79-~ pfY715~ oPEiJ LND mx,il ;~,ct
<br />GARY E. SHOVLAIN APJD LINDA p. SHOVLAIN, husband and wife herein called the
<br />.Mortgagor whether one or mare, in consideration of FOURTY THOUSAND AND NO/100----------
<br />-^------------------------------------------i~oliars Ici_~ned to said .nt:}rtgagor, does mor'fgage
<br />to HOME FEpEt:AL SAVi;dGS AND LOAN ASSOGiATiON, its successors and as>igns, the following
<br />.described real estate in HALL Gounty, Nebraska:
<br />and ai! easements and appurtenances loge#nar with ail nuiidings, improvements, fixtures
<br />ar appvrtertances now or h:areafter area#ed ?hurec+n, including ail apparatus, equipment,
<br />fixtures ar articles, whether in single vn':> er ventrally controlled, used to supply
<br />neat, gas, air-conditioning, water, I;ght, power, re#rigeraticn, ventliation or other
<br />services, artd any attaer thing haw or hereafter therein or thereon, the furnishing of
<br />whic.~s by leS5ar5 to lessees for an un#urni>hed b::ii4inq similar to the one now ar hera-
<br />~fi~ ~ raiz± r. ~iVac - ec}~n„Var.. .v~r _a r r _ ~~l ~j7 n~ b~,t ^~~t iimifnd tri _.
<br />:sin3ar snades,~storm doors and windows, carpeting and ether door coveiinos, screen doors,
<br />aernircLAS, ltuatt-in disnwasners, stones, refri?era t,r~, and water hea#ers and ail renewa35
<br />or rspla~satents thereofi ;all of which are inter;ded ',c be and are hereby declared to be a
<br />par-; of said real estate xnatner physically atfaened thereto cr not.) The Assacia#ian
<br />is t~ersby svbroga?ed to tfie rights of ail morfagaes, iienhc~lders and owners paid off by
<br />fine pr~eeds of the lawn hereby secured.
<br />Tt? flAV~ A.^eIi TO HOLD =he said proger#y, wt#n said Dui idings, irr~rovaments, fixtures,
<br />appvr#snanaas, apparatus and equipment, unfc said .~ssaciatie?;, its su:.cassors and assigns,
<br />fz~r+ever.
<br />IdorTgagor fiAareoy covenants watn sale ~+ssociaiian, ire successors anu assigns, that
<br />Mortgagor is lawfully seized of said pre>x;ises, that they are free of encumbrances, and
<br />tfiaat ti~rtt3agor will forever warrant and defend tn~ title #; said premises against the
<br />Jawful clams of alt parsons wnatnsoever.
<br />~i5 hKTFi~i,~ 3S GJ'rc~J ?~~ S_CG~: :il The aa}~c~n+ of 3 N::;e a~,c.cated by tortgagor
<br />?a the Assaa#i~ ttearin_„ rY.an dare ficrT.-~~it', +n ~,,,~ principal sum as sat forth abEVe,
<br />wbaa;;~a =w~#s, r~r§,~capzl ;nv interest, is pay.abie ;n fwnth:} instail^f=nts sCCnrding tO it5
<br />to ~, rain a #inal maturity, unless leaner laid, ar fine ist day ~.f November ,
<br />Ttae holder r:ereaf snail have #re option to accalera#e fine maturity a# the note
<br />for wni~ts #his mortgage is given as security, at any^ tine otter tnc iOtn loan
<br />year after first gEving fine und2rsacned or the that, owner afi fine premises described herein
<br />a ~YrittBn sgt3ce t#tr~ min?#ts in advance of ita ir,tant #o da 50. Any prepayment of
<br />a+r i r~c~ral ?~a4E ~±y ~ a rtsa~ o f ?n-e axe. _ i se :tf f-#; i - op' i ort shat ; D° :~ i t3;:~;t ;,repay:flatst
<br />yrertnaran. tCl And z~tditlnnal advances maw b t#'~ Assacia#i~-s to f~srtgagar, or taortgagor's
<br />s-+~tc~5saar} an ti#ta, #cr any ;:.,rpvse, at #ne option of the Assaciatian, at any time before
<br />ttiE r8le,tse arvd Ce~ttcal lotion of t+,as #~ertgage, b,:t at no tir,,e ,nai 3 finis #ktrtgage secure -
<br />a~lraeca~s sate +Atooruant caf laic original hate anu such add3tion3i advances in a sum in excess
<br />zs#t={tTy TAhH7 .A' ldOy Jt~l--_-_..-____...--- - -__-.~; 1~rs; prayided that nothing
<br />t~,rein s~catalneal sJ3aJl ue oansid8rsd as limiting the atrount trot' shall l;e secured hereby
<br />rlaHR ad+rac-eed fie protc'~t fine secur:itl' 3r in accordance wifh covenants coma9ned in this
<br />1~1c~-t.
<br />F'r'ttr.~atleg, nevert#raJess, t#ve>e presents are upon fine fallowing vnditions: that w~tereas,
<br />ttw} 5,9ifl 3br#ga~tr as a 2r rf saad ASS;rCiatia3n, has executed a Fatesn writing to said
<br />Assocaa#aDr+ to repay s~ ctf +aoney, with interest, in payments as sat forth ir, said
<br />?~r3te, ana3 any artd all arfdititxaal advances, with interest, and has agreed to altide by fine
<br />;,a~i3ti to#f~ ~ tly-far cif said ~ssa~ia#ian, and rules and regulations asap#ed ay its
<br />i3o8rd ta# ~irecttt~S; and agreed and do herby agree:
<br />l . Ttt stay #dte i+tdebtedness hereby sacitrsd promptly and i n # u l ! comp 1 i once with #na
<br />larval a# tls~ a#~x+as~aad I'roaaissory 7Vtate and any other hates or agreements for addi#ianal
<br />ad~8Mi~9S +aS 4lrovid+vsl Herein an+9 of fl~,,is ?dcir#gac~e and further ages that at the safe option
<br />~# i'gagea tile #ime s>f iraymstat of fibs indabradness hereby secured, or any portion there-
<br />fit#, vqy/ }fit ~i ~r ret+eweal, and any pot.#i~on of the premises herein c~escribad maY,
<br />7rY~ ~p#l~st 3fB reiea #r+oev tn9 lien hereof witnou# releasing or of#ecting the personal
<br />I.Jaia# i i#y t¢# i~t #~s+r'tg~r Itsrel,n for the payment of said i ndabtedness then remal n i ng
<br />!~~s -fit ~5~ in ~'s4*ip s~# said premises shat 7 ratAase, reduce or otherwise
<br />d#f8C't sd~#: ~tti i aali`I i ity pr tile ? fen hereby vreafied.
<br />2, iJntiersi~sed reserves . #fie ri gn# 'to prepay this na#e i n whole ar i n part on ary
<br />i~'ta1:#i ,~ay~en# data-pria~r #~c~ tsars from the date nereo# by the payment of al i
<br />ac~rue~ interes# t+s't#te Hate tr# sast~t prepayment to.fether with a prepayment Fee equal in
<br />amount- to ll3p days anfierast tin- ttte -mount so prepaid; and i # prepaid after such date there
<br />shall-ltd no prepayment fas, The prepayment fee so charged snail not exceed tr,e maximum
<br />