<br />PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT Loan Number______________e1~~n___5
<br />a orPPai ne Fafz~ Na. 2S t iRav. i : )77!
<br />~~-:; ~'7~ ~~~ IiNOw ALL ',l~N ~~ T~ PRESENTS
<br />~~~ -Ted -B. Lewis and Dauns L. Lewis, husband and wife, jointly and each in their
<br />awn right, - •----.........._ ...............
<br />hereinafter called Mortgagors, in consideration of the sum of_... THREE -ThOliS~ND. FI4B _HUNDRED THIRTY-
<br />is 3, X39.26 ? g{yj.T.ARR, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby MORTGAGE
<br />and COI~RTEY an absolute title, including all toe righfs of homestead and inheritance, un~ FIRST
<br />~+t, i3a s arul ssei the i~inoe r]eaer;h~l real estate; sih~ted in-•- Ha11--------
<br />Cormty, State of NEBRASKA, to-xit:
<br />L~~t Fort;-Three {43} kestarn Heights Third Subdivision Eali County, Nebraska
<br />TO fIAVI3 AND TO BOLD th,: rml estate above described, with aII agpurtenancee theneuato
<br />rmw the said Moztgsgee, forever, always, and this mortgage is upon tare eapresa con-
<br />dttim #hat if the afares~d Martgagars, their ezecutora, admiaistt'atora ar assigns shall pay or cause
<br />m be paid to the said Moxtgagree, its ssfiors ar ensigns, the ~sncrpal sum hereinabove sat Earth, aIl
<br />to the tenor and effect of a orrtain installment ante of said ?l~tortgagoaa bearing erect date wit]
<br />t3ris mom, and s3uIl pap Lases sad eta keied urn said real estate, and all other lases, iev~es
<br />srtd se*a~ lestetf upoat Chia mortgage a: the note which this mortgage is given to aeciue, before the
<br />rime or any installment thereof becomes delintluent, then this marigage to be void, athetwiae to remain
<br />is full iitrr[+n.
<br />Ifi I5 FiJRTHER AGREED {1) That if fire said Mortgagor ahati fail bo ppaay saxh fazes, the
<br />map pap the same and the sum so advarta:d with interest shall be paid by said Martgagora,
<br />~mart~ags ahaII stand as aecuri#g for the same. (21 That Mortgsgom covenant with the Mortgagee
<br />that they are l wfully seized of mid rant estate and covenant to warrant sad defend the acid real estate
<br />aS the ~wf»il dsimn of all persar~ oehaasaoever. t3) Tfiat is rase of a foreclosure of this mortgage,
<br />t~ ph~fsff is ~oeeedinga a'asIl be ~tit2ed to take~o~i on of tl~ prmriaee, peotect tt~ same and
<br />ootled. the rants, i sad grofite tbeseof. (~) That a ifs lure to pay any of asid money or any iastall-
<br />meat thereof wblm the acme becomes due, or a failure to cnmtsly wrtir nay of the foregoing agreements,
<br />~ ~ vebole sum ~ cranes heaein net trrt d to became die and cxtllecte'ble st once at tl~ ofstion of
<br />'~---_ =-=----gyp ~-------- -------.~- '=~~- .. 19- ' y ---
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<br />- T.
<br />-- ` -' -ter-~-~-- 4~.,,..~.i ~c `~'_~._;_-..-°.'.'-'_
<br />auna~~`L{.a'Levi'g"
<br />ST~i3g OF I-
<br />gai3 O~tr ~ ~
<br />t]n ~ .~..~ ~ e1 _.~~~:,_._.----, ~~ befsue as. the andenrigned, a Notaryp Pahlie, in sad far
<br />aa~ O~ >! ataea Ted B. Levis and Dauna L. Lewis, husband_and wife, ~_
<br />Imona to nre !a he t6a ldaetind penAns rrhowa aamea are alR~d to the above and inregning imirument, au
<br />era and aa3 ~ said iartr~ent fio he }da ~ her volaatary act end dead.
<br />Wt#saa ap hand and aetarial aed st_-Grand Island~Nebraska__--_-,__.-.__-__._.-...---.-°-_-_---.--.-_._. _..
<br />ffie data Lst at3ora wriltaa -
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<br />_~.~-_.-_. ____-..~..-_-.,-_w_.... _...._-------------------
<br />M~aiaawr•w.~,~aw».m ~ Notary Puhlic
<br />titan 41Uv. 2L saa2
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