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<br /> My ^�1' ' — "_' ' .'_—..—'_"—___'_—' __-- _- - —
<br /> .�
<br /> � .. .. � 92_ �00526 �Y �
<br /> •� � S.T�tM.A��u.�1�.Trusta sholl po�r all toan,ass�ssn�ls and otMr cho►�t,incMdinO,witbout IMitolbn.fMrs and fm- �
<br /> � .� � ' positfons attributabw to th�Prop�►t9.and t�osd�old PaqmMri n►pround��nts,if anp,b�fon th�sonN baan�e d�iin4uMd.Trusto►sholl pranp- _^__
<br /> tW}u�nish ta B�fic{ary oll notices of anourts dw unA�r this paopraph.
<br /> and in tM w�nt Trustor�oN mok�parn�nt di►octh.ln�tor�oll
<br /> Pra^Ptlr furaish to B�ficiary nc�iPts�vid�ncinp such poym�nts. Trusta shall poly dl tora and ass�ssmK►ts whkh mo�r b�Mvf�d upon .,,,K.
<br /> ' " B�f'k3ary•s intrr�st MrRin a upon this DNd of Trust without rpord to ary law Mat mop b�Mwct�d�"p°s�np D°�n�M°f M��°f°�
<br /> port th�r�of upoe th�B�fklary. —
<br /> 6.AMIMMI Liw�1 trN�e1M�d M�I�cMr1��i�cwM�.Trustar shall mo�lt�aU pnlrn�nts of intK�st and priecfpal ond pa�rmmts of anp
<br /> . . oth�r chorq�s,f�s and�xpMS�s comroct�d to kw poid to�ny oaistlnp ti�nhold�n or prior beneficforks und�r any prior dMd of tnnt a ma- �_-- _q_�..-_�
<br /> tqop�btfae th�dot�tlNy on ddinqwnt ad P►amPtl�po�r and dischaQ�ari and all othK lims.clolms or chorq�s which mop �oporda�tir
<br />� :au�ity qront�d twrein.If Trosta foils to mok�ony sah poynNM or iails to peform ae�of 1M covmants ad oprNnMnts candn�d in ihis
<br /> ' ONd of T�ust,a in an�pria mort4op�o►d�d of t�ust,of if any ation a pra�dinQ is conMntnnd whkh motwiol�r aff�cts B�ficiory's in-
<br /> � ttrest in ths Prop�►tY.inc�ud�"0,bu�^o�limit�d to.omin�nt domoin prae�dinps,or p�aMdinqs involvinq a d�ced�nt,a if TNSta foils to po�r
<br /> Trustor's d�bts y�nKa�l� as th�y betane dw, thm B�n�ficiary, at B�rwfkiary's aption and wiMout notic�to or d�mond upo�lrusta and __
<br /> withnut nMasinp Trustor from anY oblipotion horeundqr,may mak�such app�araoas,disburs�such sums,ad toke such ation as fs nu�ssary �:� __3��__
<br /> to protect 8�n�fkiory's intK�st includinp, bu►not limited to,disburs�m��rt of r�osonobw ottorrny's iNS,peryment.pxchos�,coM�:t a can- —_-
<br /> promise of any encumbrante.chor9c or lien,and entry upon tFN Proptrty to ma ke r�pa lrs.In th�awnt that Trusto►shol�toH to praur�in- � �
<br /> suronu a to pay tax�s,osussmeMs,or any other chmpes or to mak�any poym�nts ta�xistinp priar lien holders or beneficiai�s,8en�fkfory ��,;�,--
<br /> �-- ---� --
<br /> • may praure suth inswancQ and make such poyment.My amounts dis6urs�d by&neficlary pursuant to this Poroqraph 6 shall baom�odditionol .,,,
<br /> ind�bt�dness of Trustor sacured by this De�d of Trust.Such omounts sholl bo pa�obb upon�otia from 8m�ficiay to Trusta rRqwstinp po�- _!!�
<br /> . _..
