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79-~ t}~371~(~ <br />MORTGAGE <br />-- MORTGAGE LOAN NO, L 23 , 598 <br />xxowALLMENevTHI•sEPRGSEN'iS:Tha[ Melvin A. Lucht, a single person <br />Morigagar, whether one or more, in coasideretion of the sum oC <br />Thirt~Thousand and Nol100---------------------------------------------------------DOLLARS <br />loartd to said ~rt~a,r by The F.gtitahle ft[ti.4tiag and I <tn a<cxiatian of C,rar-d island. Nebraska, Mortgagee, u~tn 300 shares of stogy of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate xo. L 23,yg$ , da hereby grant, a~nvey and mortgage tm[o the said ASSOCIATION the following <br />described real estate, situated ;n Eiail Cnun[y, Net•.raska- <br />THE NORTHERLY FIFTY SIX FEET (56') OF LOT <br />ONE (i}, IN BLOCK ONE HUNDRED TWENTY NINE (129} IN KOENIG <br />AND WIEBE'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL <br />COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />taget6cr with 33i rktr ttrxmtntz hereditamrnts sad appuneraaccs ihrreuntr~ Mk>r_sug, m.?udu[g attached door mt~tirtgs, ail window screens, <br />wmdew shades, blinds. storm wittdt,ws. aw^<irtFs, hea?nrg, alt a,a&tmntng, and p]umbine and waur eytuprnent mrtt aiYessaries [herezo,pumps,stotes, <br />itfrtge:aiars, and attr_t fixim~es artd M^uipment nt?w rss ht[eafirr asachei to or usrd to ax:ne.~n,n with and taal esia[c. <br />Asa s'hereas tbt sad :;faregzg-*r itas t~ree3 arw 3ctis iterc2<}~ afiree tt[at the tnarirr s.4ai1 and aiR pay at[ toss sari asaestmertu kvied of <br />atsssrd upon said }er[nises atd ttp~r: this rsrtrt_e~ a.~d 2Ix barx? mwtd thesebv ief, re the Sarno shad! btrctme dh'ingtttnt: to furnish approesd <br />imauasee trT+at: the btrddirtgs on slid #=mtses. sttuatr> ar. titr sutrt ai S 3O tO00.00 paysbk to said :taSCX'IATlOx aad to dtlivsr to said <br />ASSLTClAT23?: tix lx,iicirs fr>r sstd insterar[cr; and n.-.' z.~ ;axr-[.~.i=, yr prr mr[ any wsste an .,r about sax! paentssxs. <br />is ~ of tkfauit in t,4 prrfatman.~e of a_nt of tits trrmz xni .:wdtti..~+[s at xhrs nx,rtEtgt as ttx batd stzurd hereby, thr ioott~ee shall. <br />m demsad, tr em[itled to ma[rdiate potsessaan of thr axx[raged premises atd the m[.,ngagar l,treby auigns, transfers and refs aver to the <br />aft ehe rents, reysnuu and :n, core to t< dtrnrd ir~t rLe mnrtgtgrd psemaes '_;uvrg ar3t tau~?e ss tlu nsortgagt indeiatedrtess stsall retnaim <br />ra~paud; tend tIDC trortpFe,c shall Ctrs ihr powtr to apptint any fin[ or ttgenu it [twy derrr for rite ptrtpasc of sopai[ittg mid ptemives atd rtstms, <br />for a®r and ~'rxdg the rrnu, rrtrnttes and arrcme, ant i[ ttsay pay out of mid rtte<--rt all ezpenxs of rrptiring mid prcatises and ttoeeuaey <br />rn and ttptnses auzrtrcd u, [rrting aad tttstugitte thr same atxt ai wlk~utg ttr.:ais tixrefrom', the bahnx ttanaiaing, d' any, to be <br />app~ercl toward fir dtscftargr of ma3 traxtgste indcbtedaxa< theae tigrts of [he t[rt rtFagee msy n^ rzei`-nerd at any tirttr dttrug ttte esi#rttoe of s~3t <br />tiefatdt, i;~trsltectm of ~} ttmpis.-ary waicsr of thr sarae- <br />Thtg Psesa:ts, is,:r,arvt[, arc ap€w, ehr Ccxrd:[n~n. Tdrat i*." tfx sitd Alvtgagttr v^sii ;ri,z. ,sal }~ , n ar Dafar tax maturity of ssrd shatss by <br />payenrnt: pae~ monthly r., a,.i A_S3C11'i Ad'tt?1 .