<br />The grantor Ho-Ott-Schu Land Company
<br />a corparation organized and existing under and by cirtve of. the ii~cs of the State of
<br />in consideration of Twenty Thousand and no1200 Dollars ($20,000.00)
<br />receired fmm grantee, does grant, bargain, sell canoe} anal confirm unto
<br />Leach Camper Sates o; 3rand Island, Incorporated
<br />herein salted the grantee s-hether one ar mare, the follo~rinG described rest propertyv in
<br />Hall ............ Caunfy, \ebrasL-a:
<br />Lot 7, lYildirood Subdivision,
<br />•Dich is located in a Bart of the
<br />North Tact Quarter of the North East
<br />Quarter (NE-;;R..;), of Section T-e2ve {12),
<br />Totaship ?an {20) North, Range Ten (l0),
<br />ifest of the bth P.Ii., in Hall couaty,
<br />NeDraslca
<br />~ STbi4ip TAX
<br />d
<br />n`,~
<br />cTAT~'A~ET:'T ATTACi-IED I _: u `'.~i
<br />t
<br />' ~ ~~ ~ BY
<br />~'c~ hx,r ass t:. i;oi3 the ab~.a.e deseril,e,3 premises together tt-iti. alt tenrutents, harr3itaments and
<br />appurte..nanees theretza i~loaging mtto t;e granter acid to graniea s heir and a~si;-„s forever.
<br />~t.nd the grantor fi}r it_ceIf and its -u.~e~ars des 9ereby rocenant s~ ith the grist tee and Witte
<br />grantee's :weir` and i:eigna that gra!;tcr is iswfta'.l} >ei.}•d of ,ai,i premises: ti,at thes ar<• ire e from encaan-
<br />i,ranee
<br />except eascmests and restrictions of recor3
<br />thsf grantor hs~ gcwd right and laAfi;t authrrit}• to e?~nre}` ihz sane: and that _-raatar warrants an~i mill
<br />defend toe title to ;ai,t prcxisi=r; a~°r.:-; ..., la~fa:....:_..._ ,.i ai: p~rs~~~~ zh.;,a~•,rr.
<br />In 4iz?:e~ x-herecaf, ~ntar 'sass hrrcitnto :at:,<~31~ its eonc~~*xtr ~•nl :v ne xffixe;.t anti these
<br />pr+rr.-mats aign.d l+r ?ts President. ,.
<br />l}nted HotceaDer ? ]~ 73 ~ i ~'.•'
<br />. { f ~~{{
<br />J ! {-,)
<br />°. "_
<br />+?1 Fa 11 ~~ ~~J\-.1w1,~1, t.ennt}' of ._....__~.__.._~1._ ............................
<br />$efer~ me, a notary pnDtie gnalified ixa said cr„~ntr, prrsonally eanie
<br />fez DAP Otto I'=i*sident of
<br />Ho-Ott-Sohn Land Company r'g'~bt7wr~ing,
<br />~' . '
<br />kaotrn t+a ~ to Ds t~ Ptoaident ami identical person ~ha signed the foregoing i~+trau~yt*et and aekirbx'~
<br />~dgea3 the ezacstti~ta theraaf to toe his sntantary set and decd as such officer and ~6Q cnlu;itarr aiit'•sad
<br />riea*d r,# ~ aa$ tiitct its ~rpora2e assts°a~ #hereto affsaed Dp its aut3}ty;
<br />'6~ii9t~ my hand sad. natartal. seat oa .,..t ..........~IDRe~Dar._,.$ ............................. 1~'.:,...2.~. ~~ • ; :` ~ "`, ~ ., „
<br />,~ r .
<br />~tcL.2z..%~-....::`__~..._:t-.....fs.{,.!:~:.~~, .......: Diota:'P Put)11C.
<br />3iy commission eapires ~` ",'
<br />` ....__~...~......_......., 19..x.
<br />h.. ~.r..:P~ ........
<br />