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MORTGAGE _ _ <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23,600 MGIC <br />lalowALLMENBVTtiESEPRtSE\"I'S:Tnat Keith A. Menard and Debra D. Menard, each in his and her <br />own right, and as spouse ofi each other <br />----- Mortgagar, whether one or ttwrr, in condderation of the sum of <br />Forty Thousand and No1100---___-------_-_--------- __ _-------------------------- DOLLARS <br />Mnwl to sad mcrt~gor by The Equitahkr Buiidit~t atnt ?.a:n As~.~.rttttr. of Grand island, NtUtaska, Martsa,~rc, upon 4DD shares of stork of <br />siti >`.SS0C3ATitt*i, Ctrtift~xr ':i}_ t 23,6uu .~`-~~I i, 3c: E~:eay :aa:, mnry aa3 rtmrtgage unto ifte nid ASSOC1AT10N tits fatbwittg <br />eiesaibed real tsau, situatat in }Ertl Counh', Ne{aaska: <br />THE NORTH FORTY-NINE {4g) FEET OF THE NORTH TWO HUNDRED <br />FORTY-FOUR {244) FEET OF T(iE EAST HALF {E~) OF BLOCK <br />TEN {l0), OF SNERIDAN PLACE, IN THE CI?Y OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />NEBRASKA, LOC,4TED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST <br />QUARTER L~taaSE3,1 OF SECTION EIGHT ($), IN TOWNSHIP ELEVEN <br />{il) NORTH, RANGE NINE {9) WEST OF THE SIXTH P.M„ HALL <br />COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />tu~,ethtr vrNA all thr ttttenrnts, htrctiitatternis attd appwtenances thtrrtuto Miartging, inclu3ireg aitacluvi ttaur epverittgs, all window <br />staxeu, <br />window slatrte:` binds, ttarm win,,;?oas, avnimgs, hrstisg, au a~ndeiixtir~, a:td pitunbiag attd wYter aiuiprntnt and aea'YSmri¢s thereto, ptmtpa,8ovzs, <br />rdrgaatc,rs, and other futures and :t3stas noe ;,a Inerratttr attarhe~' ;o az use in mntxa tian wiM said teat estate. <br />And vrbrsrys the raid :ncuiprgaq has avrrd a~ does hereby that the murteagtx shall uad xri[i pay aIf Lztx atxt atat:awnents 3evied m <br />asesaed ~m s~ pseseiaea attd tr{~ tin t6s tt~rtgagr st>3 r..4t bong securrd Nxtrbr hiefazt tilt same shah b~t,e dettngnent: to ftnnish approved <br />itmaaarce tgm thr ~ said Ixrroises situa<.rii in the sum of S 4D , DDO. OD pay~bk to said ASCOCIATION and to ele]iset to aid <br />ASS0CIAaT}[31i tit pa[itirs far raid ;.~..-.++.Y; and nu+. to tamrtzit ar ptrinu any w~aut an ut ahotu aid prcttuses: <br />In tar ~ defatti; ~ the pezftx>R.ancY of any ~f tirt terms atxt art:di°.;cxts of this rttortr,,age cx the Mod rmued iaezehy, the martpaee ~t1, <br />t!0 ~, br lrstitkd la iR/n1['dfate posrersinn of xSr mmtgaexd p[t'tniRr and tht ttsa['tgttgat i1rTGby' ass~tts, [lanrftrr awd 9r[S aPer t0 4he <br />a$ thr tints, etseaun aES3 itfpe,t to bt 3crrvaf fram the tteo,tgaged pErmia~ detritg sttth t~ as the tnnrtsrge indebtednes shall temasa <br />: atsd tJtr saortsepioe sia8 hate the pasta tr, apfr~iat arty attatt art agents it may desire far the peipoar of rt:}ritin,F said psra>sa and resaiseg <br />tie sattr a~ tva6enitg tltr tents, revealtter and ina~ute, and n mry pay nut of aid iavme all ettpr7tyts of repairing said ptetnixs and tetaoesaty <br />attet~ces anti t~ rnctezafl is rsntiu5 and tht saint and of cnBraitr reatah thetcftam: the bafanoe tcmr®itig, iF aq, to be <br />treated ibr desdtarler at' lard tteaw,gtFe mdeitcdness: these r~hts of t#x trwrt(•agat lmy be extriaerl at any titter dorms the estisteam of tech <br />iitespKYise of ant ictng,raa+' waivrr of ;~ itnoe- <br />Tier Prresrats, hatwrvr, are ui'K'T~ the Ca.tr3tEe:~tt, That Sf thr said Mangagor sitali reply said two tin ar hefiue the matteity