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<br />STATE OF NEBRASI~, County of .......................................................: <br />Filed for record and entered in Numerical Index <br />........................... at................ o'clock ................ hf., <br />on ................................. <br />and reeerded in Deed Record ............................. Page ............................ <br />............................... By ...,................................................ <br />........................... . <br />County Glerk or Dennt? County Clerk or <br />Register of Deeds Deputy fir~'ister of Deeds <br />.~~,~ ~'~~~89 QUIT~L~`iliv~ DEED <br />~.s,«i ,' '=~x~; v e~: ' ~~~, , i'.:£ ~-~ .herein called the grantor whether one or more, <br />ir, consideration of 7f2c~ .,['i.~'. a:.:.`. v.t.:v: i~v~~>;.z <br />rc~+:eired from grantee, does ,'sitelainx, grant, bargain, sell, came}• snd confir:u unto <br />"J' <br />.'~zz:sa:.z .'~e:sx:i~. ;'-~:z ~.:e~- ~~~-:. - -'-7 J_~c~,_+ 3 .~~_ ., Jeczi,~:~ <br />i. <br />herein tailed the grantee whether one or more, the follascing described real praperty iu <br />,. .. <br />.....'cLL~.t..... ._ ................._-__ Cauntc. \enrasL-4: <br />NE$RASKA DOCUMENTARY <br />STAMP TAX <br />To base and to hnld tine above described aremises tagetier wi*_h ail LenemeaW, he:-editamenis <br />ar~d appurenances ~ereta belonging auto tie greater and tx5 grsatee's heirs and assigns forever. <br />.-. <br />~t ~~ .... ...... - <br />_ r <br />4, . ~ t y, .ti+,f <br />,' .. <br />~~33£ <aF 1EBti_~~.1i3. t;ou*_t_ of .._... ~'.~"H...~~..._..... . <br />l+rfore -~t. s rc+tar} }+ubltr y:n3iifieu for Said ccantg. l+ersan:sll}' carne <br />r" <br />kaaa°u to me to Le the identical Irersan or lier~ou trl:o signed the <br />fortgoing inatrument mtd ackno~a•ledged Lhe execution thereof to he his, <br />her or their voluntary eat and deed. -,e---~ <br />!~_~i. -rte.;.. ~.`.i...:~ y <br />R itx+ess my baud and oiartal seal on .._r ...................... .. p...~.............. <br />_._...., .~--Yc~ .~:..:nGF:x-. _'.`~~ei-::..... Notary Public <br />r.. .._.... ._ <br />~~~~~ ~ ^ <br />~! hty comausatsrf espxres ......-_.......,.._..........._ ................ i9..::'r..... <br />€II,-m tars,' ~~ ^agd b~ t.~ie~.~~n Cr$t~ Ra:r asco~:~ir:t,, a wu~t c,.. ?+nodn. xetr. <br />