br />Ilenrotav shalt make payment dire<th, Borrower shall prampth furnish to Lender myripu evidencing such paytrenu.
<br />Bttrmtvu shah Prasuptty dist3targt any liar aft;ch has priarin over this Mtrttgsgt: provided. that Rotrawer shat! txu be
<br />npgitaYd m any such lien so long as Botrowe.r shall agrce in writing to the payment of the obligation secured b)'
<br />such lien in a manger atx~uablt to Lwder, or shall in gad faith cotttet such lien by, or defend rnfor.^ement of such 3iett in,
<br />legal psoceexhags eehtdi nPerate to prevent the enfor*,ement of the lice or forfeiture of the Propcriy or any part thermf.
<br />i gored tFaattttaese. Borrowu shall keep the improvements now exist[^g ar ftereafter zrecttd nn the Propzny insured
<br />sEaiust loss by Sue, hsranls iix~ttded witltia the tzrm "zcttmded roverabro"', and such ether harards as Lender may require
<br />glad m tech sawunu and f~ staeti periods as Lead.., may require; Provided, that Leader shall rtat require the[ the amount of
<br />stmt covttage ettcerxl t.~at amot>utt ,f cavertSge tequirtd ro pay the sums secured h)' this Mortgagz-
<br />The ittsitraatx tinier providtng the iustttantt shalt bo chosen by Harrower subject to approval by Lender, provided,
<br />tlsat retell a~rovat shall got be unreasonably withltr.?ti Ali premiums on insurance golleies shall be psi.{ to the manner
<br />provided under Paragrytph '? heieaif' or, ii not paid in suds tttsnner, by Borrower making payment, whrn duz, directly to the
<br />ias+u;'ace carrier.
<br />Alai itssisanae Pdtcses attd reaewak thueof shall be in form acxptabk to Lcndzr seed sttatl irtclitde a standard mortgage
<br />tdmae ~ favor of and in farm avnegta6it to I.crtder. Lrrtder shalt have she right to held the polices and renewals thereof,
<br />lard 13wrawer shalt psmsprly i'ttrnish m I.i^~icr su rzn~•al rs3t~~ a;,d nit . w-i}~s of paid pr~miumc In the event of hiss,
<br />lkrrottt~ t3tali gave ptxtrty# nanx to the iasurauct arrter and I-ender- Letr3er may ttxatz prc<f of mss if r,~ 'l=ade gromgt?y
<br />by ylnato,t~_
<br />I.7aiesa Ltttider and 8orrmeer txhetwisz agt'ec itt wriuttg, iasurattx pnxe>ds shall bt applied to mtc~asian ar rxpair of
<br />the ' damaged, Prcrz~ded stxh nesttorautut ar repair is ocanatntcaily ttasibk and the security of this Mortgage is
<br />9nt thtraby rrapattcd. If melt tesmratrtut or taPan" is na[ toLm~micallc feasible of tf the srrunt) of thts Mot°.gagc wauM
<br />be mod, tlve ittsisaoce prpxeds shall he applied t.~ the sums srcurtd h)' 'his Mortgage. w+th thz excess, if an}', paid
<br />~+ yoe:vsrea. If the ptug'ert) is alundaned by Bormwtr, ar iI Borrower Satls to rnpond to Lender within 30 dav~s fram the
<br />dam tttxioe n inaitad by I.t~ to Borrower that the insurance carrier afTtxs ttv settle a claim for insurance beaefis, Lender
<br />is _~ to cedkct and appd}° the insurance priw.r'~-.is at Lcadtt's option eittser to restoration ar repair of the Properly
<br />nr m mr itmus sec;,tad by t» Ddartgag:.
<br />I;~Aeu Letsder and Bmruvwer atlter.sise agree in w-nting. gay .uch application f~ p;a,-tds to pnr~ipal shall net extend
<br />or ptxepauc she due dace oil she tnaath3v iastallmznu refured to in paragraphs ?and . Itereaf or change the atttauat od
<br />auci+ uactayt If itoder prrsgraplt 1$ hereof the Property is acqutred b} Lettdtr, all tight, tine gird interest of Harrower
<br />ffi eat! m gay iasmsr+tz p and is and to the pratxads thcrzof resulting from datnagc to the Proper,)' prior to the sale
<br />a# eta rJratl 1~ m Leader m the eaten[ of the sums se~tred by this 3lortgagc imtnediateh' prior is such sale or
<br />~. TiOS~afaa toad MtlsRnau+ee ai Pregerst_r. LtsseiddC C. Piaaetd Quit Dcvelapmeats, Borrower
<br />tihi3l ~ ~ m . r~atr ~ sly utu rsrixt$t w76tt ar ,Hermit intpair>ffint or deter~ratioa of the Property
<br />~ ~ ' wish tlve pttxtvisictus ~ any truss if Luis Mortgage is on a kaseiaald. I# this Martgnge is an a unit in a
<br />mtdttmi~ism a a plattmd lean development, Borroarr slsall perform all of Borzav+er's ohltgatians under [ht dectaraiion
<br />~ -~~ ~ ~g tyx ctnuu€rt nr planned unit development, thz by-laws and regulations of the
<br />,nr ua<it Ott, gory eartstituent dat:uments- If a condoatinittm os planoed un+t development
<br />r~ h es>t>~d }~ I! gad reeaadal t.+yethe'z watt this McH-tga;t, the covenanu gad agtetmtnts of such rider
<br />shay he iucarpantad lase ated tthaZl at~d and supptemera the covenattu arnt agctemenu of this Mortgage as tf the rider
<br />>rae a !~ hateo#.
<br />T, leaetaint of lsaies's =7. If Botrttwet fails to periatm tbt covenants and agrtem.nu contained in this
<br />~4nrttptye, or if cep atxano m prOt h ciit which materiatiy aHecu Leader's iarcrzst in the P~openy,
<br />ineyttaet;. lhtt rot lasittd ta, eatnornt ektmain, iasNVe ncy, code rnlor"emtnt, ar srrangetttents x prtx:cedirgs tnvalving a
<br />t pr ttt, t~ID Lender at trader's afptitg7, upon ~tiee to Harrower, may make such appearances. disbursz such
<br />s~ and take >~ action as h m protect Lende['s imerest. including, buK not limited to, disbursement of
<br />tcaaasrahle ata+sae~'s fees std entry upon the Property to make repairs. If tinder required mangage insurance as a
<br />a( tntkieg tyre Moan t+xmad by this Mtxrigage, Borrower shall pay the premiums requit'eci to maintain such
<br />iu ~t tm~ such rime ~ the t~uirement far sstch insurance terminates in accordance with Borrowei s and
<br />