<br />That the Mortgagor will pay the indebtedness as hereinbefx,rr provided.
<br />That.the 14Iolfgegor~ is the owner of said property in tee simple and has good right and lawful authority tv sell and
<br />mnv-~- the same and that the same is free and clear of any lien or encumbranm; and that Mortgagor wits warrant and defend the
<br />title Yv said premises agaitiat the claims of all prtsorts w•htmisoever.
<br />To pay immediately-when dire-raid payable art .general taxes, special taxes, special ac<rssments, water charges, ;rv-er serv-
<br />itr charges., and other taxes and charged against said pmperty, and all taxes levied on the debt secured herefi}', and to furnish the
<br />Aortgagee. upon- request, with the otdgina! or duplicate rc~ipts therefor. The Mortgagor a€rers that there shall lx added to
<br />each monthly (rNyment inquired hereunder nr under the evidence of debt secured hereby an amount estimated by the Mortgagee
<br />to he sttfSpent to enable the Mortgagee to pay, as they become due, al! taxis, assessments, and similar charges upon the prem-
<br />fs,~s subject thereto; any deficiency because of the ittsutTtcienry of such additional payments shall rn [erthwith deposited by the
<br />Mes tgagor milli-the -Mortgaged-upon demand by ihr Mort€agee. Any default under this paragraph shstl be deemed a default in
<br />payment et tazes. -assessment-c., or similar charges required hereunder.
<br />The Ma: tgagar agrees that there shall also br added to each monthly payment of principal and interest required here-
<br />under an amtwnt es#imated tn• the Mortgagee w be sufficient to enable ilia Atartgagt'e to pay. as it becomes due, the utsu ranee
<br />premium on any insu ramr po}icy delis•ered Lv the titortgagee. Any, dehcirnc~~ hecausc: of the inauffrcienc}• of such additional pay-
<br />ments shall he forthwith depcr-iteed by the lfortgsgor with the \lvctgager uix+n demand by the Martgaga4~. Any default under this
<br />paragraph shaIl kre deemed a default in the payment of insurance premiums. If the policy or policies deposited are such a~ }tome-
<br />ow-oars or all risk polities, and the drpvaL are in'ufficient iv pay the entire premium, the btortga€ee ma} apply the de}wsR tv
<br />pay premiums en risks sequimi to be insured by this mor[Rage
<br />Pavmrnt made by the M,+rt€agor under the abewr naragraph> may, at the option of the ttvrt Eager, k•r held ho it and
<br />cvxtxmiag}ed with other suc4t funds nt its awn funds for the Payment aI such items, and until sa applixf, such payments am hereby
<br />p}edged as secetrity for lire unpaid halanre of the manFa€e ineleMedness
<br />Tv pnrum. deli+~rr t,'. and rnaenis.n for the tinefit c+f the !siort€a€~ durin€ the life of this mortga€r original Polieies and
<br />renewal thereat, de}iax•rrd at least ten dad-s More the rzptrati.+n ei an}' such I+ohrirs, insuring against fire and tit her insu rat*le
<br />hazards, castuttties, and mntinge>Kies a_c the Mortgagee ma}' require, in an amount equal to the indebtedtess secured by this
<br />Mortgage and ir, companies asA<-ptahlr t.. i}u- \luzt~agr=•..a:th 1.~.> payable clati+e in favor of and in farm ureptahle to the ~tnrtga-
<br />- =t,.. Lt.~=.~ar~ m ,w.. eE an the
<br />gee. In lire e+'eat any policy ss m.r :r.^^.ew=-.-'s o ,-'^,iorr- it-r ,a:: u, its ~.°:irats^° :. .... .........._~.- -.?t- =,~rure __'urxn_ ~ _ _
<br />imPrwementz, pay the Premium therefor. and :~urh :um shall t>n~+metimmedtately dui and payaNe wifhrtnterest at the rate _•e-t
<br />forth rn solar until paid and shall tx~ .w^::nd h~ tht>- m++rica€=' Failure on the part of the Alortgsgot to tarnish sorb rvnrwals
<br />as air bacon requite i ur iailurt t, pa} an} gun:s hrmundFr :hall, at the option of the Mnngager, ivnstuute s drFault
<br />uteckr tl+e xrrs>_<af tk,ss mortgage Thr drlri er~~ ;d Luc'-r }u ~i:c,+•- shall. to tfie event of default, «}nstitute an assignment of the un-
<br />rarzsed Prexnnnn.