+2 a~s~r; s_~r.: ?nti: L~ ti'+e fw-;r.: sc ~rrd hereby as aaterest an-d ixu[a~? cn said loan, an or Uefate <br />the Tw~entrrt.h Say of tack sad rsrn aaea;[h, uotii ;s[a iaan is fttiiy~ paid: pay all tatter and a~,ntenu ktir3 sgei!tsi mid prettt:ses and ~ this MonpgF <br />and the Ekmd srnmd L4rtrM , iK*ure ~ttnyxtt~~ _ frsrnzsh a~nval msurarxx upon the beuidirgts thcrrun m the sum at S 30 , 000.OQ payable <br />m sad Ai'SOf3 A i tuN: topaz zr, mat tRSSt'ti'iATit3\ upc~ts demtnd atl trx,tsry ??y st pard f,x srui: t>_crs, ai~~ssmcnts and utnuanm rvi[h internt at <br />t}tr mmantmt legni rate ;hrr>z:n tram ias of paynsn*. y'r .,f vr,krch Martgaeor hcteb.~ rtes :u pry, permit ero waue as sad pressisrs;kerp and wst}dy <br />wsat ad rite ngssxa+rnis aat :.ands[tans of the llunff i,rr S 30 , tfLtD. OC"Iitis day gtroro by [M mr3 4artggtau [u mid ASSOCIATION, aad wmpiy <br />erith aH liar ta~aturtaenu of ttx;'cstsir[uum artd ity •i,aw~s of sad ASS[`7[.-IATlON. tixn tRes presext[s. siradi brx,ms,c otd# utd tctid, otherwis [Cry <br />~ tomato m fsl3 finrtr atr: racer iu tc.r-.k~~.t as thr opa.w-~ of ~~tc said ?s,~ix'iAT3t;Sti a;trr 2ai3u:e tu; thr~ tooaths to make any of mid <br />payseess v:' M three aKtnt3•s w at-:zi~~ ut mrdt[s~ sari ttr.utLhFy puy-mes:s, err to it~p arKi :armpt. r:s;h ehr agrttmtuu aad eatndiiwass of said &tnd: <br />and fitutgraaw sigrs~ is Cast a rtsttct appxn[ett 3.,,rt4xttil tr: seu3t f ut eci..*surr pr.>,^srdaags <br />if these n art dsanye m caaaz^raium of ihr real estatr rnrvt~rd trrem, by s:ir ai atlerfvreac. tAen tix rnt:zt retetanstrg iedebtednra )teteby <br />setatred t>~, w the aptioe ad TSte E4muhk Ruiltling and Iwtan Amotutriu[ at t~ratd ittaaui..?4elr+aslx, br.Yrnse rutmec7iauh' dat' and payabir wiHtoui <br />ftitthrs mt~r. and ilte atsotmt rttrant[ng due tatdet taxi hoad, sttd any .uM[ buttd fat atstr addttxzaa4 adsa~txxl malt ihtretardtr, shall, from the <br />lag of tust~e ~ raid opisuu, ltgv xtrtssst ni tlx mtaenutut kIw raac, sort rhx rnxtp~r may then br i[ytc-},tgay; to mrrsfy the amtwttt doe an raid <br />htasd, ad any o~ bred fat additrarsi adtattas_ tutgCt'xx wrth. ail sorts paid itt old Thr I~.Surtabsr Batdd~ anti Lunn Amocutaon of Gnad ltdaad, <br />~as#a fn isa~amx_ iua ana s+er+ts,,~-a atrstrriutg et[xc~r.,r, ~svges. w:tA mte[est tix-cam. t*~: darz .rt payment as tfx muanum <br />~- <br />Aa peocidad io the )lard s+xert:d hnehy , w°fuk Lhrs nx~n~tgsgt rctnarm m turn rte rnargaRte ttsay 'ttettnf[r, aa,mnor addittuna! sttim to the <br />mn#as ;~ tad &,a9, theg amts ~e >.tr.-~.-err,- m srste:t~, ..3icty sw-as ~?rai; tr wu.ttrs: rbr se. ant} <ti :bis nt..,rtgagr ti~tc same as the itmds asjgiasiiy <br />rtxbted theta}•, t~ tnaai atsrNUtt cif psin:.ipsi dri+t tr"t tr. tx.'~cd at ant [;rtte thr urgutat amatrnt at [i,u nurtgttgt <br />~, pfd t}xs 2btil ley of Ottaber a- •,-, . t:,?9 <br />~~_ ; <br />i . ~ ~vsia .- uL-__ ---- <br />f <br />sTAiEOFI~,SkASKA,~$ Onthit 2fit1i da}af October iv79 ,befaretiae, <br />rAt~ti~ caF HALL <br />the ttudnsigned, a Nato}' Public w aad far mid Cauary, pasntully tame <br />fleiv3n R, :.elCif~, a siflgle person <br />`rte 1 S Puw>uliY icnotrn to <br />me m be the ide~tirsl pia wlta~r ~ '~ 5 af$aed i:± tix s4c~e ivatarmrutas mtxt~gt'tr and he ~~X <br />tltr aad inatrsmest to be hiS ut a[xI dad. <br />WTfNESS ,ny hand ttrd Siotariai seat rhr dart dattsaid_ ~'"" <br />M} Cotter captrts n,,, `~~~ ,f / <br />~ _, <br />_ ' s - <br />aa;h~} - rte.. ~, ~~,,-.tta ? <br />traan+u / .tGY 7d. Bc~LEy r ~ <br />ltiY ,^.a[tm. faa. ">~t d 1 ~/ <br />. iS82 ; <br />-.~._-r <br />