<br />~#.~ Revised 1978
<br />Huff;aan ana Felton & Woli_ Walton, Me 684EI
<br />fig"' ~~~~'~'~JOINT TENANCY ~rI~R~2ANTY DEED
<br />-„ Maude, ~.-, KailmanS,,,An„Cnrema='~ ied koman , ,Grantor, whether one or more,
<br />in consideration of ...~18.~C'.~.0,.0~„~Eigh~een thcusand,and, nq,il~4---,-,_--------)-,
<br />,,,,,,,~.,__,_„_„ .......................................... receipt of which is hereby acknox~ledged, conveys to
<br />Z+HC_~el.D. Keni?,y.& Barbara 9,_Kei~r~~.}?iisbar?ci & Wife,__arid Adrian.J: I~wandowski Grantees,
<br />arid' ~Terna D. Z;ewaridoi.*ski, ~ Husba*x~ ~ Wire ..., ......
<br />as faint tenants and not as tenants in corsmen, the follox•ing described real estate {as defined
<br />in Neb. Rev. Stet. ~ 76-201} in ........ii21,1 .........................:...... County. \ebraska:
<br />I.ot Seven (7? in ~==lock Forth Cne (1}i; in Charles Wasmer's Second Addition
<br />tc the City or Grand Island, Mall Counts, Nebraska
<br />~p ]Ji STAMP TAX
<br />GN
<br />~~P 111~T 9 4 Yt?[i
<br />~KA~ ~`y~ ~ vci ~ ~ a ~r
<br />~~
<br />~..!~ BY
<br />Gratrtor covenants {jaintlc and severally, if more than one} with the Grantees that Grantor:
<br />(1) is tearfully seised of such reai estate and that tt is free from encumbrances .....................
<br />eaCeF3t, eaS~ss'1ent5 and reStri~tiQr1S Of rc''CCZ.,a .....................................
<br />{Z) has legs?. poveer and iawfui authanty to convey the same;
<br />( 31 ~arrauts and ac ill defend the title to the reai estate asainst the iax•ful cla.ttts of all persons.
<br />EXtCU1ed: ........-..-..-. vii wC~7 E',<' .......• r+-. 1?-.::..
<br />L' ,~j r
<br />!'i-~ I
<br />t ; =~. L ~ k' ~ r .
<br />?laude K . Katimars
<br />State of Nebraska
<br />County of .......:?cll...........
<br />~A# ,~ ~~~
<br />The faregn~ mstrtment xas ackroxiedged be#are n_e on .......Y+:.:LCeZ`.."...~. ~ .!a.........
<br />... _~li'v~.E'....~..~..~'a~iL~"viliw'~1 a .,t~i.,:...w a.. _~Z.",i~".'-;~,~ ~~ ..~.~ ~~~ . . ....... ...... ...... . ...... ........................
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<br />iifiir~-1F~s7!
<br />Ctau:$,y cat .................................
<br />• ~ reeord axxl entered in Numerical Index on ..............................................
<br />at ..... o'cloek ....,bd„ and recorded in Deed Record ......................... Page ..................
<br />By :.................................................................
<br />County or Deputy County Clerk
<br />Register of Deeds or Deputy Register of Deeds
<br />