<br />__ _ ___ _,
<br />52-A-REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-(With Tax Clause) Rel. 7g Hulfman and Felton & Wnlf. Walton. Ne 68361 ~ ~
<br />
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That R1Ch & $OIIS Camper Sales of Grand Island ,
<br />Inc., a Nebraska Corporatior.
<br />of }fall Cotmty, and State of Nebraska , in consideration of the sum of
<br />ELEVEN THOUSAND THREE HUNDRE- SIXTY & no/100 - ($11,360.00)------- DOLLARS
<br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CON\rEY nnto HO-OTT-SCHU LAND CO. , a Nebraska
<br />corporation,
<br />of Ha11 County, State of Nebraska the following described premises situated
<br />iA Hall Counts, area star= nt Nebraska , to-wit:
<br />Lot Seven (7), Wildwood Subdivision Located
<br />on gart cf the Northeast Quarter of the
<br />Northeast Quarter (NE'~DE~) of Section Twelve
<br />(12), Township Ten (10), North, Range Ten (10)
<br />West of the bth P.A1.,
<br />`' The intention teeing to ennary hereby- as ahsn!ute ii tle in fee si n:p!e, including alt the right. of homestead and dnuer.
<br />TO HAVE ASD TO HOLD the Prentisrs atx~:~r d.:=rritKYi, with al! the appurtenance. thereunto tx ranging, unto the said
<br />_- ! raortgateztsl and to hie her ar their heirs and as_ci~n= fe~re~e r, pnnidc3 aiwvy~s'. aad t~~.e pn~sents am uptut thz express
<br />tYxrditim that if the said mnrtgas°orist, his, her er their he; r,. e«vtturs, :um:ini Krators ,~r a:~iz;: shad pay nr cause to be
<br />_ ~ paid to the said marigager(s)_ h~a her or their he;: s, c-iri`utors, administrat xn nr a~ign., the prin.•itxa! eum of 5 l l , 3b0, QC
<br />paynhlz as foliors. m acct:
<br />X2,840.00 principal plus accrued interest payable
<br />Goober 29, 1980, and a like payment an principal
<br />in the amount of $2,840.00 plus accrued interest
<br />and payable on the 29th day of October of eact;
<br />year thereafter until the full principal balance,
<br />alas interest, has been paid.
<br />wztL iata~rest at'rvr3ing fa the Iettor and etTea: of the mnngagor.: w-rittzn prrmissan- note hearing even dale with these presents
<br />aad shad p:r alt tarns and as~scmrnts it~ciarl a,'x:r, said real estate, araf ail other taxes, lrries and s_as.~sssranrnts levied upon this
<br />mMgagF or thz lxafr 'vc~hirh this mertf.age is gin=en ta~,rl-urr- before the same twmimes delinquent, artd keep the buildings an
<br />said P incirrcd for scse sum of $ t.~s, if any, payable w the said marigagee, then these presents
<br />in be .aid. atherx-ise i. br an3 remain in f-u11 Torre.
<br />IT l~ PiTtTHER AGREED tl) Thai if the said mang~g~rs shall fail tc pa+ such tazt•s or p~xure such insurance, ibe
<br />said mortgagee mar pay such tazzs' and prc.c ire suc~3; inurana~e: wd the xum eo adaanatvl. with inter.: at per
<br />zest. shad Rr t~rpaid by said 3s,+nga~ar, and Lt;is mu_-tgae shal•'_ ataz~ a ~rt~ur_t y~ fnr the satnr. {'?1 That a failure W Pay an_v
<br />of smiti moazy, rithzr prinapal or interta-i. yrt:n the ,azuz !x~cicmes die. ar s failure to ~P!y' with any' of the foregaiag
<br />agrezmras, shalt cause the arhedr sum aI mane. Sett••in ;~-ured to hntitaa,~ due arfd catlactibie at otet.e at the aption of the
<br />t~t~acer.
<br />sitrn~t tlr~ 2~ day ~ October . 1~i9
<br />In presrttcx• rd RICH Fx _SON$ CAMPER .-8?{I,ES_-9.F._._..-_ --.__-..
<br />GRA\?- ISLAND, INC. a Nebraska
<br />_-_-.---._. _ ._ - ..._ Corga~st>ri-pxx ,. -,
<br />~,; ,~`' ,
<br />_..
<br />~Yc4~F rvci~crtr ~-
<br />Nebraska Hall
<br />ST~TIOF_._......_ .......... .......t_~tutt}•:i .-...._.-._. ..... ........-
<br />~'}:e foxe¢;oing instrument a-a= acknatc•it~gad before ate .. ~.~'~-... .. 2 x.........19 7.~. .
<br />;~ y_Q~tr~~.~:.-1*lt'tR _._ President of Rich 8 Sons Camper Sales of
<br />GRard islaxxl, Inc. a Nebraska corporation.
<br />^ `
<br />~~~~ Sigrtat ~ v f Person Taking Aeknoxledgment
<br />.-........-.Ni+?tary..Puhlic ...................
<br />Title
<br />-~';~ ~--- .----.---_.--. ____ j Entered oa nttmeriral index and filed for Nord
<br />C ____.~~_.,_-____.__----.--`--.-_ } ~ in t2te REgister of Dceda Office of said County the
<br />ei _~__._____,__._, 19_.___._, at_ .__-_._...__......_....n'eit><lC and-...__..__._..-._....._..~,ttnutas ...._...___..__.._M-,
<br />- ' .
<br />aad rtotuded zs Boolt...__..__~~._._._.OL._._._..__._._.___,..._.__at pagE_........._.._..__.__.._......._-.....
<br />'... j By,-......--.
<br />!
<br />1
<br />f
<br />._ .......................Reg. of Deeds ~ .
<br />-...-__....-.-_.-........_......_...Deputy
<br />i
<br />