79-- E~t~'7+~5~
<br />MORTGAGE ____ _
<br />MoRTt;AC:etoANNO. L 23,597 MGIC
<br />KNOW ALL MEN Bt' TfiFSF, PRESF.N"i'S: Tkat Gerry L. Baker, a si ngl e person
<br />Mortgagor, whether nrre or rxwre, in consideration of the sum of
<br />Fifteen Thousand Three Hundred and No/100---------------------------------------
<br />_ _ _ - -- -- DOLLARS
<br />wensrr to ~ taxtg~ by Tlsr Equisblc Bu't't' b env Losn Assoa3iton of Grand island, Nebraska, MortgaG-. , erpon 7 53 shares of stork of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certsftcate No. L 23 547 MGIC, do hereby grant, svnvey and nrartgage unto the said ASSOC[ATION the foBowiny
<br />desm3ed te:i estate, situated i*r Na13 County. Nebraska:
<br />r t
<br />aapett,er vrith sIl tIr teaerrenis, herrdrtamenss arri! sgpurteawtxs ttrr*~untc belangirrg, including attadred @oor arverit~s, a- window sveens.,
<br />aiodovr steads, biirsds, norm pindov,5, aw7ria~S, heating, asr W1,diiiar~,sR, and plumbing sad water e~~uipment and aarntxia thereto, pmagta, staroa.
<br />teFii~arrs, sad atlset fixtures oral equ~tuerst now ar herwfter rita^}r:d ra or used in rnrsnectsun srith mid real estate.
<br />Asd a-haeas the said rtrortgagor iris agrstd aru? does hereby apse *hat the ararigagrrr shall and will paq a8 faze and aaea®euts le9ied +x
<br />assrned rsitats add prtrais~ sad upon this m~~stgage sru tM band s-vrtt ~herrby 6ciurr rhr same sirali becnme defingrreat: ro fmrtifh apprs~ed
<br />rspoa tht bssid~s err said premises vruatcd is the sum s~f S 7 5 , 3DD . DD Pa}able io said ASSOCIATION sad is hiiaer to aid
<br />ASr+OC1ATKIh thz poBcies far said 'ern ^-: and rrx sa apmnrii or per me: vsy waste on ar about said premises:
<br />la asr of defaah in the performaex of any ai fife ttsms and caaditioas of this irwxtgagr or the hood skvrss9 hereby, the asorlp~de ahaD,
<br />m deaaad, be ratitted to sttmrediatt pixssossion of xisr rsrartAS~d premises and tht martgagar hereby agiprs, trat~ers and sets over to the
<br />moatgtget sl! the rents, rrreaua sad ian*asr u, br dewed ftaair the mortpgrd premises deuirg such time as the matytbe s»debtafaesa deb retain
<br />teptid; asul the mortga(Ze~e ma8 hays the power to xppamt say agent or agents it msv desire for the pueptwe of tepziriag aid premises sad reoties
<br />the saaae sad r~Ctisrg she teats, rrssasses sad snaame, sad it troy pay out of said income ail cxpetrszs of reptirsng said premises sad mcngty
<br />eo~ta aa~ espsases itsgsrred ~ rsrrtiag sad msrag6g the erne and of coTkctirffi rtntals therefrom; the her ttmtiairsE., if say, to be
<br />a?~P~tted tnarsed the ttisclnrse of said rrr~Yfiage iadebttdaess: IMsr rights of the mcxtgsgor any lie ratrrised ai any time datratR the exiatsaee of sadr
<br />dNaalt. irtrr~euiye of ~}~ te>a~s. rsty ssaivr, of the oar.