of sad s9aces by <br />paY~t= pay tataatthiy to said _aLtiSOI'iATiL~rt.' ..f tit sssa; spt-; ified m ihr Bored rtetued f,etet+y as intrust a~ principal tnt aid loan, an ar before <br />fbr Ywtrntiexit ~° of tar'h an:9 ens}' trrwttk, t£etil seat kzan is ft~ ~: pay aIt razes atui asa~nis slid prf::;:ises attd ou the 3dartg~ge <br />and tit Bo®s_ aeaa,ard tieerrby, befarr deimgttraoi3 ~. futnalt ipprove$ tastuartct uR~ the 8uthissves thereon ffi tht ran of S 4©, Dom. DO payabir <br />m laird AS90C1.ATKk; tcpag° to sak9 A,~SOCIA77OR ~~= damtand all mmey by it paid far sudt tarts, asstssrneais a>~ vtstuanae rri~ atttast H <br />Lie tnattimsm ~ tart titrrrty `xur dau of paymesrt all of ei~',nck Matga~u fitat3+y egrets to pay: petvvi tta waste tin said paa~ keep and •'~y <br />evish ag tit aesus ~ rotvditrar ~ t9r lt+wd tar S '.j(} ~Q, (jQ this day given 6y the said Mortpygat eo raid ASSOCIATION, atd rnmply <br />tree ail tie tngetsemrnts of tae i ca>attntson at+d fly-I~ws at aed _i3~OC7ATl0t~. rhea thew ~u ritaB hernme nub and wid, othrenree they <br />a6aB renuan ~ foB farm and ma> br fatrt}.'rwd at ihr optuva of xhe mid ASSOCLtiT3t>'+t after fadim ftx thew tnutttic to matte arty of raid <br />payma,~ ru is titre ms;arifss >n arrears ut rssiane raid mantitiy payments. tsr to keep atttf ttirmph. with the agmettxttts and coratitions of said Hood: <br />aai agtrrs to ttsvr a tra-iro~ a~untr3 fcrrih~eztb to surA iern-3.wur ptcR~rcdittgs. <br />if tine es nay t3uner m owvrrsitp is *br rral erratr ;mrtSaEQi irtew, by >aek ar atilerw'ise, rhea Shr entire mebbtednea hereby <br />aecmed ttiah., at filer aptiors of Tit F.gartaivY But3dirtg and L=ean Asna^.stiian of Grand istand, AFehraska.bernmt immtd'ratNy dtte aad payable vvitboo4 <br />fartLaa not.Ytr, anal tit atn'nmt trrnaenueg Sur emdrt sand Miad_ am3 any ~~thu Ltiod Gx any ttdditicvrtai adwttees madr tlrnetndrr, [hall. ft'om the <br />dart of stones of ophtvn, bear iasrrta at t9tr raaeutaun kgai tau, ant llrs tnxtgagr :nry rhea be foterbsed to rataty the stetexm[ Bete rn sod <br />bnesd,aal nay rnbv band for additinrwl tuvexeaxs, tagribu wnh aD umu paid by aid Thr EQetitabk Htn`idmg and Loan AaatKiation of Gtttttd Nand, <br />?3~ fzvr iassw~, texts and aarrsmrnrs, xttd abrrn,-teng rtattatam ciu•sea. with iatntsr thereon, from dau of payment at the rttaaimum <br />Ar p, m tit Basadd t+t~euFa? itaxcbs _ a°hier this tttattgast rsensins in etiect tbt ts~utgaget may f,treytitt adnace additinstal soma to the <br />ttt~tts of said Ylnad, ihes a~nr ar sa,;cX~ns m m~R, r'hir>5 srtaffi shad 6e within tix tswrity of this ntwtgxge the sas»e as Che fends orisinaBy <br />sattad tla~by, tle taia? s~am°,r :,: ,~ria~-~t de3,~u-,t t;i'rra,~'rc3, zt nay ttn,r rite ntigatai armtmt of iftit tttongase. <br />r <br />tbs . -; day of $'~ to4ier +. D., :v 79 <br />,~.~ , <br />its !letlar ~ _~ f; .'-~,. ~±~, <br />E3ebr+a D, #leilarxi <br />STA~~ ~ : an eiis 2tith nay of DctoiDSr i9 79 , btf«t ~>x, <br />the eaadsrsi~ed, a Notary Pe,bge in and fa sand Comtty, persoruBy came <br />Keit.#t A. I+leatard and Debra d1.~*,3d,,,each in his and her own right~~and as spo~us~o eac~ <br />utlfeT :- =' are <br />teas m be tic >d peansS v;+~g ,~~: ,.`~'ftaed to :hr about ittstrumeat as tnortsagor S and they severally <br />~ the aria imgvnatnt m ~ ,4 ~ r a=t and dttexi_ <br />*myl~apii+~ta~t~sa5ttm~afore~a. _../ /~ / <br />My Coams®oa eseptles l2 -. 7 '~,7 , - s7~ ~U~/G:~L~I~.~' <br />asaaa at - ... „-. - _ ~ Notary Public <br />