<br />__, -. ,_
<br />y~y= AcT Fsce pg ~ORTC.AGE-Corporation Huffman and Felton & Wolf. Walten-Ne 68461 I
<br />~ ItV COVSIDERrIT70.~~ of the payment of ehz deb! named the+ein, the Commercial National Bank
<br />~ 5 Trust Com hereby redeases tJte mortgage made to ~
<br />gany, Grand Ssland, Nebraska
<br />j Commercial National Bank & Trust Company, i;rand Ssland, Nebraska
<br />bye James 5. Reed & Precious Reed; James D. ~
<br />i ;.
<br />I~th and Donna F. Roth dba DeGille Homes, Inc. I '
<br />t on tke fotdo°.xing described rzad estate, to-u+i#:
<br />i Zvt Twenty-five {25), Potash Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska. f
<br />f
<br />1 of Szctu~rt in Tou°ysship .Range aj the P. 3f., Hali
<br />Casnety. St:-kz of Nebraska s+ieich is recorded in of Read Esta#e }lortgages, page ,
<br />of ttiz retards of s:xid Car-ni~~. Document tr79-003975
<br />I~r TES7'ISSt~\'}- i{'HEREf?F, tke said Commercial National Bank & Trust Company ~•* caused
<br />' Chest prts: nts to bs eszc-++itd bl~ its przsidFn# and its ~ arporat¢ Seat to br at3ixed hcrato this 24th
<br />d~`t of octaber _ , ~9 79
<br />irtsess_ , _~o~e=c;.al '~tatianal~s~nk &.-Taa~st..co_......
<br />,• r ~,1
<br />~, ~ _ ', . . '~,, ~ w _ .. -~~ ~ .. .. J' ce.. President
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<br />' ----- =--^.~-..<-..,._---- - - ~--- -. ._~ttcst .Z`~,~s.e~4.... .. zT~~l'^',Q iashier, Setrrtary
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<br />€ SF~`iY'~_S_?.E_..• .`- :.: ATebraska........ - . , wanly of ......Hall .............. . ..:
<br />.?~tcb?z .:4 ......................1979...
<br />^ ai iaatrument wzs acknowledged before me ! _
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<br />- 1 ~;12avid %.. Hoehle;-Vp_-„-, , of .Corsnereal..NatiRi~a1..&aPk..&.TX.uSC.csz......
<br />'- :~x~ _.a Or - _ 1• .,....... ..
<br />'~` ' aka "' ~ . - - ... ration, un behalf oL the rn ration. !
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