<br />1t>3-A-WARRANTY DEED (Revised 1961) ~"'~ 'rne xarrmaa aenerar survir xoaR~, L~a~nin, vetr.
<br />':'N~TIor~Ge, Mildred Stanehocker, a single waman, Norma Dunn, a single women, and
<br />Clifford HDCkenberry and Maxine Hockenhsrry, husband and wife,
<br />,herein called the grantor lrhether one or more,
<br />ineonsiderationof Seventeen Thausand and NallCCths Dallars <~17,CCD.CC?
<br />reeeired from grantee, do hereby grans, bargain, sell, concep and confirm unto Gerry L. Heker
<br />hemin salted the grantee whet''-ser one or more, the following described real propertc in
<br />HeII t:aunir , Nebraska ,
<br />Lat i=ive CS), Black Eleven tll+, Village of Doniphan, He13
<br />Cauniy, Nebraska. _
<br />S7AhiP TAx
<br />~T,.--, ~C~~-r AT; pGHE4. OCT 2 fi 1979 ~
<br />1°
<br />s ,~ SY~_-.---
<br />l'o base a.~d to hold the shore described premises to=ether with all tenements, hereditamentn and appur-
<br />tananees thereto helaneing unto the grantee and to gransee'.,hei~s and assigns famrer.
<br />and zhe grantor does hez~bp cnrenant with the grantee and frith grattzee's heirs snd assigns that Grantor
<br />is Iaw#nllp wised of said premises; that then am free #rnm enenmbrance except Ea58tt1ent5 end
<br />restriatians Df rscard,
<br />that grantor has good right aad lawful authority to roarer the same; and that grantor warrants and will defend
<br />the title to said premises against the iawiul claims of a13 persona whomsaerer.
<br />Dated t3ctober 22 ?9?9
<br />h.-, T` - ,
<br />. I~gsrtat3 ;~uttn
<br />~fildisd ~ 5t~~e ~aLi~ ~ r
<br />~xd Hockentierr~~ ..................
<br />-rf
<br />.axins lioc~ orgy..... ..
<br />BT,TS UF... Nebraska.. , . ... _ ,, Cututir of... . Ctazxiazl .. - .. _ - ..
<br />Befatr ate, a aotarc public qualified far said rountr, personally came Narzne Dunn, a
<br />single t,tt~sn,
<br />Icsawn to a+e to be the identieai person ar persons wlta sigtlzd fire foregoing insttwuent and acknowledged the
<br />rst+eation thetenf to be hir:, htr car their rotunsa.=r ar! and deed.
<br />Witaessa~€ lsaad atul a:3tarisl anal ;an..... ~:.:~t?~1er..22...... h..}..~.,.~........~.. ,79.
<br />~f.~~ ~f,+ ,' ,"~r.~ ~..........\otarp Public
<br />.t .
<br />3itlt'< . •''--~`:.' a: f'f''.~G:.~-rte. . ~~r
<br />~~.
<br />My oammiasion e:pires ...............................1S......
<br />~ ! ................... _ ...........~sa.
<br />$~tr3ed am aa~eritat itodes sasl fund for record in the $~islxr of Deeds Office of said CAUnty the
<br />...,......._da; of-------•------°----. ., 79......, at.........._o'elack and...........minutav ...........hf.,
<br />sad maadad in Eaak ....................af....................az page.................
<br />Reg. of Deeds
<br />By ............................ .......... Deputy
<br />