net extend or post-pone the due date of the maoNth- installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or
<br />change the amount of such installments.
<br />1Q. $orrower Not Released. Extension of thr time far ;+s~-ment or modificat-ion of :unort-ization of the sums
<br />secured by this Mortgage grantEd by Lender to anc successos• iu lute-rest of Borroner shall not operate to release,
<br />in snv manner, the liability of the original Borran'er and I3ar:-ower's succesare in interest. Lender shall net be
<br />ret;uired to commence proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify
<br />amortization of the sums secured by tiffs \iart~age':,p t•rsson o;' :un demsud msdo by the original Borrower snd
<br />Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />12. Forbearance by Lender Not a Waiver. .1r} :err+=;u`anec h}• Lent9er in exercising am- right or remedy
<br />hereunder. er othernise afforded h} srpiicabie i_::c. ;r.a'1 :,++: tt .. ,r.:i-er e+.' or preclude the exercise of any right
<br />ar remedy hereunder. The procuremett*. of it:snrs;;:'=~ <,.. . 'n4`!!*` ~ i trues or other liens or char;es by Lender
<br />~ shall net !e a w-siver ei Z€neer's rig :t to acre:eratc tr ,:nti t,: th<' inti•btedrese. secured he this lIortgage-
<br />~ 22 Remedies Cumulative. Ali':.zrmedies ?+ro: ide+ ~:• < \longage are distinct and cumulative, to any other
<br />,,,~ right, ar remedy under this \Iortgsgr or aitont<,; ~~. ia,t :i','. a::.: su::~ !,r exercised roneurrently, tndepend-
<br />rntly ar suce~civel}-. _ ` ,
<br />13. Saeeessors and Assigns Bound: joint and Several Liability: Captiaas. The co: enunts nnri agreements
<br />herein cantsine:3 shall bind, ant: tize rights ':•cre;; -::s:: !•;t,;'< :o.:, e rt`y,ectr, e =uecrssar. anti assigns of Lender
<br />~ and Bateower abject to the {,naristot t'.t t - v ~ + 1': t tt~ aa•i :terrenn~nts of Borz`otcer shall
<br />~ 'tic joint s..d ,e<ersl. The cs;,:;ons at.! . +.tuit._> t- .. _ ~ .,. ..,.. A]u-*,c:t,+-.ire for cancenience only and
<br />art: net t0 be aid is tntc'rDIYT_ ar iiE`nnr .., i ~~ 1~ta':-':e?r t! -
<br />i4. NOt3ce, env notice to Borrowetr -o<idt-a a.... t?n> ~1vrt,::~c "..;;; 1,,' ei,eu l+c ;usiling stmh natic,e 6y
<br />rerticed ... - adc• sec to Her.-a:c< ... Yrn;, _-t •.>,+ ....... ........ ... ~at< '•s+•4 for snd' netiee required under
<br />wt3= ':.$'-trt-. i4' .. I_l.....+. .... .... t.,. `1~ ~ f:tl>; la:.. :lt;,- notice },ra<~ided
<br />iorin tu;_- lion ,air ~t.a:_ rs nee:r.rti to .~. .. »<e~:: ; -u _t to Bonn„t-c.:~_,.. _ t...i, +!.+ tua_t:!er'ieeignatet7 herein.
<br />i5. Unifazm h5origage: Cwvemiag Law: Severability. i'1.i. tint, , rnort~::,:c +o:ri,ires unifarni covenants
<br />naticL... a=: attd _ ~..->. iiar^- ~e,e..;ett°_ nit............ a:..._„on> ;=t• ,=.trt_ f3eno;. to orsrihttc uniiomt seeu-
<br />rit~ instn:znen* cmet•ing real 73n,}!ery .i"i:i, lit,r:gs~c ...;i! . tn'er!te,; ,._- : ;sn ai rite juris.fietion in whirl:
<br />•,*;* ~.
<br />the Pru~.c's i~atx'- in tic tent :_ ,nn t.sio^ nr <:ctua' t :r.~ Alort~a~~e or ti;c \otc ronuicts with
<br />Spp3rrsate '3*,t, a;,<- lAnnh 'a' Tl a? r , -: t .lY.t .~ o: .::.. .: :;nom tat .~ .. +an <n w y,~F°cn
<br />et?ert without tae 4arh.ctiug , r c ,:or+ t t~ ; i ru• !~t+,<t:zt,:,. to tt,.e 11 rtx~4Ct• .uri the \ate are declared
<br />to be ~versble.
<br />16. $odrower's CopY• Born~wer s^sli ix^ : ~.-._si:tai a roniot:ued col+,' ui this llorgage st rite time of eaecu-
<br />tlan ar SFter I'C.t t~7dai ti)tt i2eh'af.
