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,, i <br />Y ~ _, - -- - <br />~j 52/-/~.-,s,F~Nq, AL ESTRT£ MORTGAGE-Tax Cixuse (Rev sail 7962) 'Thy i 5 n Cr. 5 p.. \ br. <br />1 KNOW ALL VfEN 73Y THESE FRESEIv"FS: THAT I ar ~6'E. <br />j Q~ A. 6LSh4~1 AND FIARENCS A. 6IS~YQ <br />! <br />of ~jje County and State of NSBRASSA , in ro2adr, n'.i~~n of the sun+ of j <br />SIX 3'Nt3USAND FIBS Hi7NDRffi? ~-FIY$ AMID Na 160 ------_--------------- <br />-^-- DOLT.3Hti - <br />_ m hand paid, do hrreb}~ SELL and C'nN6'F.Y unto } <br />r3tE $. VAtIDSfiHEID&N ~ <br />- , lmariea(3~1. i <br />d <br />_ County, and State of j$.~(A .the f~t;ieu-inx d.r.~rlu>d Premises I - <br />1 situated in j~jj. Cuunt.•, and State oI NE$RA$JCl1 , <br />wit <br />TR8 lyGBTHSRLY SILTY (fi4) PEST 6F Lt7f SI% {b) IN sLOCB T~NTY-ssaFat (2?? , IN cxARLas <br />!S ADDITI6N TO THR CZTF OF GRAND ISU:'~D, HALL C6UNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />i <br />i <br />i 19te int->rtiren Lazing to citav~>p hrtt>hc art att.=>lute t3ti.• vn fee _.; m;,+)e inc}udzng nit ihr ri~hts of hratr~tr_td and dower. <br />TO Ha~'E A\B TC Ilf?LI? tI ~ ;n ti.-zx -!. • d=~.~r;t+zd. with alt ihr• appuriznancr. t.Se r=ant- k~i•!on„in5 unto thz said <br />mertga~ ar mnrtra_irti>~.-. and tr= . r... ?_:. ,:r ,f..r txi;v sad a:sirn:, foreter. prcevidrti aiwa?s, and thr~vt ;>ents ae~r> a;wn the <br />ezptc~ crutditavr that ii ihr wid mortr;~ior nr m.>rt,:~actrs. his, her or xheir heirs, executors. ac?ntini~l roar; ,+z avign+~ shall pay <br />- i tar cause u- ire paid to the said mr_n.gacc~ or mertgzra^ezs and to his, her z=r their heirs. exrvtor`, admin ur,tars or a_~sigris, the <br />s:en of £II T~3JtTSAt~3 FIBR HNC} TAffiiR`Y-FIYS AND NOJ'100 Ih 31ar.. paral+tc as follawc to-w-it: <br />E PAID" TL} 1ii$ IiAI~ Ili ffieUAL PRINCIPAL PAYYBNTS PLAS IN1'&~ tTlf OGTQBSt 1, i9$0, <br />dGT~ 3, 1981 ACID GC2t}B$8 1, 1982. <br />eritlt interest thertcsn at ~$- per rent per annum. pacahle annual!}, acv~.rdine, ice the tense and effzet of the <br />pramisaary ooze with irzerr•~-t ixxtpans arwchxt n# slid \{ortgagnra, brarittg et r,t date with these ;a,^~.enta, and <br />shalt paF alt taxes. atul an} interest en. nr maturing inxtailmzats of princifal, duz as any priar mvrt;;'.a;;z and a~xomeats <br />ite°ittd apes Said rea3 restate and al3 athrr taxes. Serie: artd ass easments le~turi u;wn tha. rtart;~a;r .,r rhr natte~ which this <br />rses~tgaee if F<ia2n tit sr.-cures, Iwin~ tlz~ ;a;nr }k}-„mr~ dt`anquenx and lerp the hy:sl3inr-s cu :stet preanix> izxcted for the Burn <br />$ tear, of ary. its}-able to >uch >it>z ttwngagez3 ar this surtgagrY.:,r hctti~, when these ;er~'arnts be void, <br />xihes-ess.~se to )az sad mmain in iui! fr=:c~. <br />I'f fS FL'ATHEA AGREED i 1 ~ ?