79- ~~3'7~~~3
<br />MOR'PL;AGE
<br />-_ _ ~-- uoltrcAC.t~LOANNO. L 23,596
<br />~ow,-t.EMENrfr~FSEpxESeNls:That Keith E. Diartin and Brenda J. Martin, each in his and
<br />her own right, and as spouse of each ~t`r7er
<br />-----Mortgagor-whethu arse or more, in cotsvdrn[ioo of tlr stem of
<br />arty Thousand and NoJ7OO------------_-__ ------------------- txll.l.Alls
<br />bats to aid inwsgaEoc by The tigrritabk Buadmg and Lawn Assaaation oFGrmd tsimd, Neb2sks, Mortgagee, upon 4pD shires of stock of
<br />aid ASSOClA710{t, Certi[finie No. L 23,596 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said A.4SOCIATION the faUo\ving
<br />descrsted rest e4ate, sitruted in Flag County. Nebrsaia:
<br />LOT SIXTEEN {76}, iN 6LOCK TWO (2}, IN
<br />T^",\a',SHiP ELriin ~" t ~nnrsr nasrr~ uru
<br />- \2iJ r\URiTI, Nit\UE I\li\E
<br />tsrgstirer vvi~th ~ the trnenrnu, hereditanteats and appurtenances thtereurta beto~ing ute?uditrg attatl,ed Fh,or coverings, all rviado\e srsrea;
<br />vrodo\r shades., blietds, storm wind[,svs_ awnir~ l,eata~, sr aaaditionir,g, azEd piurnbing and water et{tupmuit nail a therew,poaga, staves,
<br />r+e~igntaes, and other fatmrs sad egaipm^nt t,aw ar lrreafter airalsed to or used ~ ivntreetiatr with aid teat estate.
<br />Aed whtveas the sa;d trsatteagcK has agrrcd and does hereby {tree i,:at the mortgagoz shaft and will pay a!1 canes aril tssesDmen¢ leviui or
<br />asseaed upon road peemiaes sad trpatt tires r„wtga~ ar,d the bond secured ttxreby before the sates shall broame deie,rgrrai; to fatamlt approved
<br />insu>~ upoa ter boildinss rm said puemers situated ~ fir sum of S QD , QQQ, QQ payable to said ASSOCtA'i lON and to oeSvet to aid
<br />AS~CtA7'tON rive pokn~es fa said iasraancx: aatd tent ra ;vsamet ar pemvi nay waste on ar about said prrmsa;
<br />to tar of deiaah is the pcri:xtsa~x of any of the tesmc and rnaditions of tees merctga~e or the bond setivred hereby, the mortgg[,: shall,
<br />m deamd, be eati!!nd to immediate pin of the mortgaged ptrmises and the ttrarigsgar hereby assigns, itsasfers sad sets oxr W the
<br />aeariga~,e ag the ramta, te\cnstts nail Income to br derived from the raortya¢ed prrmiw-s during suit tune u the mortg~ isidebtednest altt~ reasam
<br />reaped: and the aaortgagee s§rad heve the powxt to alsp«iat my agent or sgenu it cosy n.~,e far the purpose of repairug teed pesaem and tsntarR
<br />flee same nail oa8ecti~ the teats, rrvenars ss+d intxsme, nail it may pay out of sari irrcurtre sit exprmes of repauioe said ptemnes and aeanvry
<br />mmrsaeaans card et~ars incurred ur rratieg aril maaap:ng the same and of rvikcteng rratais tlrenfrom; the hdanre tearaetteag, if nay, w be
<br />ttsvrstd ter disrha--eX td' sari mortgage ~: thex rirSts of tlr mottptr_ere nuy br ezercird at my bare dttrorg the eat r$ such
<br />i:se>~rsCairr of say t wauver of the soar.
<br />Tkeae Resau, howetiss, srs the C~dition,'llut :f she sad Afortgaktr shalF repay card ben tan ar before i~ rarity ~ saed thorn by
<br />}rymeat: pay monthly tv sad ASSD11.{nON .3f *.hr sum spetifted m the &wd stnsrrd h~raby as mrerest and prvinprl ;m aid I~rt,an ar befcxe
<br />the 1'svartirih clay of exh nail even arnatit, taa::il said torn is iuHp pad: pay s0 taus and ~•~ kvini aid ptt'.sis;ses sad ae ~ Mo[tgage
<br />aed the t3t>gd szwrd thereby, bcfa:t de~gar.P,n--; fm~-ris4 apprav~ msurtntx u-tun fir ira3dir~s ihzscna m the svtm d S 40 , ~ • ~ PnY~
<br />~ said ASSOC'1A7tCNi; repay ra said 1SSOflAt10N irp:u, 3ermmd alf tnrmey by ii paid for sued fonts. asrmawru sad isnuaaoe \rgth inteteat ~
<br />the k:5st rail ttaettrcm from date of paytrcat ail of whidr kl,~Paeor lrreby sates to pay _ petrel ao w~a,ge asr ~ : ~.y!
