<br />~+ MORTGAGE LOAN NO, L ~ 3 s 6D2
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESEPRE5ENTS:That Thomas L. Hanson, a single person
<br />Mortgagor, wtrther one or mare, in considentian of the sum of
<br />=`;£tJ+-fOStf' Thflusand Four Hundred and ~pj;00---------------------------------------- DoLtAtts
<br />maned b saw mortgagor by The Equitabir Bialdvsg assd Loan Assa.iation of Grand Isffind, Nebraska, Moiigagtr, upon ~J~~# shares of #od of
<br />aid ASSOCIATION, CertiCuate No. L 23 602 , da hrrrby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the fopowitg
<br />described rest estatr, situated in ball Canary,' Nebraska:
<br />together with s8 tlx rrnearnu, hereditarmx:s and appurtensncxs ihrreunto belogci,^.g, uadudiag attadaa9 floor ivKtings, art nriadow saeeas,
<br />taiaidosr sfaada_ Nineis. storm wiadosts, aw-isii€gs, fxa€inF, air eonditioni[rg, and plumbing amf water egtsipmsni and accessories thereto, putapa,sttrtes,
<br />reftgerasaes,~tl Whet fifiatts strd rquipiiacoi iaaw~ or hc; eaftet attached to or tae3 in corurection w•irh aid real ts[ate.
<br />Azad vrlaUru the aid tnutx~x has agreed ar d does hereby ~rzr tn:.' the rnortgaew s>rall and will pay sll razes sad naessmr~nu levied ru
<br />astan~l app said pttnesrs and snp~an this martgagt and the borai s.xurtt thereby heforr the sane stall ]secvme delinquent: to fttrni>$ approved
<br />isaaa>3rtee ~ the btnldrtags an said pretnisrs situated in ihr sitm of I 54 ,4tQQ. DD patybk to stud ASSOCIATION and to tie:ittr ro aid
<br />ASSOCIATfi~ the polices f~ said insurance: and set ro ~mmit w perrast any wa#e on ar aAaut aid premises:
<br />In -me of defanh is roc paforrasnat a any of the trstt~u .aand ct~tnditions of this seongsge ar rise t><ind secmrd tatrrby, tIw sha8,
<br />~ dt~md. bt C¢titled tit itamrdiitt possemon Pi thr nkrLEag£d pirasaes and the iDait_P,agat trrrllY assgnS, tiattffCfa and iCCi oYef ro C4e
<br />>9ant~Cr ~ the rc'ats. ttttnuri atsd inaear to bt dtrivcd from the mwtgagrd premrses during sudt dine ss tax mortgage rttdG6ttdnea diaB serosm
<br />i~Yit: sad the Tnnrtg7~et sfiatl have t!r lxtwrs to appaint any agezst or agrnu it ta.y delve far the purp~r of rtpasriag aid pteauses and itattir~
<br />tie ame and odka~ the rests, sesaasists ate iaota~, sad it soy pay out of ari itacome atl capessses of tepauing said pftariaet sad ntaceauy
<br />aomm~ioas ~ txpnars ia.^+rrred in sertirg and :tssttae~t~ thr sarrc and of rnikctirag .rnttix therefrom: the bslantx tttmvsitg, if say, ro be
<br />~^ trow~rd dr 3is3suXe of slid iikYliF7gf iadrbtrdiseta, liras rights of tax itl]ftgagrt :nay bs rxacised at any tithe during, the eaiaeam tIf arch
<br />isT of any tem!aoran waSvtr of the scar.
