<br />TO HwE aivD To HOLD the same unto the :lortgagee, as herein provided. iYIvrtgagor represents to,
<br />and covenants with, the :Yfortgagee, that the ~turtgagor has good right to sell and citncep said premises;
<br />that then are free from encumbrance, except as ha~reinothee,cise recited ;that the Mortgagor will warrant
<br />and defend the same against the lawful claims of all pe.rsous ,chomsocver, iViortkagor hereby relinquishes
<br />alt rights of homestead, afl marital rights. Tither in law ur in e.}city, and all other contingent interests of
<br />the :Mortgagor in aad to the abuc~~described premises.
<br />I'x0= ipEP A[.~vat'3, and these presents era exo~uted anti delivered upon the follutcing conditions, to
<br />wlt:
<br />3tortgae~?r agrees to par tv the \fort~agee, ar order. the' afore; aid principal sum tcith interest from date
<br />at the rate of Sievers and one half per centunl t 11. ~) Per annum on the unl~id balance until paid.
<br />The said prirci}k'tl and ititc'res t shall be pa~•ahle at the af}ice of t•iortgage Plus Incornorate3
<br />in Englewood, Colorado , or at sorb other place :ts the holder of the note map designate Sn
<br />writing delivered or mailt~-1 tv the Jlurtgagnr, in rlontlth- instatltnents of Five Hundred Eighty Nine and b5110
<br />I?vllars {S 589.65 r, ron-,nrercinr i)n 11se r_ ~t der of Decetnber , 19 79 ,and continuing on
<br />the fast day of each mumh tllereafter until said note is full- Paid, alcept that, if not sooner paid, the final
<br />payment of principaal an t interest shalt be due and parable on the first dap of November, ?004 :all
<br />aecan3ing tv the terms ai a certain pron?issorr note- of even date heri:srith executed br fire ;aid Dlvrtgagor.
<br />The Mortgagor ftu-ther:;grees:
<br />I. He n•il] par Lhe htdebtviress, as her•c~inb~°i ore procitled. Friti ilege is reser•.ed to prepay at auy
<br />time, without premium ar fee, tl.e entire indebtedness nt• am part thereof nut less rhea the amount of one
<br />installment, 3r are hundred dola3rs {S244.44), whichever is less. Prepayment. in itt}1 shall be reedited on
<br />the date reti°eived. Partial prepayment, other than on an installment due date, need not t>e credited until
<br />ilte nest fallowing ins'.allmettt due date or thirt~• days after such prepayment, whichever is earlier.
<br />Toget3ser x `ih, and in addition to, the monthly I?.arments i,f principal and interest payable under
<br />the terms of the note scarutrel here=tic, :Mortgagor will par to !~4ort~agi<, as trustxk . (un,ic~r the terms of this
<br />trust as hereinafter stated} on the nest day of each month until said note is fu11r paid:
<br />(u) ~ sumt~ua_i tt~ t}te ground ~tsts, ii an}'. next. dna. plus thr~ pn~aniums that n'iil nest become due
<br />and parable .~ ; }a~licies of dire anti other ':azard i.tsuzanre rocering the mortgaged property,
<br />p"tus lases and ; vc'ssme4sLi nest rlut~ :... t're m;~rigageei prupert}- {all as estimated b>' the Mort-
<br />'zag~, an=? of i~l:ir}~ thz•'it:'~rt~;ag.+r ^:=ti*e~i S i,_~ all runts already paid tterefor divided by
<br />the nuna!xr c+i n„-nt:~s m eiaps~> ]xic ~~.~ o;te n..+ath prior to the date when such ground rents,
<br />promiunz_c. iax<°; at:.'.:t,:s,>><^:-•:t:, ,.;17 i•~:;~n;.° ;1~•iinquent. such sums tv be held by I+dortgagee
<br />in tr>3_,t tc; }ear uizl gre~3lmi ± ~ ~;ts. p,-i.,;iuns. races and ;pedal z_c+essments-
<br />{;?) The aggrrga*, „i t?„ art ~,:s„*_: }'~tca':.,lr pursuant to subparagraph 1 a? and thane ps>•able on the
<br />rata set ured }~~ I ~ 1.+r. ;rtixil~ L>z.. pa+d t, ., :in glr parmt nt each ntc+nth, tv b~ xppli~l to the folbtw-
<br />ing ifz'n~a _s rile t~rdur stai.c-~~
<br />t? S gn,urti r,-nts• taxes.:~ccessntenLS, nee and other haaard ]nsurance premiums:
<br />teal .._.-. E,nL}_•I..•tc=sty.~i=-t~:heretic;and
<br />1, iili ._.... .', l a:it=n cif .._ -print°i;.&1 ii said note.