<br />Ans• sums rei'r•ivr3 by tree Mor2RaRre h. rras:~n ri 3ass <+r damage rmured against ma}' t,e retains-d r}~ the Mortgagee
<br />nerd appdaed toward the F=a>-rtrt'nt c:f the r:t•tn ttr°eby yecurc~d. a:. at the option of the ?+Sertgagee. such sum. Tither wholly tit in
<br />pan trsay to paid rner to t}re \Iartgafiar to t,r used to ;epa,r su-. ?: tsuddin€s :.r tv build new buildings in their place er for any
<br />c+iher putot+re or object sausfactan~ to the !.l..rgag.-e with:.ut a3x'ting the hen ~+n the mnrteage Eor the full amount ..rcu m! here
<br />t+y l+rtetr such pa}•ment ever took plare-
<br />To ptxanp[iy repair, testom ur retat:i}d err.} twildtnfis .,r cmpre.:rmrr. is now ..r txrreaitrr nn the premises which may he-
<br />curise datnaged err destroyed: to keep said premiss m fi+od randition arn3 mpair and fm• iraun any mechanic's hen or other lien yr
<br />Claim nQ lien oat ezpressiy >utsnrdtrsated tv rise lien hrrec~f. oat to suffer or permit any unlawdu) use of ~~r an} nutssrn~e to exist on
<br />slid pluperty twr to pezxnit waste yr said prrmssrs, rxnr to do any other nit whereby the pre+j>erty hereby convey rd shall hecortse
<br />kwu valuaNe- tine to dimimstr or impair its ~.~atue by an} art nr e.mtsston ic+ aid to t.+mpl~ with all n•quttt•mrms of law with rrspert
<br />to the mortgaged Premises amd the use therr+-rf.
<br />T3sat should tier prxvni>es yr any mart therra+f t.r taken .,r dxmag i i,.~ re.a.~+n ..t ar.~ puhl:r tmpra+ement nr condemnatic+n
<br />Preu~.dte-g. •.r under the right yi emrnzn; r?c=matn .,r tr. an} ^th<~: maa+^x~: tn.-~ ~!.-n_s,.-.• -hat; !n~~ , r:t-.-_-.i t+. a:! :v~mprruai.ans.
<br />swards. pod nay tattier paymsrttt or relief therrlar, and shall I'z eautled, at iu apunn, to n,mrrrrrx^e- appear to and pronetxtte in ass
<br />e+w4s ttar!te an}• actim ar proaseding, err to make am ~ozapn mire err sett}rmrnt in connection with >uch Wksng ur darttage..~t[ such
<br />exprspessatian awards. datnases, righ# of ~iion a=sd Pr'trexis air hereby assigned m the Mortgagee- w'ha max. after dedutting
<br />ibetrllrom all ita expenses, rel~t~ any moneys sa rxet>.xi 3ry it or apply the ;amt- :.r, any lode btxi~ss srrured hemby The \!art-
<br />~,a~rr ~~ 3s t3z~a`.t^ ~:t-l: t`-r`-''err 3%-''-S^-"~'n. „f .na} ~annenattun, awariis. ciat^>s"ps. and ritzhis cT ae-tion and pmeretis a+ 2}te
<br />! rags regalia.
