79-n07151 ~ 3.
<br />and prosecu#$ in its own-name in the action ur proceedings, ar to rna'r.e any compromise or
<br />settlement in connection with such taking ar damaq_e. All such compensation, awards,
<br />damages, rights of action and proceeds are hereby assigned to t=k~rtgage2, who may, after
<br />deducting fihzr~ rom all of its expenses, including atforr,ey's fees, release ar,y money so
<br />rec®ivad by it ar apply the same on any indebtedncs. s.~cured hereby, h"urtgagor agrees to
<br />execute such further assignments of any compensation, awards, damages and rights of action
<br />and prta^.eeds as Idortgagee may squire.
<br />l0. Tha# Mortgagor shat! co*:~iy, at all t'smes, .ith all federal and state laws, all
<br />municipal ordinances and ail rules and reg~:iations ,~f any governmen*,al entity having
<br />~afr;sdaction over the premises, 'snsofar as sail iaws, ordinances, rules and req_ulations
<br />pertain in any way to fire premises and their use.
<br />!f. That flea Mortgagee, and any p2rsor<s authorized by lk}rtva72e, shalt have the right
<br />Yo enter and inspect tn2 premises at air rags:~nabie tir':es.
<br />I2. r@ortgagar will not further mortgage or encumber the premises, ar assign, or
<br />attempt #a assign, the rents, ar any part thereof, fraT said premises. 'Mortgagor gilt
<br />mot, extep# where the lessee is in default thereunder, terming#e er consent to the cancel-
<br />latian or surrender of any feast of the promises, ar ary part thereof, now existing or
<br />Hereafter made, ar modify any sucn lease so as to shorten the unexpired term thereof or
<br />so as #o decrease the amoun# of rents payab32 ?::ra,;r'~r, cr accept payment's a# any
<br />Snstalamen#s of rent to become due under such leases to a period of more than one month
<br />in advance. Mortgagpr wit! n,>t execute any lease of a.:y portion of the premises except
<br />tar actual oLcupancy by the lessee th2re~nder, will at all times aromptfy and faithfully
<br />perform, or cause to t>e parfarrred, all 4f rho :ovenarts, conditions ar.d agreements
<br />::antaaned in all leases of the premises now ar n2rea#fer existing, on tr,e part of the
<br />_$ssar #laereunder to 3aa kept and performed; all 8eases upon the mortgaged premises shalt
<br />oe ;n form and subs#anca satisfactary to ?,fl~rt~~agee and, at the option of *•k~rtgagee, shat!
<br />:aa ass"sgrsed #o ~Wr#gagee.
<br />13. In the event that Martga~r makes an assigrR~nt for the benefit of creditors, a
<br />r~ clear as appoanteti for tn2 ~artgagor ar fcr aft ur any par# of the pre-'r,is$s, or if
<br />i~artgagr,r files a petition or ins#itutas prac22etngs ir: bankruprcy or is adjudicated a
<br />i~3.n;.fupt sndar any state taw for the relief of debtors ar under the bankrupicY iaws
<br />~_f t#ae s;~a#~ Stag, ar if any of the foregc?i~,~ shall Happen tc any cc-r~.aker or guarantor
<br />tai tsae promassary Hatt secured Hereby, than, cr at ar,: time t^2reafter, the whale of the
<br />diaresaad ande~#eaness and all o-t^er sums sec;:rad by this ^rartgaae ar.d arse other securing
<br />agreement given ar, Connection with t3;is leer, s-~al l became due an; r3var~le at and a# the
<br />aft i ore of #fae Mortgage$ and ?mortgagee sloe l 1 be en= i t f ed to des l err to i =_ tr~rtgage #o be 3 n
<br />z3e#a~;,ft. The actep#anca of tame ar mare paymer,#5 an #iae indeb#edness ar any sums secured
<br />Lay #~as rtaorts~age mane by anyare other Char, tnc? Nbrtgag`r pricer to confirmation of #ar$-
<br />::lassar$ sage also!! Hat tomstatute Abrtgagee's .elver of ?#s right to accelerate the
<br />#eri#y of ##ae aforesaid irdetatedrig~s and alI -other s>rms secured hereby.