<br />:~;±r dr*:= :,•r„~, .-: tl_,~ _in_~:,.:a z ..,_ _ surit a~~regata navnthlr ~rment s}?alh unless made good
<br />by L?r~~ \l~~s^tt;,.g~. prs,~r L+.. at:c• .iu<= ci<att° of the nest surnh pa~~ment, i°t>nstitute an error of default
<br />order- L..,. ~.., t•*.g°~.ge. ~t ~iz,rt~agte's i.ption. 5iortgagur x-ill Irv a "late el;arge„ nGt ezcex~d-
<br />Ing fo:+r ;~. ~ ;: t:tan:• ; -. , .+. arr. i::;:al's merit -,t hc~n paid mot•~ than fifteen { 15) day s after the
<br />d:.~ dart- tla::_~:i '.c=ri~ct°r t'1?,• <sita ect~llst• inr.;lcetl in handling delinquentpa~menxs,butsurh
<br />"latx .9i;alge-' v;'rel ::^.c:t l.n 3'k=~ ate;.. =~uL of t*.~ priKi'eils tit am sal<' made to saissfy Ilse indebted-
<br />nese sc~t~'tiMi 1st^rr-L3. unless: su~~?; }t:~x,<.•.+s are surlicient tv dischart,*r the enure imlebteciness and
<br />all prupc,r ,stn acrd yspenses s<•ur~-= tht.rt-i+r.
<br />~. If the torsi of t3se ;,a4'menta made by the Murtgtigcar under {a) of paragraph '? preceding shall
<br />etcceed the arrtount of papmcrsis actualh made by tt;e 3fortgagx, as trtsu~, leer around rents, taxes anti
<br />acorzcnwats nr insuzsnoe premiums, as the rat- tttay tk, suds excess shaA be •_rediied by the Mortgagee
<br />on subsequent payments to be made br the Mortgs~sr for suelt items or, at lKc rtgag~ee's option, as trustee,
<br />stssll be refunded ttr ~#ert~agttr, 1, ttoxrvez. such monthlt- papmenL, shall r.t,t be sufftzient to pay such
<br />items when rite carne sball becvrn; due end payable, Ltsen the slortgagor shall pap to the Mortgagee, as
<br />trtts'~, any amount nec~:sart• ~i make up the denrienet' w itllin thirty {34) lot's after written notice from
<br />the 3da stating the aawant of the detkier,-•y, which notice may bra given b;s- mail. If at any time
<br />the Mortgagor shall tender to the Mortgagee, in arrordance x ith the prarisions of the note secured
<br />hereby. fnIl payment of the entirn indebteKlaess r+epresentsd thereby, the Mortgagee, as #rustee, shad,
<br />iu computing i'se amount of snrh indebtedness, credit to tine account of the Mortgagor ang credit tsalance
<br />accumulated under the provisions of Icl of paragraph ? hereof. If tlsere shall be a default under any
<br />of the p3nvii=aons of this mortgage resuitiag in a public sale of the premises covered hereby, or if the
<br />3[ortgag~e a~cgstires the property otlaencise after default, the Aortgagee, as trt:stze, shall apply, at the
<br />tip of the cara>s~ncrment of auelt pro~edin~ or at rite time the property is otherwise acquired, the
<br />amosrat i2~ remaining #dt eret3it the Mortgagor under {,s } of paragraph ?preceding, as a credit on the
<br />interest a~rued sad unpaid and the balance to the principal then remaining unpaid on said note.
<br />9. The lien of tlxis instrument shall remain in full force and Effect during any postponement or exten-
<br />sion of ti}e time at pa}unent of the indebtedness or any part thereof secured hereby.
<br />~- Ae u^ill pay all gtntrtxl rent3, tsxt~, a~ssmenta, x-ater• rates, and other governmental or munici-
<br />paI charges, lutes, or iatpositiotts, Levied upon said premises and that ha will pay all taxes letded upon this
<br />mortgage, or she debt secured thereby, together with any other taxes or assessments wflich may be levied
<br />under the lawsafNnbtnskaagainsttttel3itsrtgagee,or the legal ":colder of said principal note, on account of
<br />this intlehttriaess, except When payment for all such items has theretofore been made under {a) of para-
<br />graph 2 hereof, and he x-ill promptly deriver the ot£scial receipts therefor to the _lortgagee. In default
<br />thereof the Mortgagee may pay the same.
<br />