<br />17. Staasfer of the Prapesty: Assumption. i% sl ar of rift' ProPrny or sr, interest themin is sold
<br />air transerred by Bermwer without Lenders ;,nor n-ritten ranseni. e~c;uding ~.a ~ the creation of s lien or encum-
<br />;33•anres-.t',ardtnstc to=.his llartgag.:i,+ t_'te creatit:a of :. rurcltasc mangy secur;t,- interest for househald apgli-
<br />anc?c {r a transfer by devise, desc`E-nt yr i>r o{~rrstior. of i..'+`: unor. the ,ieath o: point tenat:t or td s the great ai
<br />sng Ie Ehaid interest of three gears er n, not rontsir~inq :,:: option to nun•iasse-Lender nzs}- at LPndes c option.
<br />declare all the sums st',•ut•eri by this llangage to I+e' n. n:cd>3tely cue snd nacshle. Ler:= c'r shall hat e wsired such
<br />o}*ttm tit 3r2•Eierate ii, grior to the sate or transfer. I,t>ntier and the l,ersan to n-ha.t; the Property is to lk sold or
<br />t3ansferrc~ mach sgs~'emena zn writing tact tae crt~dit of suet; {,rry,n is ;,tti~i3ct~,!z to .L<naer a*.rt~ tits± rift intetea~t
<br />z~s}-ableasthe Dams K-aurc3 be zh _llart~sg•_ snail be at sac;; ,'ate ~~ Lrt,det si',ail se,iu~t_ li Lender tens waived
<br />the optitri m aaxelerate ravi.ied in this }?ara4ra}>h 7 r anti ii Bam,wrr's :.cceia,r ir, interest kiss exerut:ti s wri:-
<br />tezr awampton agreement aeceptxl lit wntiny by Ix~nder. 1-ender shall relrs,=e Bo;r:,n rr it zm s]! obligations under
<br />t'ai Alortgage and the Kate'
<br />3f Lender ~erri_~ s+,zth optior_ to srreiertte. Leader shs?'. !uai! Bart~wer na=_ier ai sere:-nation in aoeordance
<br />,cit,h garagragh id }errai. ;~ucl; slid' ;,*~,<~dr y l,i-ricxl t,f nut ire tl,1n rill hays fret.; the daft tine not ier is
<br />r.3silaa w~thit; lTi;iS'1; B:'7ti,n~rr Itlac }':i}~ _- _ sun:> drrlst+',i ,fur. li lie+rrr•;as~r i:atts _~ .+:i~~ ,uci: -..:n. prier to the
<br />e~piratflm Gf vurh ?eaita, Lender n,a}•. ~}'itt~'out *.'u..,._r natire or ,ten;.Yn,i on Rizrro:cer.;e s.: t`ernedi€s per
<br />utttxzd by ,-+ar3graph ib 3!erztii
<br />~t>i-!'}?~r?t~ t'av€tia~r_.. B,arrau<~r .art3 I,t'ntit~r tu,-titer rt,vt•tt;stit :tt3ij :i~t-t>,` a- u3iott-.:
<br />1H. shorts; Rsmedias Ei:~{,t ~~ {sroc. it .. n: ;,uras,r:',`i= l; i:cr4~.S. tsl*o iiari•ower:= breach oI env
<br />rxn'~nzst!t ar ag;rmez2 ? B^*rrur:........ lit ~ s „ ;;,t•t:3t:. to ;,>} esl-. ra .rut, any •t:nt- - ....
<br />LR tl:ZC lirmga~;e, LP?t."`.t "r; t, ?v :.rt4 ,.tsar': 13' ,_,.. 3 .> ` It' Hi.rr ~;,-e'r :,r4,t';4It i 1 t.a3:ignS>:t .~ IEereor
<br />z,{~xiiti~xsg_ ,l± tFx I,rrarh: r3s tdzr artria; rtv{uzr«7 ? ,rasa. -~sris !+rr:nel7, t;i; ;. tistc_ ir,t less ti,tvn thirty flare
<br />frrU, the ~stt ti,r ntlin r. risiirYt to H<+rt,anrr i,r n;sr^., -_., is !:r a1ri, a3=i l:o , cr.:1::i,:~! ~3t ti;at failure to rare
<br />>uch k,rent:h an yr ixfare tl,r date s}brritsr: in ti:r c.,+tser suY~- r;+ult in srce_erauon of tiu• mount- ret•un.1 by chi-
<br />Sitsr«g~ snd ~It+.i I,.~- Y!, l,i~~^.}-. If Ii,e i,..sela t. .=.rt ce;>;~: aft t,^ i>*•ion' tl:e :?stc• .t>tvi}it•ti in th=' notice. Lender
<br />at i~nder's lion r,~y d~isrt' ail .; tl;r eliuss kea¢ni !•v tls:~ Alan~sgc n, t,e irnm~~5ateh- due snd Payable
<br />w~irbout itzr+_3xrr de[a'ttzs sn4, rtenj :.. r'tt=~'ti;i< :ti„t?~t4r;r i+t' ,ttds,;.xi k,ru•rrcitt:~; Lrndrr ~S.:,i; .`K rn.iY:tvi to collect
<br />In :~.h }it=..cii~ir:g .`U': i:,t-._~. .. 4~,n-..W:i .-....:, "ta, ..~. ',.-..::.... ra=,. ut "ta..,,.<.., _ ;.:aa:nti.