<br />I'hst in rare tit failum Yo prriorm aaa• ~nf the cvtrrranta herein- i}er ~l urit,ager rrray der cos the McrrtRagor ~s it-halt r.c-tything
<br />sb cot=tnatatmd; that the Mortgagee mar also der am art tt tnay rirrm rm~-eapry t~+ prctzti-t the }ion thereof: that th.- !Mortgagwr w~i11
<br />tr., qy µpcet drssand an}' trn,rn~}~e ;said cv ds_.twrsci 6y thz !.l nrtgagr= far an} s.f tfie at+as~r PurF*~^t'~. and o-u.h money'. tugrtlirr wtih
<br />itsaerept Slrereon at the me prvs-iciad to said Hate nha13 Ek'.:amr so ni.r:h addtiiotta! mdrhtednes+ heret:y arcur<rl and ma} ir- in-
<br />t3#tdad ita app r~1ee--Tee Fxuce:icutrtg This mevlgagc an3 tr paid s+ut nt the rem:s or prrrer.As <.f salt of said pn•msars if not .nfierw-tae
<br />peitl; that it atraII Cwt br obligri~ry opine the \lorigagrtr t::, im7uire rare the +atictit}' of any hen. enavmt±rantrs. or claim in ad
<br />s*pnciug IDnoeys ~ ahv.r auttroriaed. tort nothing herein evntained shall ter cx.nbtrue<} as r+rquirinz the Mortgagee to arhatrcr an}
<br />arnrrys trx any satr3s y zs~tt~r tsar to dt xny ~'t hrK-una.=~ t. anti <.hai S1rrt{sE.Y ?<}:a?I rh+t t^zr err.+,~ +rrx.•nal lxabstity hr!'auw r:f ani-
<br />;3si. ~ 2t rssv ;3n sr nail ~ ~+?~rus~tea.
<br />},a fge even A rise delsult by 114ertga#nr m the payntrnt at dry costar}rnrnt. err requieed by the Nolr secured hereby. err
<br />is the peaiorasance cwt the abiat€auwr is t.isis ttsor4{;agr =si to the note srcr;rrd t}rere-h~•. tke- \{z.rt fiaR~ shall tx• rnutltii te, dr::ate th=~
<br />debt setatmd }ttrx-bY due amt payab3t wixlrwt rm[ict, xnd the '.inr tgagrr shall tar cnti;]ei at cis c,.pi...n, withcut m,txee. either h}~ iisclf
<br />or by a ttzteeit^rr to Lr appuassted by Khe roarer lhrrrrt. and w~sthtwt regard to the ade.quar}- n( any xvvrity tar the mdrhtrdrras ar~
<br />cvirad ~Aer~y. to ettstrr ui~ apd take ~'- -_:~•^ nt xtse tr,ortgaged premises, and to collect and ra-t~rvr i}sr renter, i>DUrs a:cd profits
<br />tl9rraatf. aid apEtly the snipe. -liar tx~ats of axtatian and nllertian. aqua the inda~btr3ness >.ecured try ihi~ martga3r. ,aid rants.
<br />itsuns anti psadi4t ht'iag hrtebq a~LnKt to lire Mrtrt~«e sa further serurfty for the poi meat at all indebtedness :reared hereby.
<br />al..~~..~ ~ ~ ~r lp ypjfyt¢ att~ a[2pt ~i' ag~('rltr tt IDay dE51rY ~fU' t.tfE ParI30r2 of rE{Sairrrlg bard Prem-
<br />~: re,~~ t}w ter- ~rxg t},r- rxatz. ss~-2s`a at>a =.a><'~_.e, 3ad ;t teas' pay aril of said inrnrne ail rxtsensrs i+er-nrri'<7 in rrnt~
<br />i~ and rntesgisg the armor and ct ep1}eri#~ ;hr mntads thrrei rcun The t:a}ance rzmainmg. rf any, >hail ht- applied toward the
<br />~, rg ~. ?hid a~ument n h termitsatz and tsrK:nme null and void utxan release tit this ttwetga!!e.
<br />I...
<br />