<br />>dth ~ doe tfp~mu:bi rna,ditiaas ~ tl,e tior~ fcv S 4U,D~, DQ this day gi+v:n by the mid liter to aid A~SOClAitON, and ma~ply
<br />\~ ~ t'Ae te~asrmrats ni five rass+itraiaa nail By-i aws cif and A.4~tlClA3 #ON: itrer. tiresr presau t3sa;~ twx,tar tr:df turd vawd. uihe\vir they
<br />>~ ~ m f,~ fix and may br f'areclrned at the :rptau~ .,f the sot A*eSLtClA71o# after faiiwe Etu three nrnatln m rmke say of ad
<br />puyraewts ter tr !]v4 mantiss m arrears m coaling ssid aceutthty psrtarau, ix xo keep and atm}wy :n tth fire a~aeemeau and ttoaiitaws of seed Hoed;
<br />nail Yatgpor agrees m hoe a retxivca appzw3ta~l fi+txhxdth its surL f~cr},i,we psaxrd+r~s-
<br />!f thtar is ay m :rwra~edrip rsf the rest esu.t mvtprged hrre~, M stile un athrnwse, tees ter esrtac + mdebaedo~t hraebq
<br />~ >~, at fir capGn. of T8e EsAaKahfe sad t..~ Atmciatnn at Grind ldmmd, Nails.-arks, tnsooear iemadipdy doe and payable ivithauc
<br />fiaerhn aa,tiue, aa~ ter amnmt rem doe tarter sod trtrd, toad nay otter hoed for nay addaiowi sdaatss asade ihntvsder, dn$, eta the
<br />done d esr~ +,t taidl option, heir iwtartt n the rsavmasr tegd ssu, cot this taart~r racy t},ea be faaecloard w loftily she amamt due an acid
<br />>>~d,trs>=' nay o~ lr7r~ #ix adthtiaat advar xs.. t~esher vsh ~i ¢ms paa'I 4y aui '!`sr l~~aitsiair Iiva'idvtg, mri Lora Asaociatian d C,rand latesd.
<br />Aie2wica tar , sues aril asac~rrnss. and ahsrsactas extetts:m ~~~- with mteaesi rhereaa_ f*_ant dar ~ lZyerrnt a. tf= taazemran
<br />~ ~'-
<br />As pmsi~ as ttr ~aed h~3.y, while this scvxeape ~ ut eiTed flee an; fresafur aivmoe additiaaal nrms w the
<br />aadcers ref toad 3tvad, thei¢ assigns ~ tararrmrat is ~irrxs[, s,tms dual iK within the sexssrety of this rnartprar the come x she fiends origiaa8y
<br />treed ebeelry, ffie axat sraurnr of pr~cipat dtln oat iR, esmed u my time the x+tdrui amount of t$i: satssgage
<br />fltrtedthi: 24t#l day ~ Oct~-+er ~.. fy_, iv ?9
<br />~_._..
<br />~'et'l~ ~*'. ~rti n
<br />S4ATt? U~ IsitiRllt~e-,
<br />GOIRd7Y~ltAtL '' Ontiris 24th dry of OCtOber iv79 ,before me,
<br />the . a Atosary Pulriic in nail foe aced Crruaty, peraona8y came
<br />Keith E. Mlartin am! 8!^eflda 3, Martin, each in his and her oleo right and as s our of each
<br />OtIrE4' deg y Ysawa t°
<br />s to ix the it3aa~ pennons whr+s tome s ere sfnaed w the above instrument as rawtgage e 5 and they xtecally
<br />adcsarla~ed tie red iatrtttmrmc m be their +' as nail dad.
<br />YA3TiFS3 fay land sad Natual Sea! the dart aforesaid.
<br />b1y Cw~tooa e:peea
<br />_~____
<br />(Votary Public
<br />r
<br />L`.~...~
<br />