<br />al><.tracxs a.nd Yitir r:pII7L
<br />19~ $aseowarri 16yLf m Beitaslarla. \utw'rtit-tsn'ient; 1_rz:aer ~ .:rreieratian ai the sums secured l;y this
<br />~. Siustra~es s#sal? tzat'e -he zsgist to :t!are 'any ;+rt.rr~-,ii;c~:. l.t-^tr, i:r 1-rn;ie'r to enfane chi=. llortgagt' dis-
<br />t~aauetl at err: t~P prior to entry of a itt+i:,tn~-nt rna~rut, tltz~ llortesgr if ,„+ Harrower pees lender all
<br />s rrotxlrl be these drre ~*teder tt;is llartgaee. t Ier \ate :ir?cl +aate- =E-e:znn Fut ur, ~t{i once:. if any-. lied na
<br />s_+xeterstian orrtured; tb, $,orrotac2r care- all t,t+ras'st^> t ;,ter ut_;rr ratenat;t= ar e=,r4•t•rnents ,,,i Horrower ron-
<br />isisad in flue 11otigage; te# Borravicer gas= ati rea_anabi'+rxik'txK. iz;rurrerl i,} LL°:t:lrr ut .'nfarcir,~ the co<'enttnt:-:
<br />sad s tti $anatzer txttttsiaed itr this llontaFr and :n ctrl<='rn,~ Lr ,rif't'- rt•zs,ed;es a~ l,ravided iu Para-
<br />1$ hrxe,t,f, irxinriirtg, but net limited to, rrsstarsbiR- attornrt'- ie•r-. ;~n;i ~:: ~ Rarrvwer taiir- -urh action a
<br />1.~ a~g rea,oaaF>r~s xeguim to assure that tl,e lien ai t3 sr ]langagr. 3_rn<ier= enterznt in the Property at:d
<br />'a oatiaa to gay ~ ,tuns ~carm3 by tiai< 'ttartgxur ;?tat! e•nnt ar,u4• uattrz},s.rE~:- 1'{,ou -uch payment
<br />~ ar€se ~ $iop3vnrtr, this iFa and the pblrgationa :rc`urcal hire#t~° -ds1; rrnaasx in lull iore•e and effect- as ]f
<br />ae ~n 4aru1 ooeurred.
<br />ffis a! ~SaiC lU~ot of Baesira¢: l~ndaz is Posaeasioa. ~,• additional seruri[y here-
<br />ttadrf', Sayer herebq saat~aa to Iaadrr flee rents of the Pt•ol,erty. pmriiod that Bornrwer :hall, Prior to acceler-
<br />atiaa frocks ~ IS 6eacxtf ttr abarsdottmeat of rite Property- itarr• the : iglu to collect and retain such rents
<br />as ~7 beeo~e date sad ~rrtpab~e.
<br />II{~ea'afatm tinder {raragrsph 1$ hereof or abandtsttaurnt vt tits' Prolx'rt}•. Linder, in {rerson, bti• agent
<br />ar by 31Y appmatetl tr~eiv€r steal! ire entitled to ent€r ut sr., tyke {x;.:;E: slat, ai .and manage the Property
<br />and to sa'li`eet the resrta of tote Ptvper#y, irtelyding thane {cast t?ue..4i3 rt'nts rollertetl b}- Lender ar the receiver
<br />mall be app]serl first to papmeat of the tw~da of management of thr I'rn~atny su,i rol(rrtion of teat=, including, but
<br />curt Limited to, receiver's #ers, gmauiums on xeceiver's bands and reasonabh> attornr}''- ier> and then to the sums
<br />secured b3 t.hie 3ior#gaga bender sad the receiver shall be ;iatb)e to account only far those renir actually rerrit•ed.
<br />