<br />TSttr °aerau, trovrtvrr, art ppon t4r C'~xadit,an, Thar d tlx slid 5k~rtgaEnu stul7 repay raid l:.re an ar before the s^,stitsity of sss~ shares by
<br />payinc+itr; pry m~thiy to said ASSYlC14Tt£ta; ai ~hc sum sptattiivi v: the Rana stcuzd Irrrby u intcrea and ptvsw3fr;i1 oar said loan, oa or ttsiors
<br />tie T+aeemtirat day v rack sad ' itfaniit_ anal sand lean u fairy pard; par al! carts sad saeastrsu levied apainsi said ptetnists sad oa this klotFgape
<br />aed t4r Bmd seoaed theashy, bCefrxt drhrx~~rem : f,arntrtfr sp¢oved mauanct upm then builalsoyes tteratn m the hum of S rJ 4 , ~(}Q, (}Q WYE
<br />to aid ASS~CIAT~: repay to last A...h'f1CLATiON cq+on dearatat ail mrxry by ;t paid far stria taxes, assessments sad misarance w#h iatertmt u
<br />the any igsfi cart thsrxxv+ !rose da:r of pay-mrsu all of setsrie Ijcu:~s trrtby agrees to psv; permit m walls tan said paeaiioes;ketp std aoatpiy
<br />r+. ~ ELe ajtrt~ecrrts arri Y-x~riax~e ~R ittr &.r>< for= S ~~ , Yvli. l~i ttau da. l?"~e Z<y thr ss~ t.4ort~,.sx to saiii ASSOCIATIOssi, a~ amity
<br />wall ~ the zsstpu of lire Ca~tutx,a $r,lsax of ss>:t !iSStlCl_~TStYti-. tt1~~ these prrsents strut! irmar Weill a>~ mid, othtrwirt ¢#eey
<br />$>~ rt>®a is is~ fors sari nrty he foss:r:kaed ar the .rptr.~n of tirr sari ASSC+C14TI0!t afro fsJurr fat ihrtt iilaittl]S ro slake any of lid
<br />payaroats car tt three smnths m arrears ur makaztg sa~9 sarusd:ky pay teats: v v krep :rsd taxrnpiy rkiL the agrermrnu and conditions of said Bona:
<br />>~ Moitygsaa s6rees to tam arec.-•acr rpx+cuntca'I f~cw2tr+sxth a:, sins fare=i,asure pnrsedmgr
<br />ff t6tee ix aRy ie aanrrs@yp of the tea rasatr ratrtgi~ri term. br sate .a athrnxnr, then the sntve remairret6 mdebtadaess 6tseby
<br />>oaaead r~II, u tht oyewao of 71st E~ustairir Btnldatg sad Ltraa Aax~aatuo of'Cas~d ItAurd,Nebrasta,brrx~me immediately due aed payable arit6wit
<br />frnties anfi¢, sad the amoturt rrmsen:gat due under ssid besaad. and rev :alhrr beard far say additioeai sdvataces tasde tbsteititda, shsB. frost the
<br />des tsf essraar of scud optian, hrr me: tea aI z~x ;xsarunum kt{sl sstc..twi ihrs tswrttpagt ma} then be fasdused in atisfy the atawn! dtr oo and
<br />&ad,aad ~!r Mhrr head far sstdiseoati sds~ars. a,rge:thes a?tt: ail sutra pad by said The Eyssrtatrk brt$diw sal Loran Aaacisft~t of Gram! ls3and.
<br />Ndrsaka for ire, tsars and assesments, s.-.± stxaaacteyg, rsirnsxm ~srg-a, watt Mara ihrJxvt, from dos of payment >! the aatdmamm
<br />~-
<br />As plc vided ~ tkar Bead swretaad hereby, rvttrls tiu mixtp~t txsnawu s tilers thr tffiy txreaftQ advsaoe aaiditioml abas to the
<br />>~ td» Bead, tlrv enemas rn emu-.rases is iaiem¢. r~tai~]a sous be tvitt,~ ttr security of this moriyag;e tht ascot as the lands orguuBy
<br />awed thaaeby, the t~Zl aaaat~ to primpai debt 'z . *_o re.~ at a^.y a arse ttr o: rgnu# amount of this morrgagr"
<br />Il~atgttet>i 30th due .ter Otteber A. D.. 7914
<br />Ttls~oas L_ tlansrxi
<br />~~ ~ ~- ~ this 30th ~Y ~ October i~14 . txf~e ~.
<br />the uadetsigrwd, a Notary Ptdr{ic in sad for said County. peraortatty haw
<br />ThtI~ES ~.. fit3R5#iRa i 5'Ef~~e
<br />•:.'~"Y'.: who 1 S penoaslly known ro
<br />~_ ,~ ~~. v ~-~ ~ "
<br />s so 6e tie idaaaial i~ !~i"atp'nag6; ` ~~. `-7,5` ' ",af6:ed trr the abase iosfrirmett ss tttongsgor and he
<br />8re >aed to t,{k~'- ,~i.~s yc~n~r :fit sad aeEd.
<br />1VI7'NESS trry t i~tliee dstt s.oteaid.
<br />i!Y' Crrt~oa est~ues .~~ ~_'? ~ .~~ ~~±~i!~!?i~
<br />- - ~ - Naiary Public
<br />sraasv ,...
<br />