<br /> m�nt tMreof,and sholl bea inttrast from tho dote of disburs�nwnt at th�rote poYabk from tim�to time on outstmdinq principal und�►the �
<br /> Note unless poyment of interest ot such rote would be coMrory to applicobl�law,in which avmt such amounts sfiall bear int�xest at th�hi�Fwst __ .._ .___
<br /> rot�permfssibl�under opplicable law.Nothinq cantain�d in this Pe►ayroph 6 shall rpuin B�rNficiary to incw any�xpanse a tak�an�action
<br /> '%.�;-Y _
<br /> ..�.., Mreunder. �f---�`-�
<br /> '.,' � 7, ��t of RwMS.Beneficiary shdl hove the right, power and authorit�dwinq the tontinuonte of tMs Deed of Trust to colltct the ...,�1,,,�,�_
<br /> �:i::..� ,. ,
<br /> rents,issues and profits of the Property ond of any personol property locot�d th�reon with or without toking possession of tM proprty off�tttd ';,� ',';`�+-;�•
<br /> 4.
<br /> •• Iwreby,and Trostor henby absolutely and uncor�ditiondly ossigns all such rents,issuas and profits to Beneficiary.Ben�fitiory,however,hereby ., �.��;.___
<br /> consenis to the Trustor's collection and retention of suth rents,issues ond profits as tho�accrue and become pa�oble so lorq os Trustor is not, •- ...�„ ;
<br /> ot such time,in dofoult with respect to poyment of any indebtedness secured hereby,or in the perfornwnce nf anY opreement hereunder.Upon I 4 V T. _
<br /> " any such default,8enaficiary mo�ot any time,eithe�in person,by ayent,or by receiver to be appointed by o cou�t,without nolitQ and without �-^�•�. , �., � �__
<br /> � � + re9ord to tha adequacy of any security for the indebtedness hereby secured. (a)�t�►�Pa^�tuke possession of the Propertr w any port �T�_�,�
<br /> _ 1 therQOf,and in its own nome sue fo►or otherwise collQd such rents.issues ond proiits,includinq thosa post due and unpoid,nnd apply th�same, � • =,-��::._,^::,;,•_F�
<br /> � less costs and expenses of operotion ond collection, mduding reosonabie ai►ornnys iees. upon anY in�ob=cdness seturc�hMehy.and in such l _-`__'_ _ _'`�"r,�,*.;�-
<br /> � order os 8eneficiary moy dttermine;(b)periorm such acts of repoir or protection os moy be necessay a proper to conserve the value of the �_ :;��,,�p
<br /> th same or an art thereof for such rental,term,and upon such conditions as its judgment may dictate a terminate or ad• ` •�^�cr-,�--�.�'
<br /> .... Property:(c)teose e Y D " ''�`�!t'*""�1
<br /> just the terms and tonditions of any e�isting lease or leases.Unless Trusta and Beneficiory agree otherwise in writi�y,anY aPP����'�^of rents, � .`. i_;���;;:_."�
<br /> ..,..,::,,;.�.
<br /> . � issues or profits to any indebtedness secured hereby sholl not Qxtend or postgone the due dote of the installment payments as provided in said � 1:`?��
<br /> the collection of such ,,,;,_._
<br /> promissory note or thonge the amount of such instollments. The enteriny upon and tokiny possession of the Propert�. .;���
<br /> , rents, issues and profits,and�he application thereof as oforesaid, shall not woive or cure any default w notice of default hereunder, or in• ,;,i,:��
<br /> volidote any act done pursuont to such notice. Trustor also assigns to Beneficiary,as further security for the pe►formonce of the obligotions �•. , _
<br /> � setured hereby,oll prepaid rents and all monies which may have 6een or moy hereoiter be deposited with said Trustor by ony lessee of the Pro• ,
<br /> � � perty,to seture the payment of any rent or damages,and upon default m the perfarmonce of any of the provisions hereof,Trustor agrees to �,
<br /> ' deliver such rents and deposits to Beneficiary. Oelivery of written notice of Heneficiary's exercise of the rights granted he�ein,to ony tenaM oc• ��.>�t:�
<br /> cupyinq soid premises shall be suificient to require said tenont to poy said rent to the Beneficiary until further notice. , . • ,
<br /> g,��w�tion,I{title to any part of the Praperty shall be tuken in condemnation proceedinqs,by right of eminent domoin or similar uction,
<br /> or shall be sold under threm of condemnotion, all owards,damages and proceeds are hereby assigned ond sholl be paid to BQneficiay who shall
<br /> ' �� ,; opply such owards,domages ond proceeds to tfie sum secured by this Deed of 7rust,with the eacess,if ony,paid.to Trustor.If TNStor receives : ',
<br /> ��� I any notice or other infamation regarding such actions or praceedings. Trustor shall give prompt written�rot�ce thereof to beneficiary.