<br />Id. .'reo remedy Ctaraferred ~por3 or reserved to fitartaagee ir. -his mortgage ar any otn$r
<br />~CUrany 3gret~uant as a~ntzndaG to be exClusiw=e of any ether remedy or ~•emedi2s land each
<br />-and every such rsmzdy s#aall be tumulat+ve, and >half be ir, additio=, .c every other remedy
<br />~iara;ra ~r~eunder, ar nor or ?aereafter) axistin a? leer, in equity ~,r by sta#ute, Ikz delay
<br />.tar ,;,mass# at Alor3gaga2 io exe.rcise any ri ;h~ or pcwar accruing upar= any de#ault shall
<br />aa~taar .asap sut3e ra-ght or power, or shall be Construed to be a waiver of 3r;y sua-.f1 defavit,
<br />.n..aa:aesCer~~ #i',ara:^, ~ w es~: y power ar.tl ;es~dy giver, by t,^:;s rt~aga >'o t ha
<br />t~r#gag~ae aaay be ex$reised tram tame to time as after: as may ae deemed expedient to
<br />#g.
<br />f 5. l:Oortragor ar a i 3 ~ adetluate reCar'ds and nc~~k5 o f account i n accordance w i #n
<br />gerreraily atra~ted acasuntang ,riracaplas and wilt d2i'i.-er td, •ri.rtga~e, vi#hin 45 days
<br />.after tta~e floss cf es'tCh of AI<~r-tgat~r'S fiscal years a^ itemized statement Certified by
<br />an, affir..er sa# ?~icrtgagor showing all it$ms of inccme and expense #ar the mortgaged property,
<br />sa±ta~ #a:~+ an eac7s Case, ire cc~aratlva faro:, figures far tf;e preceding }rear. Through- -
<br />:rut i~ term sat this a>aar#tgage, t~Cartgagor, w`rrt; sasonaale prurr~tnzss, ~i f # del aver to
<br />Yro~ea ;rte; r4f,ar a,^+v..,R.*:~; with ~sp,ett ,,. ~l~'~ -9ortyayee ;,rarris,~ a> ~fc~; tr~ay22 may
<br />r~aascxaae,ly r2gssest Pram tirr~ is time. Ail iinanoiai ~;Tater,~ents shat; be prepared in
<br />~::car~dance w7th g$neralfy accepted ac~unting prat:?ice antl snali be delivered in duplicate,
<br />w at said f~rtgagrar ;half ,,•ay cr ~duse ~." be pied said su'f;5 a* r;rone=_' when due as
<br />- ~"~'~ fs~rzh in said l~at2~ ale:^u n tns§ anstr umer,;, and any add i~t ~c~~a,' adi°ances made, with
<br />;tar~rss#,-as fa$r$ar. ~raara ;ed, and shall als~~ have pair; ai; ether indehtedress secured f?y
<br />s3sa5 lbrtgaga sTRad 3#aall leave faat#afu! ly and tut ly kept ar.d ~zrforr>ed each and a1 l a# the
<br />LiAit£'ra~ri'~a glad aTjf"1>~5 i}$r21A ,CL]r'!~$E"fac^+~'L3r _,?r~tel;?&~ in s3~J f7a?E ar 8*ty Jtf:2r natLS yr
<br />agrnfis-tar adt#3#tonal advances, tf+en t;?isrcorsv2yarce shall be nail and void, otherwise
<br />1# ~~a3 9 r~aira in fgf I farts and of `nett..
<br />#t de#aaf3t s19~I1 i2e made irr any payt flue c:~n sold Na#e or fihis tnstrurrent, ar or,
<br />any a#~r x~o#~ or' ~s;easgex~#s for a€9rlitaonal advances, nor in keep:hg the irrtarovemenfs an
<br />sajd P~f~ +~t+ as atorssaad, with lass, if anY, payable to said Assaclation; or er.
<br />pay~eent Cif t?f qr assss~smmn#s ~t + mature aeon said premises or flats lkartgage ar
<br />ari6ab#edne~;s ~r~rd #har~ay; tae#cfre i-lre same becime delinquen#; i# provision far advance
<br />nayr.ela#' ~'~' Caen made as'descraDed afxave, er ir, the event that the requirement #ar
<br />advani:a8 paym~a#5 Is •rai?Ved r5r l~s t#fe eyenfi that "dorfgagor tails to r_onform to and comply
<br />iafth or shout d otherwise ~r~eadi any of the cenditi;,ns, covenants ar agreements contained
<br />"tfa- t#as Aker#gage, or tfta= lsfo#a3 wla'ath i# serrates, ar env other notes cr agreemen#s for
<br />