103~A-WARRANTY DEED (Reviaed 1961) Tt:e Hnttmnc gene:nt snpplp Honee, LSncotc, Nebr.
<br />__ 7,~,~< ~'~~-'~i KNOW ALL MEN BIr THESE PRESENTS:
<br />THAT I or We, E. Leonard Condit,
<br />Virginia A. Condit, wife of E. Leonard Condit
<br />herein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br />~lxconsiderationof Fifty Four Thousand Dollars ($54,000,00)
<br />received from grantee, do heretic grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto
<br />the City of Grand Island, ?gebraska, a municipal corporation
<br />herein calico the grantee whether ove or more, the followin4 described real property in
<br />Ball County , Nebraska
<br />That part of lots five {Sj, sit (b) and seven (7), in Block fifty-one (51), in the
<br />ariginal town, nov City, of Grand Island, Nebraska, described as follows;
<br />Beginning at the South corner of Lot five {5), Block fifty-ane (51) thence Northeast
<br />aloag the Southeast side of Block fifty-one (51), ane hundred fifty (150) feet, thence
<br />horthvest at right angles to the Southeast side of Black fifty-one (51), seventy-five
<br />{;5) feet, theatce Southvest parallel with the Southeast side of Block fifty-ane (52},
<br />one hundred fifty (150) feet, to the Southwest line of Lat five (5), thence Southeasterly
<br />along said Southvesterl_Y line of Let Five, Seventh-five {_751_ feet, to the paint of
<br />begiitning; and, the Northeasterly 114 feat of Lots 7 and 3, in Block Fifty-one {51),
<br />of the Original Town of Grand Island, lying Southeasterly of a line drawn Tea (10) feet
<br />narslally distant, Southeasterly of Grantor's track Number 'S center line as same is now
<br />located across said Lots 7 and 8, Aall County, Nebraska.
<br />To pace aad to hold the abuse described premises together with all tenements, heredilamrnts and appur-
<br />tenances thereto belonging 1mt.o the grantee and to gran?ee's heirs and assigns fatYrer.
<br />end the grantor doe, herebc eosrnant with the grantee and with grantee's heizs and assigns that grantor
<br />is lawflillr seised of 3sid premises; chat thec err free from encumbrance
<br />that grantor has good right and lawful authority to eancep the same, and that grantor warrants and trill defend
<br />the title fo said prrmisns against the lawful riaims of all persons whomsoever.
<br />Dated ~..- ,v2 r'~ ~ -:' •~ ' 19 "f
<br />STAMP 7AX
<br />~, ~ ' _~
<br />b`9'ATE OF'.. j:{.{'--"••.•'i' "-- ~ "~=~_r.:, .... $1'ATEME!VT ATTACHED
<br />•------~tounts•of.,._.. P-:......
<br />Before me, a netarc public qualified for said eoltnty, persoaally came
<br />£. ixauard Condit
<br />knris:a is ae to he the identical pets:.n z~r persoc.-, who sis;ned tine inregoing instrument and acknowledged the
<br />ezerntion thereof to be hie, her or their volnntan- set aad deed.
<br />Wt±~~aey~,,tla~:otar3:sm:an....'.i_.f.~~.~-:~' .":~.~ .............. .19.i~...
<br />---~ .- - -
<br />--_ ~ 4:~°- -- --?-_~-.... :.~~........hotary Public
<br />- c>, -. -
<br />Idy eommtaston ezpirea..:,,~~.=, ...f: ~ . ~: -; .. ...., 19 ~~ .
<br />$~3TE OF .......................... .
<br />G~tY ................................
<br />Soteral es sifinerical iat}ez acid filed for record in the Register of Deeds Oflice of said CAltaty the
<br />•-•---------da•4 si ...................... 19.....-,at.........._a'rlork and.._.-....,.miilnte6 ...........3#.,
<br />amt resordad is Book--------------------o#..................,.at page.................
<br />Reg. of Deedfi
<br />By .......................................Deputy
<br />