<br />Thar Prnents. Irowcver, are r~xaes the i'andrtraa, Shat ri the said MartSag r shat? repay said kiss on ar before the tmtunty of aid shares b}
<br />pa}•me*it; pry straritlvty tc said ASSOCIATIOsr crf the sum sprafscd gr the Band starrsd hereby as irrteszsi and {rrir ,-.ipa:.3m saw bau. oa cv hefose
<br />She Tvamtirth Say of each and ryery aw rtth, rent:. card roan is ! uRr paid: w5 a`tl taxes atsd assemntats ttyied against aid premises and tsa this Mortp~e
<br />sad the Bead sexavsd tacrebr , lxfarr c+.rlinqueac} : furiszs;r approved irrsysrasrrx rW"n ihr brrildmgs thrrsta in the stun of S 7 5 , 3DD . DD imyabk
<br />to said ASS0CIA7itTi; repay to said ASS0C1ATi0N ~ demand xA nsuncy b}, ii pant for suds taxes, asaasssaenis and with aaterest at
<br />the maximtw ~ nx thcrton froth do:c of payment aB of wh>tG ldtvrtgrrgur hereby agrc<es to pay: permit no wane car said premises; reef and eoaaply
<br />wR6 ati the ~aearats and axrdstiaro of the Brad furs 7 5 , 3DD. DD this day even b} the said 7davtga6ar to aid A~iICU'nON, sad asmpiy
<br />>r~ ~ tIr mgmreaaeesits .~ the Ctttaitntitsn sad By-ixws o1 raid ASSLlCL1TI0N: tires t3ese present: shah taxxrare nuB sad void, ottteraine they
<br />ths$ rem is f~ foray sad.:~y iar fus~x-Ii:rd a tht apiran at the sat. ASStti'IATiON after iailrve far tiaec nrontbs to ualte arty ai aid
<br />psysaeats ass 5r three euonths rn arrr.~s to mak:r3f, saai taanthly payments, ur to keep atxl asmpl} wiCh tie agreeresentz and t~dititurs of aid Bond;
<br />sail 1M>r~r agses to hex a rect^rxa appainud faruwrth m suds f~urtlosurr prr>v~xeduags
<br />!f rheas a say chaagc m swaershap of the rni esttac mortgaged herein, b} sale ar Jth2nvisr, thsrr life caries remainhsg ®debtedaeas lseteby
<br />seaasd tiu@, rA the aptiar. ,~ The ~ Bu:ldiag sad Loan Aswrcutsarr of Grand island.Netrraska. iseasare iaurrediatrly drx sad payable without
<br />fmtlsta aistiee, sad ihr a~auat rxmrsvrtn5 due rsader said tratsd., aed asy whet 2ycad far any additional adrarsoes made thtu+ermder, shall, fraaa the
<br />dNr ~ cosecs asf takl o}+uixi, bear interest at the rmxisaum legal rate, sad this mnrt~ ma} then be feaulnred to sandy the amnmt the: m aid
<br />hoed, aed soy uthd trued fur addrtwvaa3 adtarw.rs, ta>~Shrr vith a8 assns paid by sal T?re Equitshle Buildins sad t.rraa Aaoriation a€ Grand Ishtrd,
<br />ficin>}a fnr iasusraoe, axes anti sstraasentr~ a.-rd abstrx..-[sag eztcesiw urges, with inurest t#r:aeoa, irao da:r os' psymeai at rise mazimum
<br />~ ~.
<br />As i'e' m the Boad sec~ssd hertt+}-. rituc Lhrs awsigaFe rensanns m rffra the rtxxtgsges rosy hcreaftrr advantt additiorui soma W the
<br />~~ss ~ said $.-ia'l, rlica amgtrs cr sta.:~~.rs ua aterrsa~ ycirs3i sums stroll ix- witfun the serenity of this racrtgage tip sasae as fFr tutsds wiguaity
<br />tber~+y, ffic total asaaoor ai pA'irscspat debt rroi to exceed a[ sny tetras tt~ as iginsl araouat of taus mortgase.
<br />a.~dt~r 25th ~ ~ October A. D., is 79
<br />f
<br />L
<br />~~~~ ~ ,s. oa the 25t#i dry of Dcttiber iv79 , before rne,
<br />the arderxipsed, a Notary Public in sad fm aid county, pertannBy nett
<br />6erty L. ;faker. a single person wen,
<br />i s Peer known rn
<br />me m be the ptxxta whax i 5 aff'txad to tlx aboys " t as murtytgm sad he
<br />ar}sa.rkt~ed the aa+d imL-tmrent tg be his voltratary sat sad deed. 1 ,.,`--~,
<br />t7I7TtA.SS my hand sae Natarm Sal the daft siortaid. iY ~ ~- ~ j
<br />My cocoa ` ~ .~, :/
<br />GLRf ~: _ °._L~. ~ ~ _ ~ Nntnry Public
<br />taxer a S ~., 1
<br />.~,- :_, 1379
<br />~~ ~ .. .
<br />