`hat if the said mr>rtgagar shall tail txt pa} such taws and such in=.~ r-st c=r.. ur rnaturirg <br />iastnlttrtert~ of pr•t+~~a: dirt xan anti priar mcngagr sail ptc cit rr sttch insutsnc+z. then diz; im,rtgagee rs±s}~ pay such taxis grid <br />etrrh ratetent an. ar tnaturte in.fallmeat_5 03 principal. due nn such priar ranzLage atr3 pzoeurr uch insu: arxY: sad the sum <br />au advamtsd xrith iaterc_.t at tune per cent wall >k paid br said martgagar, and this martgat,~• >}=ai2 stared as scuurih~ for t.ite <br />same. {2) 3'hrt a failure to pau sac cif saitf mr~y. either prime-ipal or interc~sz ~z rhis =r an}- nt.}n=r = rir•r rw <br />~ HSaar. ahrn the <br />same h~_ ~= due -r a failum tai c~rrnty a,~t, a^y of ihr f::reg~.:ng £•,-trrsc~~.ta. a.,,.r:...u~ t}e x~toie >aua of tn,:ne}• herein <br />socut+ad ie 6re du? nnct rx$irrt~re ai ctxe st ?.'ce ,sptioa a rl:e martgagze. <br />ST l8 Fi i"t7`IfF_R A(YREED That mcrigagee, pending fe=-er-leisure of tksis xnan~g-c- and after decrec> ana pending , <br />stag iitteer~ton or appeal therrf L-vn and periling saiz ~ premises tnartgaged, ma}' pa}' web ta_:~ and tttaiurirte Er mater- <br />ffiR - of pnncipal.. t=n priar awrtgggtb., peen-are sorb tn,-uranre. artd scu-h sums sfual3 tx> add:+i t=, th:> arnnunt due on '. <br />decree stxd r:f.KVa eanfirtnaiiaut of sale Mx tine cxuxrt ordertd fa~en nut etI pretvttils a{ ;al,-, r:r if zti iremlci Burin,. stay, app~esl '.. <br />te' srxt~t ~atmis shall I>e auS.-~*i~ the same a_. Lxtuz~ it vv ere a part of noel: d~rete- <br />Sigoezl t3tiss ~ _'~ Bat of ~,-, . 19 sue`.-~ <br />In presence .d - .'f'~: />' . <br />d~A. QLS~f ~-- mot"? <br />'4'f',t-'S$ t}F_t~~5.5{.~r'~_'~.1~_-~___. -_ .-.-.. iaxxnty~ af..IYi~~ -.._... - ~ -,', <br />e mE,. a natary pxrhlic grmti5ad far sa;d carxMS, penrinally +~ ~ A. Q.j.4~/ AIIU FJAl~tCfs A. 6L. rSB~ ~ ~,, <br />~a ~' '~ ifs ~"' t r+gned ilea furegnit:g instr~_t and aclmo,;ried3zd the c'xecu[ian <br />-tieermf fot. to ~. ~ ~ <br />. €Mi Ci.~URii <br />l9~9et ~ t . s r - , 1B _ <br />~- .._ __._, . _ ..-. _ _. _. i _.. ~,4flst!t~- 7.t'~". _-.~J~' +~'L... .Notary Peeblin. <br />$`1^ATS 4F_.._...__. _~_,_,.,,,__,~~___- Entered as nirmeriral index and filed for ree~onf <br />;~ <br />--. _..._.,._._....._.____...___._-___. J is flte I'tegiater of Deeds (316ce of said County the j . <br />I .., <br />-._:._,.._______.daq eL...`.._.._,__......_._..__,.__._-z 1D..~__., at_._....__.".---.~.o's3t+cf[ aod..._..._.._.....-- ...:ninukea <br />- -_.._...Iv1.. t <br />mt raarded is iir,+elc__ _._,_,,___.__..-......-_-_----.-at pace...._..._..'--.--._......._.____.. <br />---------...----.,_.__.___--_...---...._.__..._ .. ..._..__Reg. of Deeds i~ <br />BY-....___. ..- .... --...Deputy ~. <br />