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79~-I {Dt3?C'?' <br />MORTG=AGE ___ _ <br />t~ORTt,AC.t~ t.t~AN N0. L 23 , 599 <br />Su~~jeCt to L# 23,46 <br />xi~owAI.I.M>:rlsvTll~sErRESENIS:n,at Wayne E. Essink and Suzanne f~, sink, each in is <br />and her own right, and as spouse of each other <br />Mottgsgor, wfiethtr one or mare, iA otwtxiderati~ of the sum of <br />Four Thousand and No170(3------------------_--------------------_-----------°-------- nocLnRs <br />Itette: t3 aid ittaRgagvu 8y The ~yustabt• fluddiag and I_c41~. Ass+t.~tie=., of €;rnd ls~tkl, -~,'et+rsad:a, Mo:,~~, tt,~zor. ~-Q s'x2tes of staff of <br />a6d ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23, 599 , der !xe[cM• etant, rntma~ att<I mortgage un[a the mid ASSOCIATION the foilovriag <br />desatbed zzal mate, sitwted in HaII Goun[y, Ntbtaska- <br />LOT ONE (I ), LAKE DAMS ACRES TNIRD SU50IVISION, NALL COUNTX, <br />NEBRASKA. <br />to~sie: w+¢h aN the stsaa~tts, ttettditamretta and appurttttaetxs thrntmto ttekaagige, ittdudietg attadted floor ooa>•raegt, sH wyodow aoceaa, <br />atitadnr $tadq b>~ds, storm windows, . heating, air ttw[ditiarting,and pittmbur aml watt[ cgtsipmeett and a thtrta,pttmpa,taota, <br />xfriprauars, sad osbn fiztstts asd equiputzttt now of Itettaf±tr utadted m or used st aumri twin wtith aid rani eshte. <br />Aad wla~ the ~ martg$*cx has sgenf and dots hertby ogee[ tlut ~ maatgagor shalt and wilt pay alt lasts and aaca~ts levied of <br />awed u}aon said ptt~oes ~d upcw this tran.~xrsge anal tie bond setsted e:.e:tF- befc>rr the sett shag become de}"mgtcni: to f[anith sppvcwed <br />its spas the bm'Sd®gt cwt aatd premises attutxd m the s=um cdS $ , OGO. OO payable to sanl ASSOCiA'C10N sstd to deliver Ea said <br />ASSOCIA4YtLPVV We p"~cies far sad irtsut:attte: std not :o aomaut ~ ptrtmt aru waSit an or abwi said premises: <br />Is eax ~ defani m etc perforntawcF of say a; tht terms s:td rondtcions of [his mea~tgage err [he band st vred htetby, ibt mortEagn shah, <br />ate demmd, bt tatitied to izescdiate pt»ott of itc mcxiga~d pttmites and else ttnrtgagnr hereby asagnt, traosFets sad tees [ever to the <br />mne'tgtpx a8 the rests, aavteaes and ita~roe to he drsiveal f[~t the mtwS(,aped ptemiaes dtu~itffi smrE [sect u the mnrtgege iadebttdtsa shall tema;a <br />t>gtaid: and she antwSgaBee sh:fl base ter poor[ to appoint any° spent ax r¢estts i1 m» deter fur the pxupwt of sepaiiieg said pat.~nes sad rwtiag <br />tit zaror and oatixsug [tae rests, zetavttrex ata3 itttxaer, and rt msy pay nett of said incmt^, all tapenses of tept'siny aid tretoies and Y <br />wam~oa sad t~ ihtxated m tenting sad R the sattc and of •~otiectietg tentak ther_fta~: the lwtar+re tramiwi~, if ny, to it <br />appiod toward for da~gr at said tstdtdttsdt+ess; thzse rightx ctf the may & eaccia<d at any tithe dmnK the tatiaeate o(mc6 <br />>, ttse~eclite of trey tom' waives ~ Ylc same. <br />Ttxe Ft~ts, =-~ are ttpinn the Contlit~ott, Thas s tlr said Idtvtgeba, shall repay said toga on as before the mattaity aF said shares <br />payttxat; par atoetthly to ~ ASSOGlAIlO_1' ~ t~ sun s7aars3ted is the Bard sectued bcthy as titterrsi .mod priacipatl et? said ~, ~ as bed <br />the tLreatieSi day of code and curry month, until said loan is fn!