<br /> Beneficiary sholl be entitled,ot its aption,to commeece,appear in and prosecute in its own name any such action or praeed'xgs and sholl be en• ; :.:r••
<br /> tilled to make any compromise or settlement in connection with any such attion or proceedings. ! �
<br /> q, R��di�� Not EreWthr�.Beneficiary sholl be entitled to enforce poyment and performance of any indebtedness or obligo�ions secured
<br /> . hereby ond to exercise oll rights ond powers under this Deed of Trust or under any other agreement executed in connedion herewith or any bws
<br /> now or hereofter in forte,notwithstunding sorne or ell of the such indebtedness and o6ligotions secured hereby moy now or hereofter be other-
<br /> wise secured,whether by mortgage,deed of trust, pledge. lien.assignmenr or otherwise.Neither the acceptance of this Deed of Trust nor its
<br /> � �• � eoforcement whether by court uction or pasuant to the power oi sole or other powers herein tontoined,shall prejudice or in any manner affect
<br /> i Beneficiory's right to reoli:e upon or enforce any other security nnw or hereafter held by 8eneficiary.it be�ng ogreed thot Beneficiary sholl be
<br /> �' . , � entitled to enforce this Deed of Trust and ony other secunty now or hereofter he�d by Benefivary m such order and manner os it may in its ab•
<br /> � i solute distretion determine. No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Benefiaary is intended to be erclusive of any other remedY herein
<br /> � or by low provided or permitted but each sholl be cumulat�ve and shall be m addit�an ro every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereofter •
<br /> �% „ existing at low or in equity or by stotute Every power or remedy provded hereunder th�s Oeed of Trust to Beneficiory or to which it moy be
<br /> � � otherwise entitled, moy be e«e►t�sed concurrently oi �ndependent�y from r�mP+o t�me and as often as moy be deemed expedient Beneficiary
<br /> , and it moy pursue incons�stant remedies-Nothmg h�re�n sholl be ronstrued ns p�oh�b�tinG Banrf�c�u�y irom seeking o deficiency �udqment agoins+
<br /> �'� � ;•: � fiw Trusta to the extent such oction is perm�tted by low.
<br /> 10. T�mfTn o)Prap�rlp;A�sumpfion.I( oll or nny�r� �•f thc property ar any mte�est therein is sold.t�ansferred or conveyed by Trusta
<br /> nn
<br /> , w�thout Benef�c�ary's prior wr�tten consent,extludmg(al�he creohon of a I�e�or encumbronce subordinate to th�s Deed of Trust, (b)the treo•
<br /> tion of o purchase money security interest ior household oppliances,lc 1 o tronsfer by devise.descent or by operotion of luw upon the deoth o)o
<br /> _� _ .. �__.��.��a :..�......• ..i �I..m „onrc nr latc nnt ro�tninina an oution to purchase, Boneficiory moy, ot
<br /> � jOmt tenani a lal IIIC aiYl�i v� ui�� rcmc�.v... .....,�.,.. �. ......' "_ ' -
<br /> � Beneficiary's option,declare oll the sums secured by th�s Deed of Trust to be immedrotely due nnd poyoble,or cause the Trustee to file o notice
<br /> of default.Beneficiory sholl have waived such option to accelerote�f pr�or to the sale transfer or conveyance. Be�eficiory and the person�o
<br /> ; whom the property is to be sold ur transferred reach agreement in wntmg tha�the credit of such person is sat�sfactory to Bene�iuory ond thot
<br /> the interest poyab�e on the sums secured b�this Deed of Trust shall be a�such rote as 8e�ef�uary sholl reQuest
<br /> I
<br /> . �� r
<br /> .
<br /> - .�s�. _
<br />