79- ~~~~& ~'_
<br />3. The mortgagor covenants and agrees that iF he shall fail to pay said indebtedness or auy part thereat when
<br />due, nr t54a11 fail to prrfarm any cavenant or agrremenx of xhia instrument or the promissurs note secured herehy, the
<br />entire indebtedness hereby secured sha}I immediately become due, payable, and collectible without notice, at the
<br />opt on of the mortgagee ar assigns, regardless of maturih, and the mortgagee or his assigns otay' before or after entry
<br />sell said property withnut appraisemeni [the monga~ar having waived and assiµned to the mortgagee all rights of
<br />apgraisement?
<br />~, t 3 ~t judicial sale ~urauant to the provisions of ~$ t.S.t:. 2tdf1 i a ~ : ur
<br />(ttl zt the optiaa of the mortgagee, either by auction or by solicitation of sealed bid0. for the highest and
<br />bean bid complying with the terms of sale and manner of payment specified is the published notice of sale, first
<br />gin-lag four weeks' native oC Llre Time, t::rnts, and place of such ,ale, h~ a;l~crt i.emrnt net Irs* t6:n ware
<br />dnrirtg each of acid foar eeeka is a newspaper published or distributed in the county in which said property
<br />is situated, all other notice being hereby waived bt the mortgagor (and said mortgagee, of any person on
<br />behalf of said mortgagee, may bid with the anpaid indebtedness ecide.~crd be said note ~. Said sale ahsli be
<br />hdd at or oa the pmpertv to he Bald ar at tht Federal, county, or city courthouse for the county in which the
<br />property is loc:tad. The mortgagee is herehy sntharised to execute for aad on behalf oC the mortgagor and to
<br />deliver to the pnrehasu at such sak a anf&cient canveyance of said property, which rnncey:.nec shall rnatain
<br />rexitah as i! the happening of the default upon which the ezecution of the power of sak herein granted
<br />depeada; sad the ar4itwls and appoints the mortgagee or say agent or attoroey of ibe
<br />asottgag+x, the agcy attaiM~R"~ d mortgagor to make snch ree%ula and to execute said
<br />crrttveyattee and harsh ~ a~tees~~ the recitals so mach shall be e$ectual to bar all equity or
<br />right of redeaptiaa, bastteatead, dower, ana ati nxher exemptions of ins xnnri~aRor, ail of w°h:ch are hrr~' ,
<br />exprealy waived and twnsryed to the mortgagee; or
<br />t,ut! faire any other apgtvpriate action pursuant ;a state ur !•rderal stah+te either in -tate• ar Frdrra!
<br />mart or atherr-iae far the diapoaition of the property-
<br />fa Ilse es+at ad a sale as heneiabefore provided, the taortaagor or any paraans is po~tta trader the taort-
<br />gagor shall rhea beaaame sad br teaaats holding over and shall forthwith deliver possession to the purchaser at
<br />stte.§ sak w~ be ettmautils diaposarastd, in accordance with the provisions of law applicable to tenants holding u,er.
<br />The pewet sad agCaey hereby gFaated are rnupkd w-iih an anterrat anal are irrrvocabie by death or uthrr..iw, en,!
<br />are gxaated as tv:aanlatire to the reaediet for eolleetion of said indebtedness provided by law.
<br />l Tlse preeeeds of say ask of said property is accordance with the {rrecediug paragraphs shall be applied first
<br />to pay the Dena sad e:pmaes of acid ask, the txprnaea ineaned be the mortgages for the pnrpoee aC protecting or maia-
<br />taiaigg acid preperty, sad neastrnabk attorneys' fen; secondly, to pay the indebtedness secured hereby: and thir.lly,
<br />to pts say sarplns or ezoor b the person ar persons klfally entitled theteta.
<br />i Ie ilex anent said grapnty is sold at a judicial foreelosnre sale ar parntant to the power of sak hereiaabove
<br />~ the prooetds are sat att6rimt to pay the total indebtedness aerated M this imintment and etidenad by
<br />aid prasiaer+c sore, the mwKpgee will ba eatitkd to a de5riency judgment for the amottni of the defuiene~r taithotu
<br />~~
<br />6. la the eyeat the r fails to pay say Federal. state, ur ku.l tax assrsamrut, imomr tax ur utltrr tax
<br />Iirn, rksrge, fee, or aabffi z;pansy ehsr~ed sgaiaN the property the ntorigsgee is hereby authoriard ai his aption to
<br />psi the sane. Any aeau ao paid ~ the asortgagar shall be added to sad beeamr a pan of the principal amaunt of the
<br />iitdeles evidmoed by a:id sore, sabjed m the as®e terass sad eoaditions. 1i the mortgagor shall pay and
<br />disefsarge the ~ esidcaoed }sx saw pxmtirory sore, sad shall pap a.teh strtas and shall discharge all
<br />~ aa~ bras stad tree cape fees, ~d gtx~ cf asking, rasfsr-,3ag, s~ rsxsstiag this atorigsge, that [iris mortgage
<br />AtaBlie omeeled sad asrreodered.
<br />7. 31se ersmaats 1 oosiaiaetl shall bind sad the itette&xs sad sdtaatages ,hall inure to Ihr rrrl.r<ti.r a++r-
<br />oeasats ad aao~es, a( tlae paatis berate.. ibedev~ awed, the siagoiar attmher ahsIl itulude the plural, the plural the
<br />acrd the ttse od aaty rl~ shsH ire all ~esdess.
<br />#. Id* tsaisett sd say oavvraaat hra~ein or of the ohliptioa aerurrd hereby shall ai any time therrafier i,e helvl
<br />to I.e a wailer d dte saran basest m of the rase sexvred herehy.
<br />A A ] dense. tstder, sa meat holding say proriuion or purtiou at thi. iustrttment invalid ur uacu-
<br />faaeea63e si!-~ sat is say way or prechtde the mforae~stt of the remaining provisions or Iwrtions of this
<br />1R Any > castles ttr bs iaa®ri m flee p+trwant to the proriaictts of this inA.t•ttment shag be ad-
<br />dreaseitpatlrtaset~ra3 2751 tieiani~ Lane, Salina, Kansas 57401
<br />sad say writim ttotiee [o be issaed to the mortgagee shall
<br />he adi+eMedbilse:s p_ 0. Box ISOy, Grand Island, Nebraska 68801
<br />SSiA Fg_~,;> tf~~~
<br />