}y psid; pay all roars and sstes$ents krietd agairea aid pretenses anei ere tiffs Mottg~t <br />sad the Hand ceased tlcrtby, btftux de~r{ucu,~~; feetttsh apprmed insrtruatr tepnst the t+u3lvzgs therms[ ~ the stmt of S §, OOO , QO payalde <br />u+t said A14'SC?CiATMki; trey :o sa~a :tsp. OCLA~flN tipta dessammd aIl merry by it ~i fm sndt eases, atasmtatx sad mar vith interest u <br />the masitsasm lepi me thrmsn from doer of payment afl of w±»ri ildcxtgagor hereby aginss to pay; permit na waste eta slid premisu:teep std toarply <br />aSh t~ ~a ~ c~$iSitxa ~ rht Trwtd far S ~ , OS~t. Ov tsis dry bi.en lw tit steid licwtga6ar to aid ASSOClA150N, sad damply <br />aRla sH tie rests ctf tie Ctanstitutits and tly3.xsis of said ASSOCIATION; then tl+ert ptesnu s3tsH bade a~ and told, othdwee they <br />7d1aB rtatin is €~ feaa sad ate' be feaa}cnrd rt the opa~tt of t~ said ASSOCIATION :Errs fa _eue fcx t3attt tn~.ths to make say of said <br />,..,,~..s*. tw be then nsnatits m aserars is makueg said ea-snthty paymrau, tw to iecp seed c'cts~+lp with [tic s~eemeau sad maditians of sad &md; <br />aaad arm to bare a reuitrt appointed iatihva~th in wdt !'mrckaurr pr:x~xdem~s. <br />K titre a asy ea owatazthip of the tvl eaaie m:trs~d brtest, by tale or athnwte, ties the entvt resolving indebtedaeas hereby <br />a [lisle, at the taptioa of The Equitathk Sut~tiag sad I..nas Anxsatnty of G,twd lxhimf, Nebeauka. becomes~trly the and pttyahde vithavt <br />teatbae antis, end tie amoamt taserg dnc undn said bund, and ant' tether hoed far say additional advaras made thveaades,>?oa, Gam the <br />lrttt at es~ of aid apdion, hs ettcat~ err tltr aQaaeaiam ~ rate, aed this entry eLen be iarodoed to satisfy the aesrotmt thte ere raid <br />iard,aed toy ab~ bred far adaditiortol a3ranas, tngetics with affi stmt pan: ~y said The fxlaitsbk Bmidmg anti !Pmm Amaiatian of [;send lalud, <br />Ndt:ata far , rases cad asst-. ate? ~stts<xi~ nztsttsron ~;arges, w~ mtam :hertm, Gnm dale of peymeat u tie az>muutn <br />~ ~- <br />As prta•aded is iir Bond aerzsred hnt~~, wist~e this tt~tgatge rrtraaios in tffm the laartgadte etay hereafter advance ldditiortal stets to tit <br />sfaists ~ said Hcaad, Shea > err s~.sacxs ze inzettst, winch " '-_ shaE br as-at'an ttir ec,vitr of tdtn m~igsgt the saner as the funds osi~alfy <br />ttnc>aed thneby, tit total amtwatt ai ptutcifei debt tttx to rt:aetvl at ttuy trove the original asatxmz of ibis etaortgage. <br />~~ this 26th ~ dap ctt Ottol?er A. I>., I4 r'9 <br />t~~~.,t <br />I'ke CIF r~- <br />Suzan ~1. Essink <br />to Oa [Ills 2bth day at October 19 79 , beftae ®e, <br />the . a Notary Psdtlit iv sad for ail Cotmty, ptxataaliy ome <br />3tap>tse E. Essink and Suzanne N. Essirrtic, each in his and her oven rigt~ and as s al~ls y f~e~ch <br />sltiler are <br />is m be tie ideatiad peens g vvho: same ~ a"€ affista! eta tlc abotr ire=,.o,..,.t as 5 and they aeretally <br />arkmelt~ed the »ml iartmmmt to be their rv3ttatary aol rea deed ~-, . ,r-,. <br />ey hood aed Nvtaial sera: ,she dart af«eaid. ~'~ ~';~ <br />~3'C /~ - i Y' - ~ ~~- ~ ~ / ~ -~ <br />tatsatra GE+:7A? t:^?~z~r-".a".e a,';ebr. ! -- Notaryltub& <br />A..'1 c5 ':.-6L~~v7d t <br />~: , I:y ce:-'n. ~,;. hers, IY, ia>> <br />